My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1415: Battle court days

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

The vast ocean, the blue waves rippling.

Above, Chu Yi held the oracles of the gods and deities, looked around, and the golden light circulated, making him like a deity. At this time, Chu Yi's breath was rising, and behind him, the power of the gods and demon seemed to be more intense.

"Shen Mo's oracles are really good things. I didn't find it. It seems that the ability of Shen Mo Zu far exceeds me." Ting Tian looked at Chu Yi, his eyes closed.

Chu Yi smiled and said: "Shen Demon Zu, is the existence of the peak fairy king level, Ting Tian, ​​you are far from the God Demon Zu."

"Now I hold the devil's oracle in hand, and there are star cannons against your men. I see how you turn over."

"Haha, it's so wonderful, so good, Ting Tian, ​​you have met your opponent, Tian Ting has let such a huge force develop silently, to this level now, if you fight, I will benefit." Destiny laughed, without concealing his joy.

Because he knew that no matter what he said, Tingtian and Yan Luozhi could not reconcile, so he was also happy.

"kill me?"

"It's ridiculous." Ting Tian showed a strange smile. Thunder turned into a long inscription on his body, his hair fluttered, and every black hair was wrapped with Reis.

He walked towards Chu Yi step by step, and in an instant a huge thunder pond surfaced.

In the Thunder Pond, all the thunders roared like giant dragons. At the end, a **** thunder jumped violently and turned into a flyover, crossing the sky. There were many **** magpies flying on it, but it was not a beautiful scene, but a horror. Very incomparable.

Tingtian stepped on the overpass, Qiyuyu Xuanang, breath is extremely domineering.

His eyes flicked out the power of thunder, and thunder **** were all condensed on his fingers.

"Why do you say, kill you directly, everything is over."

The terrifying Leibo spread suddenly around, and the whole heaven was shocked.

The magic city is restless.

"Ah, don't touch me, you have electricity!"

The devil jumped up.

Taikoo Kanlong's nine heads were at a loss, and they were electrified.

Zhu Bajie rolled his thunderbolt everywhere.

The sword worm was surprised, and always felt that the Thunder were familiar, or that something was wrong.

However, the prestige of Ting Tian, ​​almost overwhelming all the Supreme breathless.

Underground, Mingzhe only took a pair of fairy king's ears, left in a hurry, and hid in the void to watch.

"Fairy King!"

"This is the real fairy king, this is the real powerful!"

"I'm just a fake immortal. Yan Luo Zhizun is right. I didn't even climb the sky road. Only when I climbed the sky road, I was eligible to become a fairy king. The sky road can't be opened, and the fairy river can't cross.

"One day, I will be able to become a fairy and reach the summit."

Mingzhe was very envious in his heart, but his eyes looked at Chu Yi, still full of viciousness.

"After today, you will die, and there will be no Yan Luo supreme in the world."

"The Sect Master has come forward." Tian Zi dignified, only felt cold all over.

Reassure and worry.

Suddenly, on the small island of Anjia, more than a dozen people stared at each other, only to see them in front of them, not knowing when an old man appeared.

The old man sits on the rock on the seashore.

God is awesome!

He vowed that he had never seen this person in the heavenly court, and that he could appear quietly in front of them, certainly not a mortal.

"This senior, dare to ask you?" An Xinyou and Tian Zi looked at each other respectfully.

"The Yanhuangs, the elders." The elders nodded at these people.


A dozen people were air-conditioned, and it was even harder for Tianzi to hide his shock.

"Great Elder...Fairy King..."


A fairy king appeared in heaven, sitting in front of them in this way, everyone felt a horror.

"Tingtian is still the same." The elders ignored the people behind, and just watched silently.

"Are you going to kill the suzerain?" Tianzi asked.

"I'm not here to kill him, I'm here to kill the destiny, the heaven is not in my eyes." The elder said calmly, but it was extremely domineering.

"Destiny!?" The head of the An patriarch's eyes startled, and he looked at the bottom of the sea uncontrollably.


Above the overpass, the courtyard weather was terrible, like a repressed volcano, which would explode at any time, even the city of gods and demons began to escape into the void, covering most of it.

