My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1445: Swords and exercises

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

In the big dream world, one round of red sun sags, it seems that it is going to enter the night, and on the other side, there are three rounds of moonlights, accompanied by stars.

On the Gobi, Mo Jin, a ruthlessly evolved lion, is still fighting with the real dragon incarnation of Chu Yi.

The roar of the lion shook the sky and the thunder raged, making some of the surrounding bodies unbearable.

This is the Thunder method, and it is also a sound method. In the big dream world, everyone is a condensed soul, and it is even more dreaded for this sound wave that directly attacks the soul.

Suddenly, Mo relentlessly withdrew the Famen and condensed his chest, and then a huge three-headed three-tailed golden lion appeared suddenly.

The huge diamond lion roared in the direction of Chu Yi, and it was obviously the battle of Yuanying Realm, but it was quite powerful at the moment.

In an instant, I saw three endless lines of thunder, spreading all around. The thunder was like a sound wave, but it let the space of a hundred miles all breed thunder, but in the instant it spread, there was no sound.

The stars in the sky are swaying, the ground is cracked, and the dunes in the distance directly burst.

"Vajra roars!"

Mo Wuqing is the core child of the Mo family. The huge Mo family of barren hills will naturally not work hard because of a title of Supreme, so unlike Xiaoyusheng, Mo's merciless title of Supreme was won by him.

Although his deity is half a step away from the pinnacle supreme, but for him, it is already optional.

This is a real evil, and it is placed in the universe and is a genius who can be called famous.

Coupled with Mo's horrible resources, for Chu Yi, this person is also a strong enemy.

There are no weapons and no protective armor here, and you can only fight for the real skills of this state.

Chu Yi did not use basic kendo, he also wanted to give it a try, how strong he can be.


The sound wave spread and finally collided with Chu Yi. The silent heaven and earth suddenly made earth-shattering noises. It seemed that the huge waves crashed down at the same time, and the storm waves patted the shore, and the void rolled.

Chu Yi held Tai Chi in his hand and pushed his palms together, constantly fighting.

The two fought, from a Gobi to a ruin, wherever they passed, the sky collapsed, but soon the ground healed automatically.

Along the way, everyone was stunned, all stunned.

It is foreseeable that this king of Chu Yan is terrible, even if he is proud and arrogant, but he does have this capital, and he can kill this title with a title of Supreme Master in the infant period. It is really not simple.

Abandoned high-rise buildings collapsed, and the two stood on the ruins, their eyes dignified.


Mo Wuqing has no nonsense, the other party's strength is beyond his expectations, he has not met such opponents for a long time.

Brush brush!

On the surface of his body, yellow sand spreads upward, forming a terrible armor covering the surface of his skin.

Mo Wuqing's body is a little bigger, and the more he is three meters tall, the more powerful he is.

He discarded the Sonic Thunder Lion and killed himself. A pair of casserole-shaped fists collided with Chu Yi.

This is a duel of force and force, the impact of flesh and flesh.

In an instant, the ground here sags and the ruins sink, which is quite spectacular.

"You blocked it?"

"My body is invincible. I am practicing the yellow sand forging method within the clan, and my own surface is covered with special sand, which can traverse the artifact."

"A pair of fists, can you stop it?"

Don't believe it.

Especially, in the faint, the other party occupied the upper part in terms of flesh, which made him more dissatisfied.

However, he did not know that Chu Yi not only had the Sunshade Eucharist, but also had the blessing of divine power.

The sound of the devil, although it was initially the simplest sound wave, but later, has begun to change.

The power of the gods and demons is endless and has special energy, which can change the physical structure again.


Suddenly, Mo Wuqing yelled, and countless sand and dust swirled, condensing a thousand long yellow swords.

"Mo Family's Kendo!"

Di Ye looked, his face suddenly more gloomy, in his eyes, Mo family's sword, is stealing the sword of Universiade.

Although not many people remembered the Universiade, it was always a thorn in his mind.

"The sword of the world respects my Mo family, and my Mo family's sword is an invincible sword."

Mo ruthlessly exhaled like a sword.

