My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1393: a bolt from the blue

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

Chu Yi thought about it and said, "Since I want to stay here for a long time, then I'm welcome."

"Senior, this is the demon dojo, can there be inheritance of demon?"

"No." Tingtian shook his head and glanced at his destiny. "You have to ask him, then the gods and demons disappeared. It was life or death. They didn't know anything about it. They were all ghosts of this guy."

Destiny laughed and said nothing, and he didn't even tell Tingtian some words.

"It turned out to be so." Chu Yi secretly regretted, and then asked, "I don't know how much my predecessors know about the swordsman."

"I can talk about it." Tingtian started to make tea, and the fragrance of the tea curled up. When she smelled it, there was a kind of sweetness.

"You should know that there are many universes in this world, definitely more than ours. Although we cannot leave through the void and go to another universe because of the terrible void, but according to the deduction master, the periphery of the endless void is still There are other universes."

"Every piece of universe seems to have a lot of Taoism, but the first Taoism that was born is different."

"Some universes may be born with painting paths, some universes may be born with sword paths, and our universe, from the present point of view, should be born with sword paths."

"However, there is more than one way to control the universe."

"Or, go to the extreme in cultivation, the fairy king, above the fairy king is the fairy master, and above it, the fairy emperor, once he becomes the fairy emperor, he can control the universe."

"Another aspect is fusion. The fusion of the first Dao law born in this universe is Kendo in our universe."

"One is the state, the other is cultivation, and both ways can master the universe."

"It is only the fusion of the realm that will be called the swordsman. Once the swordsman succeeds, no matter how high or low his cultivation is, even the fairy king and the fairy master will not be his opponents. This is also a special swordsman. Place."

"Therefore, my destiny and me will stop you everywhere."

"It turns out so." Chu Yi understood a lot.

"Of course, if you don't go to the last step, I won't kill you, kill you, maybe this luck will fall on others, and it will be more troublesome for me to find it," Ting Tiandao said.

Chu Yi took a sip of tea and exhaled: "Since that's the case, I'm relieved that I won't be at the last step, or if I don't exceed the Supreme, I won't be in danger for the moment."


"Okay, I don't have too many problems, I just want to talk to my predecessors."

"Even if I fight against you with fellow initiates, the realm still exceeds you too much."


Chu Yi blew the tea lightly, the tea fragrance was like clouds and mist, and was lingering away.

Ting Tian smiled, and a few drops of tea splashed out.


The two collided with each other, and the sword lights were entwined with each other. They had been vacant, rising to the top of the cloud, and finally hit the sea like a meteor.

That attack attacked the entire sea of ​​water and formed a vortex that was 10,000 meters deep.

"Seniors also cultivate swordsmanship?" Chu Yi was surprised.

"I have seen your kendo, but the sword technique is different from yours, and the sword heart is also different from you. Ten thousand people practice kendo, there are 10,000 kinds of heart swords. Although you are the originator of kendo, you must be careful, my Kendo is comprehended in the realm of the fairy king."

Tingtian's sleeves were automatic without wind, and the crackling sound exploded.

"Sound like a sword!?"

Chu Yi frowned, a little surprised.

The palm of his hand patted gently on the wooden table, and the weeds behind him suddenly began to grow wildly.

Weeds were cut through the void, and numerous cracks were cut, and finally they collided with unexpected sounds.

"it is good!"

"It's worthy of being the first person in Kendo." Tingtian praised him, he was awesome, and countless dragons suddenly sprayed out. These dragons resembled real dragons, constantly moving, and each scale has ancient traces on it. .

Chu Yi swung his body and immediately exhibited the dragon and phoenix. The island was suddenly flooded with dragons and phoenixes.

This is the practice of the real dragon and the phoenix. What a horror, the coercion is full of everything. The sea-like fierce beasts in the surrounding sea, all with their belly up, are stunned to death, and some are more powerful. .

"Yes, you actually have this practice, it seems to be a true biography, but you are not at home, I will show you what is a real dragon and a real phoenix."

