My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1401: Star Cannon Finalized

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"Fat, have you finally come alive?" Chu Yi took a sip of wine.

Pig Bajie's eyes were bright, and he shouted in bad faith.

"Impossible! This has passed hundreds of millions of years. Destiny should explode. You have not been wiped out by the heavenly court. If you are not immortal, you will also be aging. Billions of years have passed. Even if the peak is supreme, you will also age. You can't stand the wind and frost, but you are still alive and well." The fat man couldn't believe it.

The dark flame demon laughed and said: "This is of course that we became immortals, destroyed the heaven, destroyed the destiny, and finally became the fairy king, and became invincible."

"And you, my brother, spend their lives in the desolation in the tomb, life after life, not coming out, almost we will give you up."

"Fortunately, you are finally alive, you have a secret method, you can pass the sky, and escape the death sickle. We are really gratified. Although you are weak now, we will not look down on you."

Fatty dumbfounded, these people have become immortals.

Finally, when he saw the old dragon not far away, he suddenly understood that he was being played by these three men.

"Go to your uncle, dare to play me, and it's definitely not long before now. Here is Longgu, which has advanced my resurrection, and then borrowed something to consolidate the body."

"I bother!"

"You can become immortals. Didn't I want to become immortals on that day?"

"It's not interesting anymore. I lay quietly in the tomb, and you even jumped and drank on my grave."

The fat man grabbed a bottle of wine, and grunted and drank, his face flushed.

"What time is it?"

Chu Yi told the fat man something.

Suddenly, the fat man ran out in pain, kneeling and wailing: "Isn't there any reason, you kind of earth turtle, without any romantic genes, ugly, rogue people, already have two wives."

"And God, I am so handsome, so handsome, I don't even have a wife."

"Do not!!"

The fat man sighed in the sky and wished to push Chu Yi up and beat him. Isn't this a deliberate blow to him?

"Fat man, don't worry, with your appearance, as long as you work hard, you will be able to find it before you die." Chu Yi teased.

"I'm not alive, let me die, how can it be in a world without a daughter-in-law."

"Lian Tingtian's old monster is about to marry his wife, and I am still single, like duckweed, wandering alone in this world."

Chu Yi was quarreled with a headache: "The Yan and Huang clan, there are disciples of girls, all are beautiful women, they are all on the earth now, help me, I can introduce you."

"Beauty!" The fat man looked right. "Brother Chu, you are too much. How can I introduce the beauty to me. I will use my charm to conquer the beauty."

Pig Bajie jumped up and kicked the fat man directly.


Chu Yi took the fat man and invited the old dragon to return to the earth together.

The old dragon thought about it and brought a group of young dragons to it.

To fight with Heavenly Court, Chu Yi will inevitably need strong power, and the old dragon will not stand idly by.


"The earth turned out to be like this. In the years when I died, I didn't expect so much time to happen."

The fat man walked around the earth and went back to Chu Yi's residence in Yanhuang Realm.

"Brother Chu, your Sunshade Eucharist, how far is it?"

"The fifth floor."

The fat man rarely said seriously: "Although I died for a while, the Moon Shadow Eucharist is very special, but when I die, it is easier to practice."

"So I am also on the fifth floor."

"I have watched the Star Cannon. In theory, it is completely feasible. If we can practice it completely, we can finally use the power of Sun Star and Lunar Star."

"This is the power of destiny!"

Chu Yi nodded, and the resurrection of the fat man, for them, undoubtedly added a layer of protection.

At this time, the sword worm just passed by, riding a fierce beast tiger, majestic.

"Is the sun shadow body and moon shadow body? I didn't expect to be born. Chu boy, dead fat man. You really don't think about combining. Is there a sun moon body? I have many means...hey..."

The sword worms laughed for the last two times, Chu Yi and the fat man creeping.


The two spoke in unison.

"Brother Chu, time is running out, let's hurry up and practice!" The fat man said with pleasure immediately.

