My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1447: Masters on the Star Wars

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

In the Dream World, Chu Yi stood alone and looked around.

His previous method was so shocking that people saw his strength.

Even if such as Bailong Su Rui and Master Ku Rong, he was a little hesitant and frightened at this time, so he dared not take action immediately.

"Who else is going to give it a try? But it would be exempt if you don't have the title of Supreme, it's too boring, and you don't have to fight." Chu Yi recovered his face, making everyone unable to respond.

It was very serious just now, and now it is a rogue again.

"Mr. Chu Yan, I admit that you are strong, but with your own strength, you can't guarantee this practice. No matter where you hide in the universe, as long as you are still alive, it will be found one day." Bai Long Su Rui warned.

"Rather than being in a state of incompatibility at the time, it is better to hand it over now, so as not to cause death."


Master Ku Rong nodded.

Soon, some people responded below, and they were all pushing Chu Yi, because this is an invincible method. If it is really born, it will create a super power, who does not want to get it.

At the same time, many people secretly whispered to Chu Yi, wanted to trade, and offered extremely generous prices.

"It's really interesting. The rumors are true. A newcomer appeared in Dameng Yuanying Realm, and found a way of invincible law, and he also killed the Quartet."

Suddenly, a piece of silvery white snowflakes floated in the sky, and a gentle voice came.

The wheels are rolling, and a beautiful snow horned beast, with a slender body and soft hair, looks like a **** BMW, raising his neck and pulling a car in front of everyone.

From the car, a young man walked out, with a crown of clothes and a white hair like plum.

The young man appeared and gently waved his sleeve robe. The wind and snow flew in an instant and rolled back into his cuff.


At this moment, everyone's face changed dramatically.

"Hundred Ghost Domain, the 90th place in the Star Wars Snow Man!"

"God, I haven't seen the characters on the Star Wars list for a long time. I didn't expect to shock them."

"Mr. Xueyi, the crown of clothes is better than Xue. At that time, the northern sky and snowfield became famous in one battle, killing hundreds of immortals."

"My idol!"

"This is my husband!" A female monk almost fainted.

Although the title of Supreme is terrible, it is far inferior to the characters on the Star Wars list. Each of them is unmatched. The low-level fairy king has become a prey in their eyes.

The Star Wars list rarely changes. This is because the strength of the first hundred people is too great, and some are old monsters who have lived for endless years and stayed on the list.

Chu Yi Ling Ran, only felt that his whole body's aura started to freeze, and it was also the Yuan infant realm, and the other party was several realms higher than Mo ruthless just now.

"The Star Wars List deserves its name!" He sighed in his heart that even if he was proud, he would not underestimate the titled Supreme Masters, especially the demon on the Star Wars List.

"I didn't expect that a basic chapter of invincible exercises would lead all of these people out." Chu Yi sighed.

"However, it seems that Hundred Ghosts Domain did not take action against Universiade, but it cannot be ruled out in secret."

"Chu Yan?" Master Xueyi's voice is soft, his eyebrows are white, but he still looks young, full of vitality, heroic, but not the kind of arrogance.

"I heard that there was a fierce man in the big dream world, which offended most of the children of Immortal Realm Shenfu from the moment, and even beat up the people of the Mo family, which is really popular."

Everyone was stunned, but Hundred Ghosts and Mo Family had never been in harmony, and no one took Xueyi's words to heart.

"It's just a small name." Chu Yi said modestly.

Xueyi looked strange: "A saint with an epoch, also called a little nickname?"

Chu Yi laughed.

"Mr. Chu Yan, I won't talk to you too much. We can ignore today's things, but I can't ignore the invincible method evolved from the big dream world." Xueyi said directly.

"Some of the powerful people of the Space Administration have passed the words. This time they will not be able to shoot the invincible method. Whoever gets it, whoever is, depends on their own ability. Of course, the realm of the fairy king can be except the peak fairy king. Get involved."

Mr. Xueyi is talking to Chu Yi and everyone.

