My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1416: The elder comes forward

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

The **** thunder condenses into an overpass, spanning layers of void.

There is no longer a void here, nearly a hundred layers of voids are completely mixed together in this place, and the storm that many space debris swept out is enough to let a pinnacle supreme die.

No one dared to get involved in this battle.

"Yan Luo Supreme, you still have to admit defeat as soon as possible. I will let you die decently. Although the gods and oracles in your hands are powerful, but the characters are limited, with the strength of the gods and ancestors, even if they are passed down, such a long time can still be left. How many characters are next?"

Ting Tian walked towards Chu Yi, thunder bloomed at the soles of his feet, and chopped off the flowing swords.

"Go to his uncle's, so many forced words, Xiao Chu, go up and do a fight with him, beat him crying father shouting mother." Jian insect shouted.

Even Niuniu curled up and dared not provoke a fairy king, but the swordworm was different. In its memory, even the fairy master had seen it, and many fairy kings were too much to do. Wang Tingtian.


The sword character turned around, and hundreds of millions of waves regrouped into a stream, and the thousands of streams turned into hundreds of rivers, and then the character became a sword, and the river swept up and fell with a knife.

In an instant, the **** thunder bridge under Chu Yi directly cracked, and a large amount of flowing water fell on the sea, penetrating the sea.

Ting Tian snorted coldly, his right hand was like jade, and he had Qiankun in his hand.

The exquisite turn of the wrist removed many of the above forces.

The extremely terrible knife was as gentle as cats and dogs in his hands.

Then he pointed with his left hand, a Rayman formed a chain, and shot at Chu Yi's Yuan Ying.

He wanted to end the battle as soon as possible, the longer he dragged it, the greater the majestic influence on heaven.

Directly restrained Chu Yi's Yuan Ying, then everything is over.

Chu Yi only felt that his soul was agitated and disturbed, and his brain was blank for a while.

The oracle's hand uttered a soft sound, and a piece of character went away. It turned into a golden wave. On the wave, thousands of Buddha statues sat and recite the mantra, and the chain was broken.

Gods and demons are the source of many powerful people in later generations, even the Buddha is no exception.

Chu Yi came awake and was afraid in his heart. The fairy king's method was not what he could imagine.

But fortunately, the devil's oracles protected him.

Chu Yi urged the golden ocean, and every spray was rolled up and turned into a big Buddha.

The Buddha statues here are very vague and unclear, and they are different in everyone's eyes.

"Yellow Emperor, Yan Emperor...Great Elder...Father..." Tingtian looked in a trance, and only felt that the tens of thousands of Buddhas projected the things deep in his memory and drifted across the sky.

"I am the Lord of Heaven, how can you let you watch at will."

Suddenly, behind the court, the thunder pool exploded, and the endless variety of thunders condensed in the center of his palm, and a thunder seal was born.

He squeezed out the imprint, and just came out like this. The world riots, the spread of thunder, washed everything, punished everything, and the sky and the thunder continued to fall down, engulfing the Buddha.

People were shocked and retreated, and their hearts were extremely horrified.

This is Thunder Tribulation, Ting Tian has the origin of Thunder.

Tingtian can be said to be the only person who has become an immortal king since the ancient times. He has average talent and is often run over by destiny, but he has extraordinary perseverance and has some abnormal ideas. Otherwise, destiny will not use him.

The power of the source is not so good to conquer, not to mention this terrible source of power, which was the pain of the court days, which made him today.

Even with the help of external force to become a fairy king, it has already surpassed most people.

This is his opportunity, and his hard work and calculation, Ting Tian is not ashamed.

"Fairy King, he was detached from the world, and he was free from the constraints of heaven and earth. There was no heaven in Tingtian's heart. Although his talent was average, he had reached the level of fairy king long ago." The elder murmured, he was very calm. Did not immediately shot.

"God demon ancestors, if they lived in this era, it would be better, save a lot of trouble."

"However, if there is no God and Devil Ancestor, the destiny is broken, everything is unknown."

