My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1446: Sun and Moon Yufei Sword Overhead

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"Learning my sword from Universiade Palace, stealing the law from Universiade Palace, and still clamoring for me as a descendant of Universiade Palace, I really don't know how high it is." Chu Yi was sullen in his heart, he didn't need the swordworm to remind him, he would have to send the opponent Beating.

Dust is a galaxy, flowing through the sky, even if it's just the exercises derived from the undefeated horoscope, it is enough to shock the world.

What's more, it was only Yuan Yingxiu's behavior, which was really frustrating.

The sky and the starry sea are magnificent, and countless people look up. They all have a feeling of earth-shattering, even Master Kurong and Bailong Surui, this time have a feeling of suffocation.

This is an invincible law, born out of natural terror.

"Mo ruthless, let's make a bet, you use the title as a bet, open the title."

"If you win, I will give you this method and tell you how I made it up."

"If you lose, then your title is broken, how?"

Everyone was stunned, this kid, so bold.

"It's so sure that Mo Ruqing can open the title. He knows that after opening the title, even if the cultivation is suppressed, Mo Ru's ruthless strength will still double. The method in the title cooperates with Xinghai Jue. Extremely horrible."

"Of course, this is also a huge gamble for Mo Ruoqing."

"The supreme title, the strongest is naturally in the supreme realm. Opening the title in the supreme realm is the invincible existence. Yuanying period cannot exert the power of the title at all."

Although it is a big dream world here, the whole big dream world is also based on reality. Whether it is illusion or dream, there must be a real part.

So if the title is defeated here, the title will be lost in the real universe.

"Well?" Mo hesitated a bit, because it was indeed a huge temptation. If he knew how to piece it together, then his contribution to the family would be even greater.

"Good!" Mo ruthlessly said, "I'm in vain, if you can't even fight, this title is useless on your body."

"Since you want to gamble, then gamble."

"The barren hill Mo family must not be insulted."

Chu Yi and Mo took the oath mercilessly.

Mo Wuqing whistled loudly, and at his eyebrows, there was a ray of glow, and a sign printed with "Bai Qian" suddenly appeared.

And that ray of light is getting more and more intense, like the magma in the volcano spraying out.

"At that time, I got the title, and the Immortal Lord gave me a skill to help each other with Xinghai Jue."

"Di Yuan Jue!"

He snorted, and in an instant, eighteen flying swords fell, exuding a lot of energy.

The eighteen flying swords revolve around the hilt and spread under the galaxy.

The desert deserted and smoked upward.

Mo Wu ruthlessly stared at Xinghai, stepped on Gu Yan, and suddenly, the two methods merged together, spinning wildly.


A huge star was heading towards Chu Yi, the speed of the star was extremely fast, the flame and the sword awn were burning around the body, as if to cut off the world.

Everyone's heart sank, a little vibration, and their heads buzzed.

Chu Yi's pupils shrank, he opened the Eclipse Longan, and he could see that the other party's move had endless changes.

He evaded violently, and the huge star passed his ear, weakening Chu Yi's hair, and then a wound emerged from his face.

"What a powerful method."

Immediately afterwards, a vision of heaven and earth, one star after another, kept falling.

"The unity of heaven and earth, the unity of the stars and swords, is worthy of the great universe, and worthy of being the true genius supreme."

Chu Yi met his opponent. Behind him appeared a demon stone statue, arms cast like gold, and swords in both hands, constantly chopping the sun, moon and stars.

"What's the point of this kid, Mo Wuqing has already reached this point, why hasn't he suppressed the other party, then the king of Chu is still resisting, and there is no sign of defeat."


The world spins.

Chu Yi has a sword for the day and a sword for the night. He has not yet learned the inheritance of the swordsmanship of the Universiade, so he used the swordsmanship created by himself. Although it is not enough, it is supported by the swordsmanship, but it is also enough to resist.

The galaxy is turning, constantly changing, and in coordination with the geography, it seems to be a huge sword formation.

The sky and the stars surrounded Chu Yi, and the meteorites continued to fall down.

