My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1411: Conspiracy

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

Chu Yi took a breath and wanted to merge the ninth style.

He seems relaxed, but the pressure on himself is too great. In this battle, either the heavens will be destroyed, or his own side will be destroyed.

In any case, there will be no second result.

Behind him, there are tens of millions of people, as well as relatives and friends. If they fail, the price he will face is too heavy.

He can't afford to lose!

In this way, you can only force yourself to become stronger as soon as possible.

Here, like the end of the world, a sea of ​​blood and a sea of ​​oceans, this thunderstorm is obviously more terrifying than before, even the number of people who have been in the Holy Light have all changed color.

Everything Chu Yi passed was reduced to ashes, and there were constant deaths of high-ranking supreme princes.

Even Xuanyin is constantly fleeing, with more and more wounds and black blood flowing out.

Chu Yi himself was even more miserable, insisting on his will.

"He is going to be chopped to death, and hold on!" There are nearly fifty supremes, all fleeing, horrified.

In the sky, there is a vast blood, and countless people are dumbfounded. These scenes will be recorded in the annals of history. A six-supreme supreme, really want to make 200 high-level supreme groups destroyed?

"He can't take it anymore, hehe..." Destiny smiled, his eyes seemed to show strange emotions.

"The Destiny Tribulation you set up is, after all, too powerful for the Supreme, but it is so good that if you can kill him, let me see how the universe will change."


Ting Tian frowned suddenly.

I saw that in Chu Yi's eyebrows, a bead slowly emerged, evoking the power of the gods and demons in Chu Yi's body. In an instant, behind him, a rune intertwined, forming a net with the power of the beads. The ancestral shadow of the demon ancestor stands above the sky. Although it is vague, it seems to have the power to catch the sky and guard Chu Yi.

"This is the bead you gave!" Ting Tian's eyes widened. This time, he couldn't calm down.

"Where do I know?" The destiny was surprised and stunned. "I studied for a long time, thinking that it was just an ordinary bead, that was just dropped from the robe of the **** and deity ancestor. Where did I think that it would resonate with the voice of the **** and deity? Summoned the power of God Demon Ancestor."


"Can't let him continue to integrate anymore, he has already integrated into the ninth style!"

Destiny dumbfounded!

Ting Tian's complexion is also very unsightly.

They have a feeling that things seem to be moving away from them.

"God Demon Ancestor!"

"This is an ancestor..."

In the demon city, the demon disciples bowed one by one.

The **** and demon ancestor stood, still unclear, but Chu Yi had seen the true face of the other party.

"I'm afraid Destiny didn't even think of it. A bead that I gave me made the sound of the devil in my body clearer."


Chu Yi laughed, strode forward, the whole body sparked with lightning, and rushed to a Supreme Supreme.

This is purgatory!


Suddenly, there was a roar of heaven and earth, and then the power in Chu Yi's body, after absorbing the fate of the fate, began to boil.

Below the sea of ​​supreme hearts, the seventh round of solar radiance emerges, and the warm glow illuminates the internal organs, the small world, the Taoist government, and Yuanying.

His wound healed quickly, energetic, and his level of life was sublimated.

"High-level Supreme!"

The small world outside was broken, the thunderstorm disappeared, and the sky was clear again.

Xuanyin's figure stumbled and retreated from the void.

"Want to escape?"

"It's really powerful, Thunder Tribulation didn't hack you, you seem to have a breath of heaven."

Chu Yi's eyes swept, his thoughts moved, the sword species disappeared, and at the same time, a little blood penetrated from Xuan Yin's eyebrows.


"No no no!"

"I don't want to be in a muddled state, I finally have wits!"

Xuanyin face was horrified.

He stared at his body, broken again, turned into mysterious water and Yinling water, and then his will was blurred and disappeared.

Chu Yi nodded slightly in the direction of the Holy Light, the Grand Inquisitor, and the Fangfang Supreme.

He at this time is no longer the one he just did.