"Senior, the two of them, who wins and who loses?" Tian Zi asked respectfully, he was very tangled.

"Is this important?" asked the elder.

The emperor is confused, why is this not important?

But for the elder elder, this is not important, and his mind is not at all.

The elder took out a compass, and at the same time, a part of the elders in seven other places did the same.

The compass is quaint, like a turtle shell, and the lines on it are even more peculiar. It is not inherent in itself, but is caused by a rupture, but it is full of charm.

There was light shining in the crack, and the elders threw the turtle shell into the sea.

Afterwards, he was like a rock, standing still, as if waiting for something.


The gun character appeared, and Chu Yi held a spear and fired it with a single shot.

"Rain hits pear blossoms!"

The spear bit by bit fell into Leihai, but it penetrated every inch of Leihai.

The density of the marksmanship is too great, but for a moment, the attack of Tingtian was completely broken from the micro level.

He was not panicking when he was walking in the stormy weather, and he waved with his hand. The sea suddenly boiled, and there seemed to be a sea of ​​souls rising from the sky.

That is fortune.

Above the heavens, the mountains also shook, and there were endless abyss canyons.

"By taking advantage of the mountain, taking advantage of the sea, taking advantage of everything!"

Not only was he thunderous, but the rest of the road was also handy.

Lucky like a rainbow!

"One shot!"

Chu Yi shot, he is just a carrier, and more is the move of the gods and deities.

The marksmanship accompanied the shadows, traversing the mountains and rivers, traversing the air and the dragon, and finally fell to a place less than one meter away from the sky.

Ting Tian passed by, but there was a wound on his face, and there was blood flowing out.

He was slightly stunned and touched the blood.

"You hurt me."

"The fairy king will die. You are just injured. What's so unexpected." Chu Yi shook his head, but he was nervous in his heart, because he could see that there were only three characters left on the magical oracle.

Tingtian has the origin of Thunder, which is powerful enough to allow him to deal with many dangers.

In addition, this is just an oracle, absolutely not killing a fairy king, at most only seriously injured.

"Yan Luo Supreme hesitated." In a void, Xie Wushuang smiled.

"At that time, the gods and gods ancestors in a hurry, the gods and gods oracles left behind were absolutely only pieced together temporarily, and they couldn’t kill the fairy king, not to mention, this guy, Tingtian, was still a little smart, using various strange methods to strengthen himself. , And even surrendered the origin of the Thunder."

"It's over. In the end, Supreme Master Yan Luo should explode the oracle of the devil completely. In this way, Supreme Master Yan Luo was killed by Ting Tian, ​​and Ting Tian was seriously injured."

"The devil city must fight against the heavenly court, use the star cannon, and at least more than 20 peak supremes will die. If you don't retreat, then the supreme deaths on both sides will be more."

"So, everything is over." Xie Wushuang smiled.

He looked slightly into a void and found Mingzhe, but the latter didn't find him.

"It's really hilarious here, but it's not my business anymore. I just need to make sure that things end according to my expected trajectory. That's fine."


Suddenly, Xie Wushuang's pupils shrank, he swept across the heavens at will, but on an island, he saw the body of the elder.

"How could this old man appear here?"

"No, he is just a part of the deity, what is he doing?"

"Don't you already be afraid of being beaten?"

"Are you just here to watch the battle?"

Xie Wushuang was terrified. The Yan and Huang clan was prone to genius. He also remembered things that year, no worse than the fairy king in the age of gods and demons.

What's more, the great elders of the Yan and Huang clan did not know how many secrets they had in their hands.

Suddenly, Xie Wushuang frowned, as he saw that the elder stood up.

The elder looked at the bottom of the sea, and then looked at the sky.

"about there."

He stood up and walked towards the center of the battlefield step by step.

Chu Yi is planning to completely detonate the magical oracle, but suddenly saw the figure of the elder.

The same is true of Ting Tian.

"Great elder?" Inside the demon city, Huang Yushu and all the other Yan Huang children exclaimed.

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