My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1418: Burning fire

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

"Hahaha, let me take a look at how this Suzaku is different!"

Soul Yuan Emperor laughed loudly, his eyes burned with black flames, and the majestic power began to inject into the body of the Great Elder.

"Dao friends, go all the way." said the elder.

"I'm dead, there is only a trace of remnants, how can there be good or bad?"

"It's you. If you don't succeed, you will release all your destiny and become a sinner. Your responsibility is much greater than ours."

Soul Yuan Emperor said that his breath was gradually annihilated, where countless flames rose, and at the feet of the elder, a red flame ring finally lighted up.

Immediately afterwards, countless stripes seemed to be ignited, spreading continuously, and spread to most of the world.

"Suzaku Fire!"

Below, rounds of black moon swaying and wandering, making a sound of anger.


"The great elders of the Yanhuang family, do you know what you are doing, Suzaku is just a fire, it will definitely not burn me."

The elder elder robe turned over, his lines were still, his power was burned as soon as he came out, and it was transformed into the Suzaku large formation.

"It seems that after your body splits, you can't communicate for a long distance. Don't you understand that I started eight places at the same time?"

"You old fellow!" Black Moon is like a dense carp in the pond, rolling in the space below, and it is of no use to break the shackles.

The red flame and the wind roared, and in this area, there seemed to be a huge Suzaku soaring.

It spread its wings, and the huge wings were all made of flame.

It drove the darkness, the divine light shining for nine days, the flames dripped, and as soon as countless black moons touched underneath, a chirping noise occurred and was melted at a rapid speed.

The Suzaku formation method is not just a Suzaku, but the entire Suzaku race is constructed for the arrival of this day.

Even if destiny used any means to prevent many messages from being passed down, there was still a day when it was exposed.

The Black Moon is terrified.

The miserable cry echoed throughout the heavens.


In the loneliness, the loneliness of the loneliness gradually melted, like a candle that melted.

He looked at this world, but it was blurry, and even the body of the elder elder was hard to see.

But he felt the blazing Suzaku flames, which made him feel unprecedentedly warm.

very good……

Can finally leave...

He was too tired, as skinny as a bone, if not relying on a ray of mental support, he would have fallen.

People die like lights.



One by one tentacles came up from the ground, constantly dancing wildly.

They attacked the elders, but the closer they were to the elders, the hotter the temperature.

The fire of fire and the flame of Suzaku were burning, the roar swept, and the tentacles made a sharp cry, but they were still rushing forward, and the whole ghost land swayed and collapsed.

Below the temple, the fire of Suzaku got into nine coffins.

The coffin kept shaking, and this small basement was flooded with liquid flames.

In a land of sin, Long Yin spread, and the whole sea turned upside down.

The phantoms of dragon and suzaku continue to emerge, killing a destiny spine.

There were riots all over the place, and flames appeared.

Yanhuang Realm, above the Stone Mountain.

The statues seemed to come alive, they made a sonorous sound, just like the scene when they went out, countless statues bowed in the direction of the elders.

The elders here have no hands or feet and long yellow hair.

The flame burned and quickly spread to the entire stone mountain. It was very warm here, as if the sound of Jin Ge iron horse sounded again.

"Father... gone..." In the Shenmo City, Zhu Bajie felt something. He sat on the pillar of God, facing the sky with wet eyes, but no tears stubbornly.

The sword worm patted its back.

"Great elder!"

Chu Yi squeezed his fists tightly, this stubborn old man, who would have thought that he would behave like this.

They went to heaven, and the elders didn't even care. Even if the entire Yanhuang family left, they followed Chu Yi, but the elders didn't join them.

His goal has always been destiny.

Perhaps the news brought by Chu Yi gave him his last hope.

In fact, Chu Yi knew that the elder had a long life, but he could not wait.

The elders can no longer create such a situation, squeeze everyone, and then act on their own.

The sea breeze roared with flames, and the sky was red.

The elder was indifferent. Under him, the flame vortex was getting bigger and bigger, and in the end, it had reached the bottom of the sea.

The entire ocean in the heavenly courts became flames, leaving the creatures beneath it.

The red ocean is boiling, and from time to time, Suzaku's phantom rolls and cries.


"The great elders of the Yanhuang family, you want to anger me!"

Destiny's brain roared and wanted to rush, but he didn't dare. When these flames touched a little, he would die.

"Why don't you irritate you? Your brain can't kill, then kill your flesh. Without the flesh, you can only be slain."

The elder said, "At that time, you killed me and countless people of the Yan and Huang clan. This debt is to be repaid after all."

He avoided the world, not because he was afraid, but because he was enduring, he could only endure.

The eyes of the elder elders are vicissitudes and profound, he has seen too much death, and he has seen the big people since childhood.

He is alone, facing all this.

Others can be self-willed, can go to the battlefield, can throw their heads and sprinkle blood.

But he can't.

Because now, only he is a fairy king.

He endured the present, and finally let him wait for the opportunity. With the rise of Chu Yi, the elder was slightly relieved.

He has lived in endless years, but one heart has already died on the battlefield against the fate of destiny.


A huge arm rose from the bottom of the red sea, but only halfway through, it was suppressed by a Suzaku.


"I am immortal!"

The arm roared, struggling frantically, and the whole sea was almost turned over.

However, the elder elder still sat above him, so suppressed.

More and more Suzaku phantoms took shape and rushed to the bottom of the sea, where a war broke out, and a heavy flame pattern was interwoven into a killing formation.

The eight tortoise shells rely on the mysterious energy connection between each other, constantly balancing the energy of each place, and killing all the trunks at the same time.

"Xie Wushuang!"


"Go and stop him, you can't make him succeed!"

Destiny panicked, the brain swelled and almost burst.

"Tin Tian, ​​if you can stop it, I will tell you everything I know and help you cross the second fairy river."

"Sorry, please stay here honestly." Ji Dao Xian smiled, "I suddenly wanted to see how his brain would develop if the fatal flesh died, would it evolve into a flesh again? , But even if it works, it requires endless energy..."

Ji Dao Xian is mysterious and powerful. His strength is comparable to Xie Wushuang. Even Tingtian is not his opponent.

Ting Tian was short of breath and his eyes were scarlet. He wanted to act, but he knew he was unable to return to the sky.

"Great elder, you are dead, destiny is dead, but I will not die, if you don't stop, your clan will not be guaranteed in the future, I will kill them with my own hands, so that their heads are covered with yours. Tomb, let you die!"

The elder elder smiled towards Tingtian: "You won't do this. I watched you grow up. I know your grandfather, your grandfather, your father, and you too."

"What's more, among the Yanhuang people, there are also people from your family. I don't believe you can do it."

"Great Elder..." Ting Tian froze.


The flames soared into the sky, and in an instant, people could no longer see the scene here, even the fairy king had to turn his head.

"Great elder!"

Yan Tongdao, Huang Yushu and others were horrified, and the flames were nowhere to be seen.

Finally, a little flame fluttered and fell into the brow of Yan Tong Road.

At the same time, the same thing happened in the remaining seven places.

In the Yanhuang tribe, the flame wrapped the stone man and killed the underground. After a long time, the place returned to calm.

Many statues are more or less fragmented, and the wind blows through the empty valley, as if nothing has happened.

But if someone pays attention to it, you will find that there is an extra statue on a rather wide open space.

The statue has no hands and feet, and looks calm, looking into the distance.

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