My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1392: Controversy

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

Chu Yi did have the impulse to kill destiny, which is undoubtedly the best time.

Destiny's brain is installed in a stone box without any protection. This brain looks so fragile as if it is tofu, and it will shatter when touched lightly.

Even a chopstick in Chu Yi's hand can be pierced.

However, he quickly reacted to something wrong. If Destiny was really so good to kill, then Tingtian would have killed him long ago without leaving such a big scourge.

Chu Yi took a breath. His palms were still shaking, and he took several more breaths before he could barely keep calm.


This enemy they have searched for endless years is right in front of him, and it looks too good to kill.

"Why, swordman, you didn't kill me, it really surprised me." Destiny continued.

"I can't kill you." Chu Yi shook his head.

"How can you both grind so much, I am now incapable of restraining chickens, but the two of you said that they could not kill me, which really annoys me. I want to ask for death, but I can't die."

Destiny fluttered in front of Chu Yi.

"However, you are a sensible man, the sword man, Ting Tian, ​​a hypocrite, no matter what you say in front of you, you never believe him."

"You know, why do I say he is a hypocrite?"

Chu Yi shook his head: "I don't want to know."

"Why?" Destiny asked.

"Because there is only one kind of person who is the safest in the world, that is, the dead. The secret that Tingtian predecessor told me, even making you appear in front of me, is destined that I can't leave Tianting alive."

"The more I know, the faster I die, and the more painful I might be, but this is the case. I am a dying person anyway. I might as well die peacefully." Chu Yi renewed the wooden table. Get it right, and then go for a bowl of fish soup.

"I won't kill you, but you can't live without heaven." Tingtian said.

"I still don't want to know, there must be some truths that will make me very entangled." Chu Yi sighed, "It's not as good as I rubbed here every day to eat and drink, simple and comfortable, even if one day, the fate of the body broke through the seal, I can still Help yourself at the expense of yourself."

"Hey, Swordsman, you are much more sincere than Tingtian, an old fellow." Destiny laughed. "But there are some things that you don't want to know, so I want to say more."

"I said this guy is hypocritical because of his mouthful of benevolence and morality. In the future, he betrayed Yan Huang Dayi Ling Ran, and he sealed me, also Dayi Ling Ran?"

"Wrong, he just wanted to absorb my energy and use my hands to become a fairy king."

"He used the blood of his family to suppress my arm in heaven, but he just wanted to transplant that arm to his body."

"Of course, he found this to be impossible, but he had a bolder experiment."

"Why do you think he wanted to marry Anjia's little girl? Not to marry a heir, but to give birth to himself." Destiny's eyes are terrible.

Chu Yi looked at Tingtian, but found that the latter didn't matter at all.

"Birth yourself?"

"Yes, he was born, he has a method, he can combine with a woman, make the woman pregnant, and she is pregnant, and she has become her own son. Is this very abnormal, and only hypocrites can come up with such a perverted method? ."

"Once this is the case, the original Tingtian will disappear, and the child born from the Anjia little girl is the new Tingtian, a Tingtian with the blood of Anjia."

"He's going to use the blood of Anjia to integrate my body."

Chu Yi's breathing was much shorter, if all the words of the destiny are true, then this court is really abnormal to the extreme.

And it is omnipotent.

"All the predecessors said before are really hypocritical. Destiny said that you are a hypocrite, which is true." Chu Yi accused.

Ting Tian laughed, not thinking: "You are wrong, the process is not important, the result is important, everything I do is just for the peace of the universe."

The goose bumps on Chu Yi's arm never went down. The sea breeze here seems to be no longer elegant, with a **** taste.

"Senior, Tianzi should have told you mysterious things in the dark."

Ting Tian nodded: "I didn't expect that Ji Dao Xian was still alive, and mysterious machine was established. I didn't expect that mysterious machine was still a virus."

"Ji Dao Xian, is more terrible than me, isn't he raising his offspring, just to treat himself as a flesh? He studies the mysterious virus, wipes out all the creatures of the universe, leaving only their mysterious people, and then restarts the universe, better than me Also selfish."

Chu Yi sighed: "Ji Dao immortal horror, but seniors do not seem to be qualified to say him."

"Fate is terrible, but I now find that you are more terrible than fate. For the purpose of fate, Ji Dao Xian can do such a heart-wrenching thing, and the predecessors are even crazier."

"Seniors do not want to destroy destiny, but to become destiny themselves."


A group of strong players at the level of fairy kings are all lunatics, so few are normal.

The elders avoid the world.

Ji Dao Xian attempts to destroy the entire universe.

Tingtian wants to be his own destiny.

"Hey, swordman, do you think that now, or I am more friendly." Destiny said.

Ting Tian started to clean up the tableware.

"Little friend, why bother to be angry, in fact, our starting point is the same, which is to eliminate the existence of destiny as much as possible."

"We all believe that destiny is indelible. The more we struggle, the faster we die ourselves. This has been proven many times in history."

"The age of gods and demons is so terrible, it's gone."

"The Yan and Huang tribes are so powerful, but they are still not half-life opponents."

"Yellow Emperor is brilliant, but where is he now? It's just yellow loess."

"Only destiny, only this guy is alive."

"Since we can't destroy him, we can only make him disappear and make him no longer appear."

"There is nothing right or wrong, you don't have to blame me, it's just a dispute of ideas."

Ting Tian looked at Chu Yi, his eyes staring: "You know, because of your appearance, it has ruined how many plans I have, you merged the basic swordsmanship, you leaked the spirit, and you let that part of the force of resistance in the universe resurrect. "

"The stronger you are, the stronger your destiny. I have spent my energy in order to prevent the immortal world from being strong, and all of you have been destroyed."

"You are the sinner!"

"Nowadays, seals are looming everywhere. There are not so many fairy king levels in this world."

"If we don't walk away with the sword and wait for us, the chaos will be destroyed again."

"You said, can I not worry?"

"Of course you are anxious because you are afraid that the swordsman will merge all the basic sword moves and lead directly to the center of this universe, and then control the universe. At that time, if you are a fairy king, it is only his men."

"Of course, this is also where I am anxious."

Destiny suddenly said.

"It's really terrifying. With you behind in the wind and waves, it's no wonder that this universe is not peaceful." Chu Yi said with emotion.

"If you let the world know your face, don't say fairyland, even the heavenly court, most people have to betray it."

"No one can know." Tingtian is still mild, like the sunshine in winter.

"It seems that I really can't leave, you even told me so many secrets." Chu Yi spread his hands.

"This is natural, but my heavenly family has a great cause and a vast territory. It will not make Yan Luo Xiaoyou feel lonely. There are many masters. Yan Luo Xiaoyou can ask for advice at any time."

Chu Yi looked to the distance and asked, "This is the place where the God Demon Road was held."

Ting Tian gave a slight meal and did not deny: "It is indeed."

"That's really a treasure place with endless opportunities." Chu Yi smiled. "However, Senior, is this destiny really difficult to kill?"

"Or, I can understand that as long as Destiny's brain is killed and Destiny is freed, his brain will appear on other bodies. If you trap his brain, it is equivalent to controlling Destiny's destiny."

The breath of destiny changed.

Tingtian praised and said: "It is worthy of being the swordman and really smart, so I don't want to kill him for the time being."

Tingtian didn't seem to want to continue on this topic, and transferred: "Yan Luo Xiaoyou, I said, as long as you stay, I can teach you everything, and you can ask me now."

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