Someone in the Mo family repairs swords, and he is one of the best. Although not the strongest, it is also enough to look around.

The swords of other families are not comparable to their Mo family.

"Sword, cut your body!"

Mo ruthlessly urged thousands of swords, and the swords roared, releasing the sound of the mountain wind blowing through the bamboo forest.

A long sword, like the claws of a fierce beast, walked toward Chu Yi, tearing Chu Yi's flesh.

"I'm going to your uncle, it's the master's three-cut sword, it really is the Mo family!"

"They have extracted some of the swordsmanship of the master from the sword spirit of the master."

"Mr. Chu, our family of sword bugs, was born to assist the swordsman's veins, and is familiar with all the swordsmanship of the Universiade."

The sword worm said, "Three cut swords, don't look at only one move, but there are three moves in one move."

"He deliberately made a noise, making you think you were only chopped."

"This first cut, it is your flesh."

"Second cut, it's your Taoist house."

"The third cut, it's your Yuanying."

"One sword and three cuts!"

Chu Yi realized in his heart that he rose from the ground, and he hadn't been afraid of facing Kendo.

Three Swords?

"I cut it with one sword!"

Jianguang was disturbed one after another, and the long sword in Chu Yi's hands became illusory, and then all the sword shadows came together, and at the end, a sword fell.

He did not use any sword moves, just a hacking trend.

Everyone only felt that the stars in the sky were dim, the light of the sunset on the west was distorted, and all the stars in the heavens and earth converged on Chu Yi's long sword.

On the other hand, Mo Ru's merciless sword, but at this moment, appears extremely weak.

"Firefly light and vast starlight." Bai Long Su Rui's complexion changed. He and Mo Wuqing had more than ten encounters, and naturally understood how powerful each other's swordsmanship was.

"The swords of the Mo family are remarkable, but when they meet their opponents, what kind of swords do they use? Why can't I spy."

"Relentless brother, even weaker than others in kendo, although he does not major in kendo, it is not so miserable."

The world is buzzing and the stars are shaking, which is a scene caused by the distortion of space.


Mo ruthlessly horrified. He looked down at his tiger's mouth, which had cracked, blood penetrated, and even his entire arm shivered.

Looking at the thousands of swords in the sky, they fell in an instant, smashed into the ruins, and turned into sand again.

"Grandpa Grandpa, did the Mo family's sword fail?" Shi Mu stunned, a little unbelievable.

The sword of the Mo family has always been a legend. Although some Xianjia forces know the reason, even in the universe, even many Shenfu forces have no idea what happened that year.

An inexplicable light flashed in Di Ye's eyes: "It's not that Mo Family's sword has failed, that Mo's heartlessness does not represent the entire Mo Family."

"It's just the merciless sword."

"That being said, but this kid's sword is too overbearing, and Mo Wuqing's defeat is too fast, as if this kid saw the shortcomings of the other party's swordsmanship. His sword penetrated directly into the sword. At that point, Mo Ru's merciless sword collapsed instantly."

"What the **** is this kid?"

Above the sky, Chu Yi approached step by step: "Brother Mo, you are using action to prove the sentence before me, Mo family can not beat any one."

"You!" Mo ruthlessly burned in anger, staring at the other party with a dead eye.

A man who appeared suddenly, defeated his sword move, and even pressed himself to fight, even the other party did not have a title.

"My best is not the sword, but Xinghai Jue."

Mo Wuqing sneered, and his robe moved without wind, and the sand and stones spread to the sky again.

His chest glowed like the center of the galaxy, and endless sandstones swirled around his body, gradually glowing.

"Xinghai Jue, an important inheritance of my Mo family, was born out of Xing Su Jue, just for you to take a look at today."


The sword worm almost scolded, "Mo family is really shameless, what astrological tactics, obviously is the undefeated astrological tactics of my Universiade House. The old thief of the Mo family not only stolen the Fa, but also changed their names. shameless."

"Stealing my swordsmanship from the Universiade Palace and stealing my invincible exercises from the Universiade Palace, I am so embarrassed."

"Mr. Chu, beat me, beat hard."

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