They have never seen the fairy king show power, but it is enough to foresee that that power can absolutely destroy the world.

"Come on, I will build a flyover for you. If you die here, it is not an insult to your identity." Tingtian laughed.

Chu Yi took a step, his body fell on the overpass, and his face was solemn: "It's really humbling, who can think of it at the end, it will be such a result, you and I are all related to the Yanhuang family, I did not expect to end in this way. "

"Little friend, why bother to talk nonsense." Ting Tian looked expressionless.

Only, he shot, he seemed to be a simple robe, but as the sky shook, the sleeve robe rose in the wind, hula, with thunder lightning, like the sea turned over, facing Chu Yi Here.

There was flames, black smoke, and tumbling magma in the thunder roar.

In one move, dozens of layers of void around them, like a burrito, curled up completely towards Chu Yi.

Chu Yi opened the eclipse with all his strength and saw the layers of void around him, wrapped in the power of the other party's thunder.

He can even see Thunder's power thinning into countless small particles, quietly and silently, coming into his body from the shadow.

Each blow of the fairy king cannot be simple.

It seems to be just a frontal attack, but secretly, I don't know how many means are hidden.

Chu Yi understood that this time, he did not fight with Tingtian himself, but what he really fought was the magical oracle, he only had to be responsible for urging.


Chu Yi flicked a character, and in an instant, the character covered his double fists.

He was in a trance in front of his eyes, as if he saw the **** and demon ancestor, shaking the galaxy with a punch.

At the same time, he also followed the character and punched out.

The fist wind is golden, like melted gold, and then quickly fluctuates into a galaxy.

"Shen Demon Fist-Broken Star River!"

The devil's hand illuminates and provides Chu Yi with huge energy. It uses Chu Yi's flesh as a carrier to reproduce the sharp edge of the **** and deity ancestor.

Suddenly, there appeared large and large galaxies in the void. These galaxies fell, and Chen Mang was like a silk thread, interwoven on Chu Yi's double fists.

Spirals of galaxy-like inscriptions continue to emerge.

Yanhuang's uniform swelled, shattering the small thunder particles around him, and Chu Yi's punch finally smashed with Tingtian's sleeve robe.

Like a landslide!

Like a tsunami!

Everyone only felt deaf in both ears, and there was a continuous scorching breath in the air, and even large or small explosions continued to occur.

Tingtian's sleeve robe was scorched black, and his face changed greatly, only to feel his head buzzing.

"It is indeed a **** and demon ancestor. It is really terrifying. The peak fairy king seems to step into the existence of the fairy master."

"If you show up, I will definitely lose, but with a handful of instructions, I can't underestimate my court."


Behind Tingtian, Lei Chi exploded, and black Thunder Dragons coiled.

He was second to none. Suddenly Thunder Dragon submerged into the void. The next second, a large piece of space collapsed, spawning countless vortexes. Every Thunder Dragon, a Thunder Knight appeared, to fight against Chu Yi.

Chu Yi only feels that his soul must be cut open, even if it is a very long distance away, if it is not protected by the devil's hand, it may have died long ago.


He quickly dialed a character, the character into a knife, the knife crossed a hundred feet, a piece of water.

He stepped out in one step, and in a flash, a river ran under his feet.

The river turned into countless streams, and the stream spattered again, aroused countless waves, and Chu Yi cut it with a knife, as if it were a small world, which is so magical.

And Ting Tian's attainments are also quite extraordinary, turning this into a battlefield of thunder, full of evil thunder, **** thunder knight overwhelming.

Nothing else, a single move is enough to destroy the entire city of Gods and Demons.

The prestige of the fairy king is insultable!

Everyone changed color, and their hearts were cold, even if Mingzhe was here, they would be easily strangled.

Chu Yi was immersed in this place, and he personally exhibited it, only to feel that his vision was wider.

The sword can do the same, the fist can do the same, so can the swordsmanship.

His arms glowed, and the phantom shadow of the **** and demon ancestor behind him seemed to become stronger and stronger.

He could not help but speak loudly.

Countless streams are like swords, sweeping this thunder battlefield.

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