Twice the fate of the fate, two fusions, even if he has just entered the high-level supreme, but in the realm, it definitely exceeds this level.

Therefore, he looked at these three people's eyes, already equal.

Chu Yi is confident, even if the current magistrate directly shoots, it is impossible to win him as easily as before.

"The afterlife is awesome." The chief judge nodded, still not surprised.

"Do you know what 200 high-level supreme means to us?"

"It means, nothing."

"The essence of the heaven is not something you can spy on."

The chief judge's words just fell, but after seeing him, dozens of black robe people had appeared.

Behind the holy light and the fierce tooth supreme, some people were infested, the breath was horrified.

On the heavenly continent, a beam of light rose up, and on each beam of light stood a figure.

"Peak Supreme!"

"These pillars of light are all pinnacles!"


The terrifying breath covered all people's hearts. The beams of light, more than thirty of them, not to mention, plus the trial team and others, the fangs of the heavenly court finally appeared and shocked the world.

There is a Sanskrit in the heavens and the earth, and there is a wonderful sound in the void. When these pinnacles are coming together, even this universe must be blessed.

A pinnacle supreme is enough to put a force among the top forces in the fairy world, but the power shown by the heaven is too shocking.

Everyone in the Great Mi Buddha was air-conditioned.

In the void, the hidden Mingzhe also shrank.

"Hidden, really deep..."

"Yes, a little more than I thought." Xie Wushuang stood on the outer periphery of the earth and looked towards the distance, as if he saw the sky.

He stared at the earth, stepped into the earth at will, broke through the shackles, and entered the world of heaven and fierce silently.

"The earth is empty, it seems that all the chaotic creatures have gone to the heavenly court.

"Elder Yanhuang seems not to pay attention here." Xie Wushuang's speed is getting faster and faster, and every step of it seems to be random, but it is all in a place where it is far away.

"found it!"

He came to a darkened rock, which seemed to have been burnt by the fire and stood by the sea.

"The longevity flower used to open here, and the petals fell into four realms. It withered itself in this realm."

"The seal is gone, master."

The black thread in Xie Wushuang's palm stretched out one by one.


A silk thread slowly points on the black rock, and the next second, the whole rock begins to melt, and at the end, it turns into a seed.

"Yes, it is indeed the seed of the so-called longevity flower." The black clew was very satisfied and engulfed the seed.

"Next, it is Kunxu Cave, but the progress there seems to be unhappy. I used Sangallo to conceive the dead substance, but I didn't expect that guy to find the corner of the Universiade Palace in Kunxu Cave."

"He is in the Universiade now, we can only figure it out slowly. When he comes out, he must not let him find any clues."

"The Universiade, it's not easy to mess with, I was beaten up and down, then..."

"Now, let's wait and watch a good show, see the heaven and the swordman."

"A group of poor ants."

"I am afraid that Tian Tian never thought that I intentionally left the drawings of the Star Cannon to Yan Luo Zhizun and others to see the residual fluctuations of the Yanhuang Realm. They should have built it. In this way, this universe is still stable. Come down and have enough time for me to recover."


"Terrible heaven." Ming Zhe smiled and passed the information back one by one.

"I can't wait anymore. Obviously, Yan Luozhi is about to fail. I must sneak into the heavenly court now and get some fairy corpses."

The figure of Mingzhe elongated and became flat, and then turned into a shadow, which fell on the mainland with the sunlight.

"Little friend, you really hurt me. How did I treat you before? I didn't expect you to use soldiers against my heavenly court." Dozens of pinnacles stand on the beam of light, and at this moment, Tiantian's figure finally appears slowly.

His eyes were gentle and he suppressed everyone's breath at a glance.

"Do you think you can hide me?"

"Gods and demons, there are a lot of chaotic creatures."

"There are four worlds on the planet, as well as the old men of the Yan and Huang clan."

Ting Tian laughed and saw through the mist of Shenmo City.

"I just want to tell you that no matter how struggling, it is futile."

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