He is one of the top four forces, and even a genius on the Star Wars list, he can naturally get the news in the first place.

Everyone was shocked.

The above is to let this practice go.

"It seems that the above time feels too calm, which makes us lose our sharpness, and wants to use this skill to stimulate us." Master Ku Rong thought deeply.

Xueyi nodded and smiled: "Cultivation is like sailing against the current, and if you don't advance, you retreat."

"If a universe is too peaceful, no one can become an emperor."

"Brother Chu, you are right in the middle of this vortex and let this universe boil again."

"However, this is also very dangerous. If you don't have the power protection of the Immortal Master level behind you, you can't swallow this skill alone."

Xueyi Gong sincerely said: "My hundred ghost domains will not take advantage of you. If Brother Chu is willing to join, then give the core disciples resources. You can naturally practice this skill, and it is equipped with a fairy king peak level. The strong are always protected, and in any case, they will train Brother Chu to the peak of the fairy king."


Everyone suddenly froze, and the conditions given by the Hundred Ghost Huo family were too rich, and even Chu Yi was a little moved.

In particular, Baiguiyu did not have a head-on conflict with Universiade, nor did it profit from the Universiade incident.

"Snowman, how do you look like a white wolf with empty gloves?"

Suddenly, a thunder knocked down, and the whole Gobi shook and a big pit appeared.

The pit was full of liquid thunder, and then turned into a tall figure, about three meters high, three heads and six arms, but soon, the extra head and arms shrank back.

The coming man is muscular and powerful, giving endless oppression.

Chu Yi's pupil shrank, and the other party's Thunder was afraid that it could be comparable to the Thunder origin produced by the Universiade.

Beside the strong man, a cloudy wind blew past, and someone was wearing a hat, and appeared in a low profile.

"Lei Wanjun from the Dongtian Lei Family! Ranked No. 89 on the Star Wars!"

"There are also priests from the heart of the sea, death priests from the asterisk, and eighty-five stars in the Star Wars!"

People are frightened, a little scared, and keep going back.

Lei Wanjun's voice was like thunder and he smiled and said, "This Daoist, your talent is fair, and you can beat the Mo Wu ruthless, which proves that you have the potential to enter the peak of the fairy king. Become the peak of the fairy king, and you don't need the same level of fairy king protection."

"They promised that your core disciples' resources are even more a joke. You have achieved the title of Supreme, and the resources you get will not be worse than the resources of the core disciples of Baigui Domain."

"So, their promise is a fart!"

"Lei Wanjun, what conditions can you come up with?" Xueyi sneered.

The priest smiled faintly. He raised his head, revealing a pale and colorless face, and his eyes were even paler, without pupils.

"My heart Haidong and Dongtian Lei's family decided to jointly train you."


Everyone's head was buzzing, and some couldn't get around.

Xue Yizi and other people have changed their complexions.

The two top forces are jointly cultivated. Once such words are spoken, they cannot be recovered.

That means that offending a king of Chu Yan is tantamount to offending two.

This treatment is better.

"It seems that I am still a bit useful." Chu Yi touched his nose.

Suddenly, a sword fell smoothly in the void, and then, Jian Guang became a figure.

The man is personable and bears a sword box, which is three points similar to Mo Wuqing's, with his hands on his back.

"The barren hills are fearless!"

"No. 70 on the Star Wars!"

"All the masters on the Star Wars list of the four major families are here. There is a good drama to watch, and this is fearless, and the relationship with Mo Wuqing is good. It is said that Mo Wuqing was trained by him."

"The little one came to the old one, this time, King Chu Yan is finished."

The appearance of Mo Wuwei surprised several others.

The latter's eyes glanced coldly at Chu Yi, but they quickly passed by, as if they didn't care.

"You are battling, just for an invincible law, not this person."

"A person who only defeated a titled Supreme during the infant period, what is worth arguing about."

"In my opinion, people are killed, and things are slowly divided."

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