Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Chu Yi trembles, his face full of disbelief, looks at Tingtian.

"Senior... Do you want to marry An girl?"

No matter which aspect they look at, these two people are totally unworthy. No one even thinks of the two of them together. If Tianzi knows, his stiff expression will definitely be more exciting than himself.

"Why, is there anything wrong?" Ting Tian was indifferent. He seemed to have no regrets about his decision.

Chu Yi shook his head, then nodded, then shook his head.

"But you are totally unworthy."

Ting Tian slowed down, picked up a piece of fish and smiled, "Where do you say it doesn't match?"

"Age, I have lived from Taikoo to the present, and it is the oldest, but I can still live for a long time, which is not a problem at all,"


"When I'm in this class, what kind of appearance do I have? I can always look like a youth, and it won't change." Said, Tingtian's face changed.

Appearing in front of Chu Yi is a handsome young man with peach blossom eyes and a smile on his lips, full of vigor and vitality.

"Identity status? I didn't take this into consideration, nor would I care."

"In terms of strength, I am worried that she will become the pinnacle supreme, and in this world, there are a few people who can become immortals. It is inhumane to make us all become immortal kings.

"As for the emotional experience, although I have lived in endless years, I have never been in love, and I am always self-denying. Even in the ancient times, I have no experience in this area, and naturally I will not disappoint my worries."

At this moment, when Chu Yi heard "heart worry", goose bumps all over the body fell off the ground.

No matter what the other party said, but these two people are the ones that Baganzi can't beat together.

If one day, Ting Tian wants to take peace of mind as a daughter, Chu Yi will feel too exaggerated, but just did not expect the other party to be so thorough... shameless.

Ting Tian apparently had expected Chu Yi’s reaction and said: "Yan Luo Xiaoyou, you are still looking at me with worldly eyes. We are all at the pinnacle of this universe, so why bother about those worldly things and like it? , Not a crime."

Chu Yi scolded in his heart that this man was still arrogant, just as absurd as the big elder suddenly announced that he was getting married one day.

He believed that Yan Emperor and Huang Emperor must have jumped out of the grave that day.

Chu Yi smiled reluctantly: "Senior, love is mutual. With your strength and status, once you are instructed, you can't resist at all with peace of mind and worry, and Tianzi can't stop it if she wants to stop it."

"Why do you let everyone fall into this contradictory and awkward situation."

Chu Yi now finally understands why Ting Tian said that the person must not be able to deal with it, and it is impossible for a ghost to guess Ting Tian.

Even in Chu Yi's eyes, Ting Tian existed as ancient as the elders.

This is no longer a concept that spans an era, but it is not a class of people at all.

"Senior, if you do this, you will definitely chill many people's hearts, especially in the heavenly court. Many people will fall through their glasses, and Anjia can't resist in the face of your authority." Chu Yi persuaded.

Tingtian nodded his head, and he naturally thought of this. He asked: "Yan Luo Xiaoyou, what do you think of my present Tianting?"

"I don't know, Heavenly Court must be very strong, but its strength is secret, and I can't peep out. But from the perspective of the monks sent by Heavenly Court, Heavenly Court is extremely terrifying." Chu Yi replied, but he was always cursing Heavenly Court, This old satyr eats tender grass.

"Tianting is very powerful now, but it can be powerful again. If no one succeeds, or that no one can become an immortal, if I die, then the whole Tianting will fall apart."

"Emperor is strong, but after all, he can't surpass the shackles into immortals unless he is killed by fate."

"But destiny can't be killed. One day, destiny will break through the seal and return to the world. If this day comes, I will bear the brunt of it, and I can only sacrifice. But I don't want heaven to be like this."

"A heaven without a fairy king will be in chaos below, and no one can suppress it."

"The heaven seems to be powerful, but in fact it is all a basin of scattered sand, and I only put the basin of scattered sand, which built the heaven."

"Instead of saying that countless strong creatures have built the heavenly court, it is better to say that I am the heavenly court."

"I must let the heaven be passed down, then only the blood of the family can be settled. This person is not worried, but also other people in the family. You must know that the blood of the family is very special and can effectively suppress the destiny. It has become an immortal. Once combined with the blood of Anjia, the descendants born will have a high probability of breaking through the curse of destiny on this universe."

Although Ting Tian's tone is calm and calm, he has a righteous tone.

"Do you think that I really want to take the moral risk and combine with the little girl of Anjia, I have a bad feeling."

"For the sake of the world, for the sake of life, for the sake of future generations that some people can become immortals and continue to suppress the fate, I also sacrificed my innocence."

Chu Yi was told by him that his bladder was shocked and his hair stood upright.

Why is this man shameless than himself, thicker than his skin, and even more angry than himself.

He finally understood now that his enemies faced his feelings.

It was the feeling that it was clear and sunny, but was thundered by Wulei.

"Senior, I am willing to bear this pain. After all, I am the patriarch of the Yanhuang family. I founded Kendo, and my talent is not low. Let me try it." Chu Yi retorted.

Ting Tian smiled and said: "Little friend, you can listen to some of my words casually, sneer, or disdain. This is not to blame you, but you also know that some words, I don't just talk casually."

"The predecessors at that time used their lives to suppress the destiny, but now, how many years have passed, and the seals will eventually be loosened. Sooner or later, the destiny will run out."

"At that time, only people of my generation will be on top, but what about the next generation?"

"Can you become a fairy king 100%?"

"You can't guarantee, and I can only make the seedling of the fairy king as much as possible." Ting Tian said earnestly.

Chu Yi couldn't tell the difference. Is this true or false?

"Swordman, do you believe in hypocrites?"

Suddenly, a voice sounded, like a wind blowing through, the cold sweat on Chu Yi's back suddenly evaporated, a coolness.

I saw a stone box floating out of Tingtian's sleeve in front of him. The lid opened to reveal the **** brain inside, and an eye opened and closed.


"What is this?" Chu Yi's heart thumped.

"How did you come out?" Tingtian seemed a little dissatisfied, but he didn't take it back.

"I didn't say that, I also want to see the swordman." The stone box fluttered, making the eyes on the brain aimed at Chu Yi.

Chu Yi felt ridiculous, and there are still such creatures under the sky.

"Hey, swordman, you asked me what is it, aren't you always looking for me?"

"I am the brain of destiny, no, strictly speaking, I am the destiny."

"My Yuanying is in this brain, so this statement is also acceptable."

Chu Yi was shocked, his pupils contracted to a point, and then suddenly enlarged.


"You are destiny?!"

He originally thought that Heavenly Court suppresses a part of Destiny's body. Although the brain can also be regarded as a body organ, it can be compared with other bodies. Obviously, this brain is equivalent to Destiny's origin.

And Tingtian, he holds the destiny in his hand.

He couldn't predict this layer at all.

He thought that Heavenly Court succumbed to Heaven's Destiny. Who would have thought that Heavenly Destiny was trapped in a stone box by Heavenly Heaven.

"Haha, isn't it different from what you imagined? You must think that I am very powerful, unmatchedly domineering or insidious, but I didn't expect that I was just a prisoner of the order of the Lord of Heaven, my brain was trapped here, I 'S flesh is sealed in every corner of the universe, do you say that I have such a strong man who lives so hard?"

"What's against the sky and how to change my life, how can I be so sad and urged to become the object of your play, hey..."

Destiny sighed in succession.

"I am very fragile, the swordsman, you can kill me with one sword. As soon as I die, my body will collapse, and I will not be able to live. This universe will restore peace."

Destiny looked at Chu Yi and tempted.

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