Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

"Mo Wuwei shot it himself, this kid has a good look." Di Ye reinstalled his chin and smiled cheerfully.

"Grandpa Grandpa, although Brother Chu did too much, he could not let the gang kill him." Shi Mu said.

Di Ye's eyes flashed: "Hey, who let this kid steal my money, let him learn something, but this kid's temper is very appetizing to me, let him suffer a little bit, and wait for me again He rescued him, but as a result, my identity was exposed."

"Invincible law, we don't have the Sanyuan Holy Mountain, all in the hands of top families, grandpa grandpa earned it."

The old and the young laughed.

But seeing the sky, Mo Wuwei squinted at each other, he raised his hand, very decisive, and a sudden heavy wave hit the past.

In the sky, I don't know when it rained heavily, and it kept changing into a huge wave, drowning from all directions. This was his way, and it was intertwined into a huge wave. It was terrible.


Chu Yi evaded a blow, and then the whole ground sank. Although he recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, it was very slow.

Chu Yitengyun drove the fog, that was the dragon's method, to avoid the huge waves, to survive in the gap.

"The terrible method seems to have a track to follow, but it is airtight. There is only a little gap between the waves and the waves, and the water is not simple. I am afraid that it is a special kind of water that is full of yin. The power of cold."

Chu Yi looked at the ground, but saw that the ground was already covered with black frost.

"Where can you escape, but within the realm of Yuanying, within a hundred miles, you don't have to think about escape."

Mo Wuwei's expression was relaxed, he walked step by step, very leisurely, and did not mean fighting at all.

Everyone was awe-inspiring.

Even the children of the Immortal Family of Shenfu, even the title of Supreme, rarely see the masters on the Star Wars.

Those masters have almost polished themselves in the secret realm, and some have not even appeared once in ten thousand years.

And Mo Wuwei is ranked 70th in the Star Wars. This ranking is already quite scary for many people.


He took a sip, and in a flash, a red flame was generated in the huge waves, turned into a sword, and roared, like the iron ride, rushing towards Chu Yi.

It can be clearly seen that each sword is not simply agglomerated. The honeycomb fire eyes appear on it. Each fire eye opens, not only spraying flames, but also carrying illusion.

The flame and the giant wave merged perfectly and pierced Chu Yi.

"They are all high-level methods. I don't know how much higher than my fairyland method. It's terrible." Chu Yi murmured, he decided to go back this time, he must learn some inheritance of Universiade, to deal with the occasional need.

The sword worm opened its mouth, and the huge mouth swallowed the energy directly into the body. There was a great deal of energy in its belly, but if the energy exploded in a short time, it would explode.

"Shifang Town Kill!"

Mo Wuwei was slightly surprised, but his palm turned, and in an instant, countless giant waves formed a swamp, traversing the sky, and the area became larger and larger. Within the swamp, dragons jumped, and fierce beasts rampaged.

There was thunder in the sky and it rained heavily. The crooked rain silk was like a sword, puncturing holes in the ground.

Numerous secret patterns are superimposed together, the swamp is suppressed, and Chu Yi is to be engulfed.

"Ah! It's a murder, it's water!"

Chu Yi waved his arms, his strides were amazing, and before the swamp landed, he rushed out and surrounded him.

Mo Wuwei's eyes were still calm. In his eyes, Chu Yi was nothing but his plaything, just like a swimming fish in this vast swamp.

"I don't want to be drowned, you can't do this to me, I hate water the most."

Mo Wuwei's five fingers spread, and in an instant, a thunder broke out and mixed in the swamp.

Boom, I don’t know how many electric awns exploded. The world and the earth were shocked. The void was twisted and wobbled. The mountains in the distance were shattered.

"I don't want to be struck by thunder, please change your moves, it is too ugly to be struck by thunder."

Everyone was speechless, and this man was whispering, but he was in Fariso, and has not been injured so far.

Mo Wuwei was a little bit frightened, and a flaming beast protruded from the swamp, and his sharp claws extended towards Chu Yi.