Tingtian's fingers flicked, and dragons and phoenixes kept emerging.

Chu Yi's heart shook, it is indeed a devil's dojo here, and some of the heritage that he wanted to be in the past was all learned by the court.

However, he kept his eyes closed, looking straight at each other's dragons and phoenixes, enlightening, learning, and blending in with his own body.

"this is……"

In Tian Tian, ​​An Xinyou and Tian Zi looked far away, their faces changed greatly.

"Sovereign shot!?"

"No, it should be just for fun. With the strength of the Sect Master, you don't need to get such a big movement at all. I'm afraid it's just a discussion." Tianzi calmly said.

"You can rest assured that the suzerain is still accurate in the general direction. Although the magistrate was called out this time, I am afraid that all decisions are still with the suzerain. From the perspective of the suzerain and Yan Luo Supreme, the suzerain will not kill Yan Luo Supreme. Instead, he is helping him and guiding him."

"What state is the Sect Master, maybe this is a good thing." An Xin nodded in anxiety.

"If Supreme Master Yan Luo can understand the good intentions of my heavenly court, then he will not be an enemy with me."

The emperor sent peace of mind back to an island, and dozens of people quickly came out to greet him.

"Patriarch An, hard work." Tianzi respected, the people of An's family sacrificed generation after generation in order to suppress this monster.

The Patriarch An looked at the two of them with a smile, very satisfied.

"I heard that the patriarch chose a good son-in-law for my worries. I think about it. The whole heaven is comparable to my granddaughter, and the age difference is no more than 10,000 years old, so there is only the emperor."

"Emperor, you and I have to be a family, so don't be so polite."

The emperor had a meal, but his heart was filled with joy. He secretly looked at the peace of anxiety beside him, but he saw that the other party was a little indifferent.

"Ah? Bunny doesn't agree to marry the emperor. Master, haven't you been attacked by the Supreme Lord Yan?" Tutu shouted loudly.

Anxinyou quickly sealed its mouth.

Tian Zi frowned, and gave out a bit of murderous intent.

"All of you are here." Suddenly, at this moment, a colorful car floated in the sky, very luxurious, decorated with jade beads, and extremely festive.

From the car, a middle-aged glamorous woman in a red robe walked out.

"Red Dao!"

Everyone saluted.

The Red Daoist is the matchmaker of the heavenly court and the matchmaker. Generally, there are major weddings, and it is up to her to come through the process.

Her strength is not strong, but her status is very high, but Tingtian specially promoted it.

Some important forces in Tianting, especially some talented children, cannot marry at will and need to be reviewed by the Red Daoists.

This is also to ensure that a stronger next generation is born and that the genes of genius are not wasted.

Although Tianzi was expressionless, he sweated in his palm.

Anxinyou didn't know what to think, but just kept silent.

"Emperor, Patriarch An, Miss An." The Red Daoist is very beautiful and smiling.

"The Red Dao people are to kiss." An patriarch An smiled.

"This is natural, I appear, that is a happy event, and it is a great happy event."

"Miss Ann, I really congratulate you. I am here to say a kiss to the suzerain. The suzerain wants to marry Miss An."


There was an instant silence around.

Tianzi only felt that Wulei thundered, and his lips quickly turned pale and dry.

Is Zong married to peace of mind?

How can this be?

"Did you make a mistake?" said Patriarch An pulling his lips.

"It's impossible to make a mistake. This is what the Sect Master told me personally. The Sect Master looked at Miss An and grew up, so naturally he wouldn't talk nonsense about this kind of thing."

"This is the suzerain, the presence of a fairy king level, it is really a blessing to set up a family."

After the Red Daoist finished speaking, he left happily.

On the whole island, the hearts of a dozen people seemed to fall into the ice cellar.

They never thought it would be such a result.

In peace of mind, the Lord of Heaven is high above the earth, and she is highly respected. She has always been the person she worships. She even argued with Chu Yi for this.

But now, that person, as if suddenly dirty, became like a demon.

"I'm going to find the suzerain!" Tianzi turned and left.

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