My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1400: Can't crack

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

The Yanhuang Realm, the residence of the gods and demons, is lively.

Snow flakes, but a group of old monsters are not idle either, old black bird and dark flame demon and other people nibbling melon seeds, watching Kun and fish king fighting there.

A mess on the ground, all of which are melon peel shells, this group of old guys have no image at all.

Cang Qiu Zhizun angered: "You have lived for so long, and you have to pay attention to others on the site."

"Old Cang Qiu, we have lived so long, so we have to be free."

Lao Xuanniao is definitely a big hooligan. He shares the smell of sword worms and other people. He tilts Erlang's legs and hangs Erlang. "Don't hold your shelf, come and have fun with us."

"Well? The leader is here."

Chu Yi appeared, but this group of people had calmed down a little bit, and all put down the things in their hands.

"Cang Qiu Supreme...I'm only here now if something happens. I'm neglected, everyone." Chu Yi arched his hand.

"No hindrance." Cang Qiu Zhizun's face was awe-inspiring. This time, the Dragon Clan Supreme didn't come, and a group of Supremes still needed to be in the Devil City.

"Hearing that you have made a big breakthrough in the sky?" Chu Yi said excitedly.

"Teacher, this is my credit." The old black bird smiled.

"Bah! Don't take all the credit, you old rogue." A few chaotic creatures were dissatisfied.

The old man who beats the iron waved his hammer and smiled, "This second level of curse has been cracked by us. The first level of curse is just the simplest curse. A pinnacle supreme can be cracked if he spends his whole life. "

"But this second curse seems to be a curse, but in fact we have all been deceived, but it is a magic weapon."

"Magic magic weapon?" Chu Yi took a look at the scroll and immediately frowned.

"It is illusion because it is built on the basis of illusion, and it is because the magical means is the means of creating magical means."

"Fate, through illusion, put a lock on everyone's path to the sky. To decipher it, the means of illusion and forging must be unlocked at the same time."

"We didn't find a direction before, so it was very difficult, but after being reminded by Jianye, we found something, and it will naturally take a lot faster to crack."

Cang Qiu Zhizun said: "But this is not the key. The first one can be solved, the second one can be solved, but as long as the third one cannot be solved, then it is useless to us."

"The third way, it can't be solved!"

"What does it mean to be unsolvable?" Chu Yi looked at everyone but saw everyone shaking his head.

Lao Xuanniao sighed and said, "Teacher, this third curse is too difficult. Don't explain it. We can't even read it. We don't have any direction at all. We have read all the information, but even There is no clue, it is useless to invite Lord Ye to come over."

Swordworm nodded: "This is beyond my knowledge. If this universe has been developing on the curse for another billions of years, it may be able to reach this level."

"Such an exaggeration? Even you can't see the clue?" Chu Yi was a little unbelievable, the sword worm knowledge was broad, from the mysterious Universiade, but there was no way.

"Fate is too strong on the curse, I really can't help it."

The Swordworm sighed, "So I suggest not to spend any effort on it. Unless you get the curse algorithm, there is no hope at all. Instead of thinking about how to lift the curse, you can kill the destiny directly."

Chu Yi's heart moved. This is an unsolvable problem. Destiny easily blocked everyone's path to becoming an immortal. This is a huge blow to their morale.

He decided not to stalemate on this topic.

"Cang Qiu Zhizun, although I am the **** and demon leader, but I still don't know many things, can you tell me now, why the **** and demon religion has the assurance to deal with the fairy king?"

Cang Qiu Zhizun smiled, and Lao Xuan Bird, Yu Wang and others also laughed.

"Master, we don't have it." Cun Qiu Zhizheng said rightfully.

"No?" Chu Yi looked weird.

"We don't have it, it doesn't mean the heaven doesn't."

Chu Yi pondered and suddenly realized: "The location of the Heavenly Court is the God and Demon Dojo, and our God and Demon Religion is to kill Tingtian through the God and Demon Dojo."

