My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1453: Hide with the tiger

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

The content on the paper crane is for Chu Yi to return to Chu's house.

He thought it was his family who missed him. When he went back, he realized that he thought too much of himself.

There are not many people in the Chu Family Hall. Ye Yanyu and Xia You are all there, as well as their own mothers, who are constantly eyeing themselves.

Chu Yi swept and saw Ji Dao Immortal, and beside him, a small demon immortal with a happy face.

Xia You is quiet, Ye Yanyu has a gentle atmosphere in her gentleness, and Little Demon Fairy seems to have recovered her former temperament. At least at this moment, she grinned at Chu Yi.

Forced marriage?


Chu Yi shook his head violently, Ji Dao Xian was very cold to himself.

"Son, the visitor is not good." White Fox whispered quietly.

"We left first, you talk slowly." Ye Yanyu glanced slightly worriedly.

"Sister Ye, Sister Xia, it's okay, let's go to the boudoir to talk first."

Little Moxian smiled slyly, then took the arms of the two women and left intimately.

Immediately, he greeted Chu Mu and Chu Yi's mother to leave together, no stranger.

Chu Yi's mouth twitched, with the character of the little demon fairy, Ye Yanyu and Xia You could not cope with it, only hoped that his mother would give some help, don't be cheated.

In the hall, all of a sudden disappeared, leaving only Chu Yi and Ji Dao Xian sitting opposite each other.

The white fox, sword worm and pig bajie are silently drinking tea and eating pastries.

"What happened to the seniors?" Ji Dao Xian is a fairy king, but after experiencing the big dream world, Chu Yi is no longer afraid of the fairy king.

Those asterisks Supreme can hunt the fairy king, he believes that one day, when he reaches the peak, he can also hunt the strong king.

Ji Dao Xian looked around, he had lines in his eyes, and he looked a little scary.

"Don't worry, there are people who haven't arrived, and wait for everyone to come together and say together."

"It's too crowded here, let's go outside."

Chu Yi led the people to the open space of Houshan, where there are stone tables and chairs, and the air was fresh.

Suddenly, the space above the earth was torn, and two figures appeared slowly.


"Xie Wushuang!"

Chu Yi raised his eyebrows and then looked at Ji Dao Xian. These three people appeared on the earth together. It was really weird.

"Supreme Yan Luo, took the liberty to visit and disturbed me." Xie Wushuang smiled and fell in front of Chu Yi.

"You're welcome." Chu Yi arched his hand and looked at Tingtian with a smile again, seeing the other party walking a little unfavorably, teasing, "Senior Tingtian seems to have some problems with his legs and feet. Would you like me to take a look?"

Ting Tian glared and said: "You kid, deliberately pit me. I am carrying most of the big broken Universiade House. I walked back all the way and almost didn't crush me. The result was nothing."

"Chen Huo Xianzhu thinks for a long time, how can I know where he puts his heritage, it's the senior you have to take it back."

"Humph!" Ting Tian snorted coldly.

"However, what is your purpose this time?" Chu Yi saw that the people had already arrived, and he opened the door.

"The swordman, I called them."

Suddenly, Xie Wushuang spread his palms, and in his palms, black threads punctured his skin continuously.

Countless black silk threads are intertwined. After a while, a fuzzy figure is formed, with only a pair of black eyes still clear.

An evil breath permeated, but it only enveloped the back hill.

The Sword Bug glared: "Famine!"

"You are the emptiness of the virtual world!"

"You destroyed my Universiade House!"

"Sword worm?" Huang Xiao laughed. "Sure enough, it wasn't destroyed so completely. The swordsman is still alive, and even the sword worm is alive."


Chu Yi was stunned, this is the shortage, this is the top virtual world creatures, like destiny, but also the virtual world creatures, but the level is not so high.

"Famine, I thought you would be a tortoise turtle for a lifetime, but I didn't expect to appear now. What are you doing?" Chu Yi was not afraid and looked directly at each other.

"It's worthy of being the swordman, so calm when I saw me." Huang laughed.

"The reason why I appear is because my lies have been seen by you, and there are outside monks coming, then you can easily get some news about me, and naturally understand that this secret realm exists to trap me."

"If so, why did you appear?" Chu Yi smiled.

"Naturally it's with you, and you guys, to talk about business." Huang has no mouth, and his voice comes out of his body, a little hoarse.


Chu Yi calmly seated, playing with tea set: "This world is prisoner, trapped by you, why do I have to do business with you?"

"Because you can't get out."

The tentacles on the wasteland creeped.

"Why should I go out, since I know the truth, I will not break through, and when this mystery is conceived to the end, the savings will become stronger and stronger, and at the end, I will be destroyed with you." Chu Yi A meal.

"You are not so noble." Huang laughed, not thinking, "You can't achieve this level until the last resort."

"Not to mention, we are not necessarily the enemy."

"It's not an enemy, is it still a friend?" Chu Yi firmly said.

"My imaginary creatures, wandering in the void, devouring the universe, this is the value of my imaginary creatures."

Chu Yi nodded: "I don't do bad reviews, it's understandable, the world created you, and you are like this, and you have to survive."

"Yeah, we have to survive, so when I come to this universe, I have to devour this universe."

"But we can only devour the unowned universe."

"So we can only destroy the sword-man of this universe first."

"This is the conflict between me and your Universiade."

Famine slowly said: "But you Universiade, it is not really in our hands."

"These few, but I asked them to discuss how to destroy the Universiade, otherwise you thought that the Universiade was really so easily destroyed, but we still miscalculated and were ambushed secretly. Perish together, leaving only my broken body."

Chu Yi held his breath, and the swordworm was flushed with rage.

"They and you are enemies, and I am also enemies. We are weak now, and they are strong. Once they are discovered, do you think you are the only one who died, naturally you, and all the creatures in a secret realm."

"So, let's join forces."

Huang looked at Chu Yi: "We joined forces, you help me to break this secret area, and then, I help you hide this secret area smoothly, so that you don't have to worry about being discovered."

"We can make a contract, the most demanding contract."

Chu Yi pondered, knowing that it was only a secret place, who didn't want to go out.

The outside world is a vast universe, and here, there may not even be an immortal, and even the entire secret realm will be destroyed with the wasteland.

Huang continued: "If you don't agree, we will all be destroyed with the destruction of the secret realm. You are a hero, what's the use?"

"In the end, the barren hills are the real winner."

"And Universiade, as the years pass, will disappear into the universe, no one remembers."

"Let you go out, you will destroy the entire universe." Chu Yi looked directly at each other.

"You look at me too high. Our family has countless deaths and injuries, leaving me alone in this universe, and there are many fairy lords outside, you don't need to worry at all."

"Even if you don't agree, what can you do, you should know that someone has found it here."

"Although I don’t know what the Yutian Gate is, there is a peak fairy king sitting in the town. After the next channel is opened, maybe he will notice something is wrong, how long can you hide it, once Yutianmen keeps sending people in, dies, and suffers heavy losses. , He will report to the Universe Authority."

"Those guys are not so easy to deal with. They will definitely perform this. That is the Universiade House of the Fire Lord."

"In the end, maybe we will die faster."

Chu Yi laughed: "Or, we were rescued and you were killed?"

Huang Xie laughed: "There is only one emperor in the vast universe. Those guys, in order to compete for the emperor, will do whatever they can. If they don't achieve the immortal emperor, they will control the universe, and the destruction of the entire universe has nothing to do with them."

"They have lived too long, endless years, although there are offspring, but they have long lost their affection. You are in their eyes, as threatening as I am."

"Yan Luo Supreme, bet once!"

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