My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1394: Silver lining

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

On the islands, dragons and phoenixes dance, and the trees are pressed down, even the wind blowing through them, with extremely huge pressure.

A giant dragon entangled the phoenix, and it just took off, with a terrifying momentum.

In the end, the two stood finger-to-finger, and the court stayed in place. Chu Yi stepped back with a few steps, and then slammed on the ground with a foot, before standing still.

"It is indeed a fairy king. I think fellow initiates are invincible, but there is no way to face the fairy king."

"There is so much difference between the realms. Even if the realm of the other party is suppressed, it may even fight me."

What is a fairy?

Beyond the mortal body, life entered another dimension, a fairy river across the domain.

Immortal king and supreme are two levels of beings.

They stood on both sides of the river bank, a fairy river, separating the two.

Of course, it is already extremely difficult to step out of a fairy river. In the realm of the fairy king, every step of a fairy river is equivalent to a leap in the level of life.

"Teached." Chu Yi arched his hands, the other party's understanding of the true dragon and phoenix exercises was too deep, and Chu Yi and his counter-attacks gradually improved his own exercises.

"It's a terrible perception, no wonder it can take the path of integration."

Ting Tian sighed, he knew how strong the opponent's perception was, but only a few tricks to crack his method and integrate it into his own method to perfect it.

Such a talent, if there is no restriction on the road, I am afraid that it will have skyrocketed.

And he himself, although his talent is okay, but as Destiny said, without Destiny's help, he will never be able to become immortal, and his achievements, that is, the Supreme Supreme.

Therefore, the genius of the court wants to be reborn, and uses the special blood of his family to purify his own body.

Otherwise, in this life, he can only stay at this point.

He estimated that Destiny can only help him get here, and the way forward, only he can walk.

"Every swordsman's perception is extremely terrifying." Destiny laughed and appreciated it very much. "Boy, you will stay here in the future and wait until the pinnacle of supremacy. I will teach you some skills. We will join forces. How about killing Tingtian directly?"

Chu Yi sincerely said: "Fate, you are different from me, and the direction is different. Senior Tingtian is at least the same as my starting point. Why should I listen to you?"

"Ruzi can be taught." Tingtian laughed, relieved in his heart. Such a person, fortunately, was cut into the Heavenly Court in advance. Otherwise, letting it grow is definitely the greatest danger, much more dangerous than the elders.

"Huh? Someone's coming." Destiny, and then the stone box closed and fell aside.

In the distance, the emperor's expression is very serious, like a repressed volcano.

He stepped over step by step, and in front of Ting Tian, ​​Chu Yi saw the emotion of Tian Zi for the first time, and it was the real emotion, and his eyes were like fire.

Tian Zi clenched his fists, and the back of his hand was full of green muscles, like a fury wolf.

"What are you doing here?" Tingtian was calm, as if nothing had happened.

"Sovereign, why do you do this?"

Ting Tian sighed, glanced at Chu Yi, and said with a smile: "Look, I said, once this news is announced, many people will be dissatisfied, and the worldly people will always measure this day by their own height. Height, this is the discrepancy of the state, so I will not blame them."

He looked at Tianzi again, "You go back, I will not blame you for questioning me, although I did the right thing, and you are wrong."

"You are too young, and for a Supreme, too little experience, far less than Supreme Yan Luo."


"Tianzi!" Chu Yi interrupted Tianzi's words and looked directly at each other. "I came here today to raise my relatives with Tingtian and want to marry An, but it's a pity that if you are interested in An, the order is in order. And it still has to be ranked third. You have to confront your predecessors, at least to pass me."

"I wanted to fight you a long time ago. Whoever is better is now an opportunity."

Chu Yi took one step and couldn't help but say it directly.

His palms turned into dragon claws, and the scales of the dragons shone brilliantly, exuding endless coercion.

The emperor subconsciously raised his hand to resist, and the whole person was struck out of the island and fell onto the sea.


A horrible column of water ran straight into the sky.


"What do you want you to, let me crush your demeanor's demeanor, when you came to my fairyland, peerless, shocked everyone, and now I naturally want to get this face back."

Chu Yi swayed a dragon, spanning a hundred feet, and the huge dragon Wei seemed to crush the sky.

"Yan Luo Supreme!" In the heart of Tianzi, the suppressed anger suddenly erupted, his eyes crimson, he lifted with one hand, the sky seemed to be lifted upwards, and with one hand he caught Chu Yi's dragon tail.

Horrible energy escapes.

In the distance, An Xinyou and An Zang's complexion face came anxiously, but when Chu Yi saw the shot, An Xinyou calmed down instead.

"It's almost going to happen." Anxian was relieved.

The head of the An patriarch nodded and said: "Despite the precious status, the emperor is no better than the patriarch. The patriarch is the first person or the person of the Immortal Dao. Such existence, no matter how easy-going, can not be questioned by others at will."

"Once the emperor is impulsive, the relationship with the suzerain may be irreversible from now on, and even reach a point where it is difficult to reconcile."

"This person is Supreme Master Yan Luo. He shot to block the emperor and found a vent for the anger of the emperor. It is not as arrogant as the rumors."

Anxian nodded and said, "I can't see through him, like a fan."

"However, this time the matter of the suzerain really made me wait."

"The Sovereign is definitely not as simple as marrying me. If I say the Supreme Realm, I can still be fascinated by my appearance. But in the Realm of the Immortal King, I don't think it will be because of appearance."

"As for emotions, there is no more. I have only met the Sect Master several times since I was born, and I have never had more than three opportunities to speak alone."

Instead, Anxie calmed down.

"Then, there is only one reason, the suzerain is looking at my blood."

Patriarch An sighed: "I settled down, and I was a native of this continent. Before Heaven entered the court, I lived here for generations to suppress the monster."

"On the ancestors, it can be traced back to the age of the gods and demons. The ancestors are even the enlighteners of the gods and demons.

"In the Taikoo years, we had to become a man in heaven."

"Worried, do you feel strange."


Chief An said: "Since the record, the population of my family has been maintained at tens of thousands. Although there are not many, there are definitely a lot of them, enough for us to reproduce."

"But since the suzerain came, the monster became more and more riotous, and more and more people died in our family, resulting in only a dozen people remaining."

"Although the Sovereign will come to help every time, but after every help, I will secretly check the seal, it seems that the seal is more unstable."

Anxin worried and creeped: "Patriarch, what does this mean?"

Chief An said directly: "A worst case is just my thoughts. Maybe the Sect Master doesn’t want to suppress this monster at all. Instead, he settles us down and uses it as a feed for monsters. Want to get the blood of my home."

"The more blood that I set up in my family hoards in the monster body, if he has the blood line of my set up, maybe he can directly integrate the monster."

Reassuring and worrying, the turbulent sea waves rolled up.

The patriarch's words were terrifying.

If it is true, then they settled down, in the eyes of the patriarch, it was just food.

"What can we do?"

The old patriarch shook his head: "The patriarch is too powerful, there is no way at all, we can't resist, and the entire heaven has nominally many forces, fighting openly, but as far as I know, they all obey the patriarch."

"Here, it is the Sovereign who has the final say."


Suddenly, the whole world was very dim, and he looked up with peace of mind and anxiety, and saw a sharp sword light, traversing the sky, struggling in the dark, illuminating a small world.


"Yes, Supreme Master Yan, maybe we can get a little bit out of Supreme Master Yan. We have a little hope." Anxian felt more and more calm. She found that she didn't seem to be surprised at the change of the suzerain.

Maybe she believed Chu Yi's words very early, just to deceive herself.

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