Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

"He is no longer good, he doesn't have to fight with him, he just needs to consume."

A monk said that his hands are folded and his eyes are like gold casting, which is awesome.

In the Shenmo City, there is a quiet, it seems that even if Chu Yi died, they would not shoot.

"Shen Monk, you can save him." Xuan Yin laughed. He was very afraid of Chu Yi. He didn't dare to shoot himself. The strength of the opponent and the madness of the opponent far exceeded his expectations. If the person is not dead, Then in his heart, he was planted forever and it was difficult to eradicate.

The identity of the monk is unknown. Some of the powerful monks in the heavenly court are all mysterious, but if you dig a little deeper, you can find that it is not easy to come one by one.

The monk murmured, among the golden eyes, a stone nail burst out, and nine huge stone nails hovered over Chu Yi, which was suppression and seal.

"I think that this person's body is of research value, so stay here, maybe the suzerain will dare to be interested."


He started, the nine stone nails spun wildly, the mysterious pattern above it was hotter than the sun, and the endless seal symbols accompanied the stone nails.

"Is it really okay?" Dark Flame Demon worried.

The sword worm waved his hand: "If it is so easy to die, it will not be the swordman, and I am sorry for the blood of that line. Rest assured, this is your war, and it is his war."


Suddenly, there were red thunder coils in the void, like a snake, densely intertwined in the air.

Nine stone nails seemed to be disturbed, some swaying, and then suddenly burst apart.

"Who the **** is the robbery at this time!?"

The Yuren King scolded the street, but he was only a little angry, and did not worry about anything.

To their level, the Supreme Tribulation has not constituted a threat to them.

It's just that they are afraid of missing a good time to kill Chu Yi.

"this is?"

"The fate I set."

"This kid had an epiphany at this time and wanted to integrate the eighth style and break through again, a terrible talent." Destiny suddenly laughed.

Tingtian frowned, "Can you kill him if you set the fate of the destiny."

"My trap was originally intended to kill the swordman, but at the time my strength was impaired, so there was no way to make the fate of the destiny the strongest. The last estimate was to let him escape like this."

"However, are you sure not to let those high-level supremes leave, you know, my destiny, will not control the enemy."

Ting Tian smiled and said: "Two hundred high-level supreme, to change the life of a swordman, a strong swordsman, a **** and demon leader, a king of the Yan and Huang clan, I think it is worth it."

"The more people there are, the stronger the Thunder Tribulation will be. Even if the increased strength is limited, it is enough to kill him."

"You are really a kindly lord," Destiny slightly mocked.


In the sky, everyone discovered that the center of those small thunders was Yan Luo Supreme.

Chu Yi's eyes opened sharply, the weapon inserted in him was bounced away, he was bloody, but the sword species were more and more bright.

The seventh rainbow will appear above.

The fourteen fusions are the thirteen rainbows.

The sky was filled with red clouds, and the terrible scene filled everyone's eyes.

These red clouds seemed to be ominous, with a curse, even the magistrate and others were a little horrified.


A red thunder fell, and then, the crackling thunder was successively attracted.

Everyone was stunned, and then screamed together, immediately burning ass, and quickly withdrew to the periphery.

However, at this moment, they were horrified to find that they were in a small world, and this small world was exactly the extra small world that Chu Yi had in those years. Fear, it will take at least a certain amount of time to split up such a small world.

"Asshole, he has already been supreme, what kind of supreme tribulation is it? Is the Sect Master resetting Thunder Tribulation in the Supreme Realm."

"Thunderbolt no matter how strong it is, there are limits. We either have to carry it longer or kill him in the middle of the thunderbolt, and the thunderbolt is over."

The monk was calm, he wore golden cassocks, a wolf tiger lion under his seat, carrying him forward.

The golden zen stick blooms like a giant Buddha, pressing against the sky and heading towards Chu Yi.

There are also some supreme followers, showing magical powers, wanting to kill Chu Yi directly before Thunder Tribulation is enhanced.

