My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1452: Bone Bone Lord

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

The cold wind of the Big Dream Realm blew past, rolled up the dust, and slapped them on the faces of everyone, as if Chu Yi slapped them in the face.

Everyone's face is hot, this time, even Feng Jingxian is no exception.

I was fooled again!

In a short period of time, everyone was being played for the second time, whether it was a person on the Star Wars list, a title of Supreme, or a landlord, there was a feeling of humiliation.

Who could have thought of such a way of leaving, beating the big dream beast?

Ghosts do this.

But the man acted like this, and after playing around with the crowd and taking away two parts of the invincible law, he calmly left.

Feng Jingxian also held the seizure needle in his hand, and the knuckles were slightly whitened because he pinched too tightly. This was used to directly kill Chu Yi's body, but even the big dream beast could not even help her.

"There are some invincible methods in my hand. Check it. Give me a hard check. I don't believe it. This huge universe, and some people that our Universe Authority can't find."

"No matter what your identity is, as long as you are still in this universe, even in various secret realms, one day there will be traces."

Mo Wuwei's eyes are fierce, he is the asterisk supreme, he has not been so fooled and insulted.

"In just three years, this kid's strength is actually not strong, even if he has the power of the title of Supreme, but it is almost at the bottom. I will not be wrong about this."

Not afraid!

It's just that Chu Yi is too cunning.

"After three years, he will definitely come back again. At that time, we will definitely stand by and wait for the rabbits to set up a lore formation."

Feng Jingxian left quietly, and left slowly, as did several asterisks.

It's just that the news here is getting bigger and bigger. At least the forces of the Universe Authority have known that this character has slipped under the eyes of many titles of Supreme and Asterisk.

"Scary, is there a monster?"

"Even Feng Fengxian dares to play, he is afraid he will die."

"Mr. Chu Yan... I remember this name, there are invincible methods."

Outside, there was an uproar, and the entire universe hadn't happened such an interesting thing in a long time. Chu Yi was like a stone that fell on the lake, making the universe rippled.

"The heavens are so unreasonable, dare to insult my Mo family so much!"

This time, the most tragic is the Mo family, because Chu Yi was pointing at their noses before scolding.

"Are we being insulted like this?" Mo Ruqing's eyes were hard to swallow.

Mo Wuwei frowned, and said, "I have nowhere to live, my family has a great cause and great glory, and I will not be affected by such a small matter."

"This is everyone's heritage, no need to worry."

"During this time, you have time to take a look at Dream World and try to find other parts of the invincible method."

"Yes." Mo ruthlessly focused on his head. He was in awe of the people in front of him.


Suddenly, both of them raised their heads violently and looked at somewhere in the Mo family.

The entire Mo family is located deep in the flame desert. The endless flame desert can resist all monks from entering.

This is a natural barrier of terror.

However, at this moment, many Mo family children found that the flame desert hunting hunted, and the flames, like the wind, lingered, and across the distance, you could feel the tingling of the sword tip against the skin.

"what is this?"

"A strong sword!"


The endless flame desert suddenly spins, and then a huge and fuzzy face appears, overlooking a certain place of the Mo family.

"It's an ancestor!"



A child of the Mo family, from the elders to the juniors and house slaves, all knelt on the ground.

Mo Wuwei was shocked in his eyes.

"The ancestor appeared, and I have only seen it once since I was born."

He dared not look directly at the huge flame.

The Mo family's ancestors, the pinnacle lord, propped up the entire Mo family's terrible existence.

Buried Immortal Lord!

The huge pupil overlooks the Mo family, like two moons in the sky.

"It's the sword's volatility. Is it possible that Mo Wudi has already merged the spirit of the sword!"

Mo Wuwei's eyes were deeply shocked.

Mo Wudi was born in the same era as him, but the other party is too dazzling, and now he is 15th on the Star Wars chart, and has long been in contact with the most core heritage.

Now, once the opponent has integrated the spirit of the sword, then he is very likely to challenge the top ten or even the top five of the Star Wars.

The people of the Mo family can’t help not knowing the origin of this sword spirit, even if it’s a taboo.

This sword spirit is amazing.

"I'm afraid I can't surpass Mo invincible in my life." Mo Wuwei was a little sad.

Mo Wuqing also sighed deeply.

In the top ten of the Star Wars list, except Feng Jingxian, there are a few generations higher than them, but now, Mo invincible with their peers is about to enter that state.

Promising future!

"Not bad."

The flames in the desert are disturbing, like feathers, constantly drifting towards the sky.

"I didn't expect that my Mo family can really appear a person, and merge with the soul of the sword. Once the fusion is successful, the sword-man can be created."

"It's close, but within a few years, it was completely successful."

"Unfortunately, when the sword reincarnation came back, it disappeared, and I don't know where it is now."

If it was buried in the void, it would be impossible to find even the bone immortal lord.


Chu Yi returned, the deity recovered, he stretched his waist, his bones crackled.

"How is it?"

"How are the creatures from outside, and what is their strength?"

Qingdi and others can't wait to ask, they always feel that they are flowers in the greenhouse, and they are both eager and afraid of the outside.


Chu Yizheng said, "Very strong. Among my peers, I am not their opponent."

Everyone froze.

"Even if you say something powerful, it's really powerful. For us, it's really dangerous." Qilong Supreme sighed.

"It doesn't have to be so frustrating. Their strength lies in the practice and the foundation. Now we also have various methods. As long as we practice for a period of time, we will have a great improvement in a short time.

"Everyone, if you are okay, you can also go through this door and enter the big dream world to take a look, but it is best to first practice the Falun Dafa."

"However, the IQ of those people is too low, I was teased..."

Chu Yi talked about his experience to the crowd. A group of people were speechless, petrified, and had not moved for a long time.

"Son, I originally wanted to go in and report your name, but now, I am still going to do it by myself, I am afraid of being killed."

"You're too damaged, and you have provoked so many powers in the future. How can we mix in the universe in the future." A group of people are very depressed. They appear in the universe, and they must not mention the nicknames such as Chu Yan Wang and Yan Luo. .

Chu Yi laughed: "Not so terrible, those people are powerful, but too mentally handicapped, you can play them with a little bit of your brain."

"I tell are going to pit them like this. It is estimated that a group of people are looking for invincible methods. We use this to cheat money."

"This is too detrimental." Many of the supreme old people's faces were flushed. After all, in this secret area, there are people with heads and faces.

"You can earn big dream coins. If you see the right way, you can also exchange with them, or if you have something you want to buy, let them send it to Sanyuan Holy Mountain, a goblin named Dye ."

Chu Yi's eyes flickered and everyone knew what idea he was playing without guessing.


Suddenly, a paper crane fell on the sky. The paper crane spread out and appeared in front of Chu Yi.

Chu Yi smiled.

"You solitary widows are here to practice, Yanhuang Realm is good."

"I have to go back first and let the two old ladies at home serve me."

Chu Yi backs his arms and leaves slowly, the spring breeze is proud.

Baihu followed, and shouted, "Son, you call the two ladies old ladies. I have recorded this matter, and it was recorded by voice."

"Cough... Er Niu, there is something to say. The next time I go to Dreamworld, I will buy you a picture from the outside world."

"Then I won't tell my wife about them, lest you sleep in the living room like that one time."


Behind everyone laughed.

"Two Niu."


"I am missing a fox fur coat recently."

"Son, I have skin disease." The white fox jumped on Chu Yi's shoulder and rubbed it.

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