Chu Yi's head is as big as a fight, and he really wants to bury the fat man in the soil again.

In the end, the two were quiet, sitting on a mountain forest.

On the fat man, Yuehua emerged, round and round moons, full moons, and residual moons, crystal clear, so that he was a little handsome.

And Chu Yi, his body is extremely hot, born in the sun, accompanied by various flames.

Soon, the two energies blended with each other, forming an unstable mass of energy in the center of the two.

"Like Star Cannon!" Chu Yi stunned.

The star cannon is a combination of two stars with opposite properties, and then there will be energy in the center.

The same is true for him and the fat man.

"I'm afraid that the so-called star cannon and the mystery of the Sun and Moon Eucharist are all related. I don't know who borrowed from whom, but only act on different objects."


The two dissipated their energy, and some panting, especially the fat man, had not yet entered the Supreme, even more so.

"Fat man, don't show up first, you can't be determined by destiny that you are still alive, and enter the supreme realm as soon as possible."

"And, we must refine the Eucharist as soon as possible."

In the following months, Chu Yi did not relax and tried to improve his status.

"Sword Reincarnation-Animal Path!"

"It's too scary. The more you change, the more you feel incomparable. However, this is only one, six reincarnations, and five more. I'm afraid it is in the real Universiade."

Chu Yi turned into an elk. Kendo is the origin of this universe. Sword reincarnation is entirely for the sake of kendo.

He exerted it over and over again, enlightened over and over again, his eyes deeper and deeper, his sword spirit gathered and his introverted.

At the end, there are eighteen changes and you have to master everything.

It is said to be eighteen fierce beasts, but it represents the eighteen directions of Kendo, giving Chu Yi endless inspiration.

"But it takes a lot of time to use it skillfully."

"And my basic swordsmanship has become deeper and deeper. Perhaps after a war, I may be able to break through again and integrate the eight styles."

He dare not imagine.

According to Chu Yi's current state of Kendo, according to what the sword worm said, he completely reached the peak of Kendo, and he will break through again, which may be comparable to Mingzhe.

This is the realm.

Cultivation is a road, so is the realm.

It's just that the realm needs too high and too high perception, so it's more difficult to walk than to cultivate.

Chu Yi's sword has reached a pervasive stage. He moves it with his hand, which is the sword intention.

The development and changes of the world's kendo will all be derived from him.

What's more, in these years and months, as the ancestor of Kendo, his statues have spread all over the universe for worship.

Chu Yi does not plunder the power of all beings, but he is still affected, his body becomes more radiant, and his cultivation practice is also rapidly improving.

"My realm is completely enough to cope with the cultivation of the explosion in a short period of time, maybe you can consider using external force to directly intervene in cultivation."

He was very careful, and after inquiring about sword worms and Qingdi, he decided to take some genius Dibao.

Chu Yi's goal is to impact the realm of the fairy king. He doesn't want to leave any defects in his body.

On this day, the flower of Kendo in the house was blooming, and the breath of terror was filled, and the sword light became brighter, like white feathers falling from the sky.

"Why is this guy so perverted, how long has it been since, and rushed directly to the Liu Yao Supreme?" Tianying Supreme was envious.

Qing Emperor smiled and said: "This is his time. Humans, descendants of Yan and Huang, and the ancestors of Kendo were worshiped by the entire universe of sword repair. His cultivation progress was slow, but I felt that there was a problem."


At this moment, a huge roar came from the void, and a dazzling light shining more than Chu Yi's breakthrough shone nine days and ten places.


"The Star Cannon is finally complete and ready to start!"

Xia Houcheng and others ran out of the void, disgraced.

"I'll take a look..." Chu Yi didn't know when he came to the crowd and looked at the void.

I saw that the Void slowly rose, and the terrifying energy directly smashed the Void in the next second, and then two stars full of metal and mechanical texture appeared suddenly.

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