This man is too powerful. One skill is combined with another. It can be used at will. There is no stagnation in the middle. In his hands, water and fire can be compatible, Thunder can be mimicked, and various exercises can be combined with each other. .

Although these geniuses are still in the realm of supremacy, they have already detached themselves from the Dao in mind, otherwise **** the fairy king?

"Ah, don't burn me, I avoid fire with five elements."

Chu Yi waved his arms and went to heaven, walking like a sword light, looking very embarrassed.

"Let you tease us and still want to escape now?"

"Brother Fearless, don't kill him immediately, but play with it slowly, making him feel desperate and dare to tease us."

A group of people applauded. This man was so abominable that he had a flat face.

"No, although he fled in embarrassment, did you not find it? So far, Mo Wuwei's attack has never touched the other party!"

Someone suddenly woke up.

Mo Wuwei used a variety of exercises, and in the realm of Yuanying were extraordinary methods, but Chu Yi avoided them one by one, and even his clothes were not contaminated with dust.

"This kid, Kendo is very strong, you look at his sword step, it seems straight, but at the moment of the attack, it seems that there is a hunch and directly avoids it."

"He didn't use the body method, just the simplest sword step. Is it that his sword sword is already so powerful?"

"Brother Mo, that kid is as cunning as the loach. You and I are in the realm of Yuanying. After all, this realm has its limits. We have no advantage at all in this realm. It is a night long dream. Let's do it together." Lei Wanjun said.

"Yes." Mo Wuwei is also quite helpless, Chu Yi is too cunning, he still has some difficulties to win.


Lei Wanjun took a step, and suddenly a huge thunder net appeared in the sky.

He is the master of using Lei Dao. On the azure blue Lei net, there are vines spreading out, and they are constantly falling between the sky and the earth. This is to seal Chu Yi’s way and let the enemy avoid.


The priest grinned, and he opened his mouth. At the next moment, the ghosts of the open claws and dancing claws came out, and the sky and earth gloomed for a moment.

Those ghosts and Thunder cooperated, not weakened, but strengthened more, absorbed the supreme air in Lei Wanjun's Thunder, and the body quickly expanded.

The three shot and sealed the world.

"Look where do you run this time?"

"It seems that I'm going to shoot." Di Ye sighed helplessly, and suddenly he paused.

I saw Chu Yi slipped and ran to the side of the big dream beast. Under the eyes of all eyes, he punched the nose of the big dream beast with a punch.

Feng Jingxian was stunned.

Mo Wuwei was dumbfounded, Lei Wanjun was dull, and everyone's chin fell to the ground.

What are you guys doing?

Obviously he was attacked, so he was so good, why did he beat the big dream beast.

Big Dream Beast originally lay lazy there to watch a good show, but also chose a comfortable stone deliberately. When he thought of it, Chu Yi was rushing to and fro in front of him, and it was a mess to him.

They are eye-to-eye.

"I hit you." Chu Yi affirmed.

The big dream beast angered and snorted. In an instant, behind Chu Yi, the attacks of Mo Wuwei and the three men disappeared completely.

The crowd only heard the roar of the big dream beast: "Beating the master of the big dream world is a crime of great evil. You will not be allowed to enter the big dream world and be expelled immediately within three years."

"Thank you so much." Chu Yi embraced the big dream beast with excitement.

Then, a light shrouded it, so that no one could shoot it.

"Goodbye, everyone. Thank you for your hospitality. We will see you in three years. I look forward to it. I hope that you will be as stupid as today...enthusiastic."

He waved and grinned, very happy.

"Oh, the remaining invincible methods, of course I know the method and how to find it, but I just don’t tell you."

The light disappeared, and Chu Yi also disappeared, and was sent out completely.

"Damn human boy, dare to hit me." Damengong touched his face and immediately turned over and left.

The remaining group of people, you look at me, I look at you, and in the end, everyone broke out.

Is this okay? !

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