Mo Wuqing was more and more frightened. His Xinghai tactics were originally extremely terrible methods. As soon as Xinghai came out, there would be chaos and the attacking power was even more amazing.

Di Yuan Jue is a special increase in Xinghai Jue.

Heaven and earth are at hand, who can be the enemy.

However, he understands that the other party's two methods of breaking his own are from the kendo side.

First break the sword in the Yuan Yuan Jue, then break the ground, then break the Xinghai, so that he can't exert his 100% strength at all.

"Although I can't defeat him, he can only resist. This kind of flesh, as long as it is hit, is enough to destroy. Yuanying Realm can't bear such an attack at all."

"Bai Mi Yi Shu, I don't believe it, he can withstand all attacks."


Big collisions time and time again, but what shocked everyone was that Chu Yi took it every time.

He didn't show the earth-shattering tremendous learning, nor did he have any big moves, he used his flesh to resist.

The sun shadow holy body is restrained, glows under the skin, the blood flows in the body, the muscles swell, and the Taoist house glows with radiance.

Although he had never seen the Lord Chenhuo, the other party still left him great benefits.

At that time, he was the first to enter the Supreme of Kendo in the mysterious realm, and he was baptized in heaven, thinking that it was the energy left by Lord Chenhuo.

Chu Yi rushed to the past and shot down the dense stars.

Then he was restrained, and finally punched the opponent's way.

There was a bang.

Xinghai Jue and Diyuan Jue are split.

At the same time, Mo Ru's face changed drastically, his lips became purple-red instantly, and he kept going backwards, rubbing his feet on the desert, wow, and a spit of blood spit out.

The people suddenly looked up, their pupils were shocked, and they were horrified.

Bai Long Su Rui, Master Ku Rong are all speechless.

The man stood in midair and was located in Xinghai Jue and Diyuan Jue, giving people endless shock.

"Brother Chu..."

Shi Mu stunned, "My strength is just barely comparable to that of Mo Ruthless. Grandpa Grandpa kept me concealing his strength and waited until the future to fly into the sky with a blockbuster. But now I met Brother Chu, fearing that he would have to fight the world today. Right."

With the Sun and Moon Yu Feijian overhead, how could there be such a person in the world!

This is only Yuanying Realm, if the two are fighting in the Supreme Realm, it is even more amazing.

"Mo ruthless, defeat!"

At this moment Chu Yi was so cruel, his words fell, and suddenly a sword fell from the sky, engulfing Mo ruthlessly.

The desert shook and the ruins became real ashes.

When the smoke disperses, who can still see Mo ruthless figure.


Abandoned Mo family, in a palace, Mo anxiously waited for her brother. She was killed by Chu Yi before and could not enter in a short time, waiting for Mo to be mercilessly exhaled.

Suddenly, Mo Wuqing's face was white, and a mouthful of blood spewed out. Yuan Ying returned to his body, and his body twitched.


"What's wrong with you?" Mo Xin was horrified.

"I lost!"

"I actually lost, lost to a kid who didn't know where to come from, a country kid who didn't even have the title of Supreme."

"Kaka Kaka..."

Suddenly, the title on his forehead shattered like glass.

"Do not!"

"My title... the title I have obtained with countless means."

He hissed his lungs.

The loss of the title is more serious than the defeat, which means that he lost a lot of resources, and even lost the Yuan Yuan Jue, even if the Yuan Yuan Jue has learned, but when the title is broken, the Yuan Yuan Jue, from his memory Disappeared.

Immortal Lord means the sky.

"Quick, inform your father about this matter, and then report it to the head of the house, and report it to the Presbyterian Church, saying that in the Dream World, there seems to be an invincible method, and the basic article is in the hands of Na Chu Yan."

Mo ruthless has no way, until now, he can only use the strength of the family to suppress the other side.

"Mr. Chu Yan, you are holding such a precious method, and you are still alone. I see how you can hold on."

"When I find your identity in reality, I will surely kill you!"

What happened in the Dream Realm was quickly spread, and most of the universe was boiling.

According to rumors, there is an invincible method in the big dream world. I didn't expect it to really appear. For a time, many geniuses all entered the big dream world.

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