"Thunder Tribulation is to punish evil. The poor monk is dedicated to the Buddha. There is no evil thoughts. Apart from you, he also walks for the sky."

Zen sticks fell heavily, and the shadows of temples appeared from all directions, to suppress Chu Yi.

But at this moment, he saw Chu Yi showing an evil smile, his pupil reflected in Thunder Tribulation, and it seemed more bloody.


All the catastrophes!

Red lightning engulfs here, annihilates everything, and forms a **** ocean in this special small world.


Several recent supreme screams, the Mermaid King was entangled in red thunder robbery. He seems to be the most miserable. There were wounds already, and those thunder roars invaded along his wounds, but for a moment, a piece appeared on his skin. Another scarlet marking.

The speckled blooming strange light instantly burned him into a pool of corpse water, and even the artifact on his body was difficult to resist and shattered.


"What kind of thunderbolt is this?!"

People were frightened and uneasy, even Xuanyin was hiding on the edge of the small world.

The monk vomited blood. Although he was not seriously injured, he was still struck by thunder. His face was pale, and his golden cassocks were much dimmed.

"That guy is at the center of Thunder Tribulation and will definitely have an accident!"

Lei Hai dissipated, and the red Lace still hovered. In the middle, Chu Yi knelt on one knee, but looked up fiercely, grinning: "Sorry, I'm tough, I can't die."

His body was distorted, and in fact it was very painful. The Shenqiao Bridge was almost going to collapse. As the enemy expected, the thunderstorm he was going to bear was many times larger than these people did not know.

However, it is very strange that the red thunder, once carried the initial attack, turned into pure energy in the end, and was absorbed by him.

"If you want me to die, you have to bury me." Chu Yi's mouth was full of blood, like a devil.

Shengguang had a long look, and was about to shoot, but received a voice from Tingtian and could only stop.

Qing Emperor saw the other party's move and felt cold in his heart: "It's really terrifying. Tianting would rather give up these two hundred supremes and kill Chu Xiao."

"Hopefully he can survive it."

In the small world, Thunder Tribulation came again, killing with a curse.

Chu Yi flew towards a place.

"Sister, don't run away. Didn't you use the whip to pump me? It's fun, come and pump me, abuse me."

A fairy's face changed drastically, and she ran away quickly, but she was hit by a large area. She was shot directly. For a time, she looked black and spit white smoke.

"Holy monk, help me suppress it, I feel so uncomfortable." Chu Yi flew to the monk.

"Sin barrier, get out!"

The monk scolded.

"I won't get away, I won't see you anymore when I get away." Chu Yi teased.

"Go to his mother!" The monk yelled, his strength is strong, second only to Xuanyin here, but he was also scarred by Chu Yi, and even the mount under him died.

Here is a mess, Chu Yi is like a plague, wherever he goes, he will be scattered, but there are still many people affected, almost half of the deaths and injuries, the blood of the Supreme flows.

"Good things are good things!"

Chu Yi opened his mouth and directly absorbed some supreme blood to replenish the energy in his body.

The sword species glowed, and the sword reincarnation method was extremely dazzling, helping him fight thunder.

Chu Yi was also uncomfortable, but finally came over, this time, completely on his own.

Above the sword species, there was another rainbow awn, the deeper his understanding of the sword.

The remaining hundred people were finally relieved.

Xuanyin's face was venomous, and they even lost two hundred high-level supremes. This is a painful price for Heaven.

"Yan Luo Supreme, should really drop another Heaven Tribulation, let us watch the grand occasion of hacking you from afar."

Xuanyin felt cold.


But when his words just fell, he saw in the void, the red to almost blackened thunder, suddenly appeared.

Heaven Tribulation Reappears!

He was dumbfounded, and wished to slap his two slaps to make you talk!

Chu Yi came to the epiphany again, his thoughts flying.

"Come back?" Countless people were horrified.

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