My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1417: Senno Matsuri

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The elders walked calmly and climbed into the sky, and the fighting between Chu Yi and Ting Tian stopped.

"How did the elders come?" Chu Yi was supposed to be happy, but at the moment, he was a little worried.

The elders will not go out easily. No matter how they persuade, the elders always have their own beliefs. Chu Yi will never think that the elders came to save themselves.

"Great elder?"

Ting Tian froze, how many years passed, this face remained unchanged, just like the elders he saw when he was young.

There is no expression, even if it is only slight, so that the young people of the Yanhuang family are all afraid.

Even the Yellow Emperor was reprimanded by the elders.

Ting Tian was a little subconscious, but immediately said, "Elder, you never ask about Tian Ting's affairs, this time you should not intervene, you have to know that once you intervene, the rest of the Yanhuang family People, there is no way back."

"I'm not here to intervene in your business, just to kill destiny."

The eyes of the Great Elder fell on Destiny.

In an instant, everyone looked at Destiny involuntarily, as if attracted by the eyes of the Great Elder.

Destiny, has been in the battlefield, but no one dared to shoot him.

Because neither side wants to spread the destiny so quickly, so as not to lead to greater chaos.

"Are you going to kill me?"

Destiny laughed, one eye split, and it seemed like a mouth.

"It's ridiculous. At that time, how many people did you die, and how many people died, did not kill me, and now you rely on you alone to kill me, you, why?"

"Yes, to be exact, I can't kill you. With my power, I can't kill you at all. You are the peak fairy king, and you have crossed the existence of the Jiuzhong fairy river."

The elder said calmly, his eyes seemed destiny only.

"But why should I kill you, I just need to destroy most of your body."

"Several important bodies of you are sealed in eight places, and these eight places are all made of Suzaku."

"Predecessor Suzaku used the mysterious method to transform into eight heavenly prisons in order to let future generations suppress you. The **** and demon ancestors were prepared very early, but many things were covered up by you."

Destiny's brain shrank violently.

"Great elder, there is no eight commandments yet." Chu Yi puzzled.

According to his speculation, it takes eight precepts to be able to open, and then completely detonated, destroying the body of destiny once, leaving only one brain's destiny, it is not at all a fear.

"No need."

"There is no need for the Eight Commandments at all. I visited many places to explore ancient books. Finally, I finally determined that the secret method of the Suzaku family does not need the Eight Commandments to open, but only the shell of Xuanwu."

"I've got it. Destiny, you haven't been fit. The power of each monster is only stronger than me. You can't resist these mysteries."

The elder elder said in detail, he was waiting, the strength of the basalt shell would take time, but obviously this time would not be too long.

"You're miscalculated. After so long, let the gods and ancestors reveal some news, and until now, I will eventually be found."

"You are talking nonsense!"

Destiny's brain is very uneasy in the stone box. This is really uneasy, not pretended.

"Did I talk nonsense, you know it yourself."

"Ignite the formation method, it takes a fairy king to sacrifice." Fate said with fate, the lines on the brain looked like a terrified face.

"I'm going to die soon." The elder elder seemed to be laughing, his mouth moving.

"The great elders of the Yanhuang family, you know, what you are doing, you will regret it! Your Yanhuang family, without you, will be swallowed and divided, even the court will not let you go." Snarled.

The elder elder sorrowed: "I have spread the fire."

"Ting Tian, ​​you can't let him destroy my body, otherwise, you may not be in the realm of the fairy king, and go one step further." Destiny looked at Ting Tian again.

"Without my help, you can't kill the swordman, and even if the swordman doesn't break through the fairy king, as long as he depends on the sword, he can control the whole universe. In the end, you still lose, and you are still a slave of the Yanhuang family, Can't escape fate."

Ting Tian sighed deeply: "Great Elder, he is right, I will not let you destroy him at this moment, you are not a full deity, not my opponent."

"Tin Tian, ​​I can count on watching you grow up." The elder stared at each other. "Your way is crooked. You are too much pursuing the realm of the fairy king and bewitched by heaven."

"I am indeed not a full deity, but as long as the gods and oracles are still there, then I can fight you for some time, and this time is enough for me to ignite the formation left by Suzaku."

Ting Tian looked slightly tight.

At this time, suddenly the void was torn, and Xie Wushuang's figure appeared slowly.

Everyone was startled and did not dare to speak at all, even Chu Yi did not expect such a big accident to happen.

He originally only wanted to fight against the heaven, but the appearance of the elders completely changed the situation, from fighting against the heaven to fighting against the destiny.

His heart thumped.

In particular, the appearance of Xie Wushuang made the situation more complicated.

He didn't know what elder elders had left behind.

"Sorry, the great elders of the Yanhuang family, I'm afraid I can't let you do this."

Xie Wushuang smiled and said: "Let's go back together and watch their struggle. As long as it doesn't involve the owner, I won't intervene. Otherwise, I can only kill you first."

"Xie Wushuang..." The elders were not surprised, as if they had expected it, "You have lived from the age of gods and deities, and you have lived to the present. I am curious. Even if you become a fairy king, but your strength is only a touch stronger than me. After passing the second fairy river, why can I live to the present?"

"Could it be that the difference between a fairy river is so great?"

"If the elder elders are willing to retreat, I will talk to the elder elders about the methods of keeping in good health."

"No need to talk to him, how about talking to me? I lived from heaven to now, and my life span is only one million years. The age of the gods and the devil is very long. Your life span is at least two or three times that of mine. I’m so curious about being so young."

Xie Wushuang suddenly turned back.

But I saw a piece of sand appearing in the air, and the sand looked away carefully. It was like a small world, and Ji Dao Xian came out of the sand.

There are two black lines on his face, his cheeks are slightly longer, and he looks very gloomy.

Bloody black robe hunted.

"Ji Dao Xian, why are you here, aren't you studying mysterious viruses?" Xie Wushuang felt bad.

"Another fairy king!" Everyone was silent and frightened. If these people fought, it would be a real battle.

Shenmo City has completely escaped into the void.

The magistrate and others also stood far above the heavenly court and started the formation.

Ji Dao Xian smiled, but the smile was infiltrating: "This old man came to me and said that he was going to kill Destiny. Anyway, I also wanted to kill Destiny. Although I don’t think he can succeed, but I’m bored, just come and see ."

"Destiny's brain, this structure is really fascinating, if you can take it back to study, I don't know how good it should be."

"Ji Dao Xian, are you not afraid of me planting a conspiracy on you?" Destiny shouted.

"Huh? You're so timid."

"I know the destiny, but it is extremely arrogant. At that time, you took your eyes and attacked my condemnation, but destroyed the world. Now all the bodies are suppressed, and only one brain is still sealed by people. It has become so pitiful. Compassionate."

"But I believe my judgment, even if you die, a new destiny will be born."

Ji Dao Xian looked at the Great Elder and said, "Great Elder, with my strength, can help you to hold them in a short time, you can start."

The elder nodded his head, and at the end of his eyebrows, the last bit of fire fell, and a flame burned around him.

Then he appeared above a sea of ​​water, the seabed sealed with the arm of destiny.

"Great elder!"

Chu Yi exclaimed that the elder elder was decisive and did not even speak to him or even looked back at countless Yan Huang children.

In the demon city, the quiet elders, the flying stars supreme, the Yantong Road and others, all face red and red.

"Great elder, don't!"

"Elder, I will never burn your beard again..."

"Great Elder..."

Many people cried and looked at the sea like this.

There is a flame burning on the sea.

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