Cang Qiu Zhizun nodded: "The leader is clever, Ting Tian thinks that he has inherited a lot of heritage in the **** and demon doctrine. There is a place where luck is concentrated, but it is negligent. My **** and demon religion originally came from the **** and demon dojo. It is the God Demon Ancestor, the abyss where the old black bird is, but in fact it is the key to unlock some of the power in the God Demon Dojo."

"There is the energy of the **** and demon ancestor. Once it is turned on, it is enough to kill the court."

Chu Yi was frightened, and the gods and demons were quietly planning, and it was only at this moment that he revealed his final cards.

Tingtian thought he was in control of the heavenly court, but did not expect that the place where their heavenly court is located was the most dangerous.

"The gods and demons are responsible for killing Tingtian, and the star cannons kill the pinnacle of supreme supremacy. The heaven is like a piece of paper, and it will always be pierced." Chu Yi was a hundred times confident.

Today's court is like sitting on an explosives storehouse. If you smoke again, you will go directly to heaven.

The only thing worrying Chu Yi is destiny.

This time, he didn't want to swallow the destiny in, but if Ting Tian was angry, at the final point, he might be crazy and do some terrible things.

But this is not what he can stop.

After understanding with the gods and demons, Chu Yi glanced at the time and immediately went to retreat.

Before the war comes, he must constantly improve his strength.

"One year, I was too nervous. At most, I raised Xiuwei to Si Yao Supreme."

"Even if you use the power of many supremes, use the power of time, and add various treasures, I'm afraid you can't reach the high-level supreme."

The high-level supreme is a watershed. Chu Yi's strength will also make a great leap after the high-level supreme.

Unfortunately, no matter how, in such a short period of time, it is impossible to promote cultivation to the highest order.

In this case, it can only promote the Fa, or Kendo realm.

Time, day by day, the whole fairyland looks very calm, and occasional conflicts also come from the Pantheon and the Demon Realm.


In the secret room, Chu Yi retired for more than half a year.

His Sunshade Eucharist seemed to be echoing somewhere.

"This is... dead fat man is coming alive?"

"It really succeeded him to get back to life!"

Chu Yi stood up sharply, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Zhu Bajie, the dark flame demon, to pick up the fat man."


The island is huge and misty. This is a dragon corpse. Although it makes everyone jealous, at this moment, no one dares to enter, because this island seems to be fairy-like, and there are dragons coming out at any time.

When Chu Yi was busy, the chaotic creatures on earth once came here deliberately to help the dragons solve the monsters in the coffin.

The Dragon people are proud to be separated from the original world, but they do not want to leave. They have always lived on the islands transformed by their ancestors. In recent years, they have lived happily.


Suddenly, in the Dragon Valley, under a tomb, the coffin plate made a collision, and then, a fruit placed on the head of the tomb fell into the earth, where it was bright and radiant.

The old dragon came and heard a look of joy.

"The Moon Shadow Eucharist is really extraordinary. With the help of Yuehua's rebirth, it really makes me envious."

"Taiyin Star has always been the most overcast thing. People in this system are too easy to resurrect."

Soon, the chubby laughter of the fat man came from the coffin board.

"Hahaha, God, I'm finally resurrected. I count the time. My family's secret method should take ten million years to be resurrected, and the body is condensed. I am afraid that it has gone through hundreds of millions of years."

"Mr. Chu definitely thinks that I'm finished, but I don't know, my **** can't even accept the king."

"Without the years of the pig and the Chu boy, my God will be invincible. They should die, or be old and drooping."

"It's unfortunate, if he dies, God will avenge you, and I will live a lifetime again, and my talent will be extremely powerful. After all, I walked in the Yincaodi Mansion, full of anger."

He punched out, smashed the coffin, and blasted away the grave. A ray of sunlight shone through his face through the mist.

However, he looked forward, suddenly stunned, startled, and sat on the ground, pulling back and forth with his hands, and the whole person went backwards.

"Mother, why are you still not dead, and still so young!"

He saw Chu Yi and others sitting on his grave and singing songs to wine.

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