My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1454: The two big negatives join forces

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Ji Dao Xian was silent, and Ting Tian did not speak. Although they were fairy kings, it was not for them to intervene in such matters.

The final decision is in the hands of Chu Yi.

Famine will not let go of imprisonment and make Chu Yi into an immortal, because it is too dangerous. Once Chu Yi breaks to the peak of the fairy king, even if the basic swordsmanship has not been maintained, it can kill the injured famine.

The famine is to let Chu Yi use the basic swordsmanship to break through the universe, and then escape by himself.

Chu Yi looked directly at each other: "Promise you, the future is very likely, the entire universe will be destroyed by my decision, and I will become a sinner forever."

"What about that?" Huang smiled and couldn't see his mouth. The laughter was like the wind drifting through the dense tombs.

"The universe is all destroyed. Are you a saint or a sinner? What does it matter?"

"Without my help, this mysterious area of ​​yours has fallen 100%, and I will die, we stand on a boat."

Abandoned close to Chu Yi, all kinds of tentacles twisted: "Bet, after betting with us, after going out of the universe, I can't do it to you immediately, otherwise, it would be equivalent to revealing my whereabouts."

"I am not an opponent of the gang of pinnacle lords, at least I have to restore my strength."

"We bet, at the end of the day, it is you who will control the universe first, or will I devour the universe first."

"It's simple and clear. If you want, I can help you to slowly deal with the top powers. They are too greedy, and greed will let them kill each other, just like dealing with the Universiade."

"In this way, in the end it is just a showdown between you and me, how clear."

"Senior Supreme Yan Luo, a decision, a bet on the future, is not in the hands of others, but in your own hands."

Chu Yi thought, nobody disturbed him.

"You still have friends, barren." He said suddenly.

Lonely motionless: "How is it possible that the things of the year and the virtual world creatures of my level have all died."

"Since all are dead, why don't you fall into the void after you leave?"

Chu Yi looked like a sword, "At that time, you have so many associates, but you still can't devour the entire universe, and you can't defeat the top families. Why do you think you can defeat them by yourself?"

"This is too illogical."

"What's more, the imaginary creatures in the universe are gone, and the imaginary creatures in the void will not come in again."

"Although I have no idea of ​​the outside world, you should not attack such a sloppy universe so surely, you must have a back hand. The coordinates of our universe, not only the imaginary creatures you come in to know."

Wild black eyes blinked.

"You are too smart, so smart that I want to kill you now."

Chu Yi grinned: "I'm not so noble, so you're not so noble."

"If you kill me, you will die, and all the benefits may fall into the hands of your companions. You won't. Your selfishness is greater than mine."

"Yes, I still have companions." Huang admitted, "If that is the case, then you have to cooperate with me even more, because no matter whether I go out or not, my companions will still enter this universe, more than me."

Chu Yi nodded: "This is the only reason I can persuade myself to cooperate with you."

"In this case, we don't need to have too much scrutiny, we are straightforward."

The shortage is very direct. "A big problem recently is how to hide from Yutianmen. Yutianmen is one of the temples. It can communicate directly with the Universe Administration. Once the loss of the secret area in this side exceeds a certain level, they will take the secret area. To the Space Administration."

"If the Space Administration knows, we will only die in the end."

"Yan Luo Zhizun, haven't you caught the core child of Yutianmen before, I need to take a look."

"Do you want to see their memory? There is a seal of the fairy king level in the memory." Chu Yi said.

"Just the fairy king, although I was injured, it was still easy to break a seal."

The sword worm opened his mouth, his body swelled, and suddenly spit out Xiaoyusheng and Yuzhen.

The two were full of mucus.

"Void creatures!"

Xiao Yusheng was terrified, and a handsome face had long been distorted.

The sword worm deliberately let them hear certain words, so the two knew that the imaginary creatures in front of them were the enemy of the entire universe, comparable to the existence of the peak fairy.

"Yan Luo Zhizun, you are betraying the entire universe. You are even trying to hide with the tiger. You will die miserably." Xiao Yusheng exclaimed in horror.

"At that time, some of the top forces, but also with the imaginary creatures destroyed my Universiade, why can't I do this?" Chu Yi sneered.

Xiaoyu Shengyu was unable to refute.

He understood that this person was a descendant of the Universiade who survived, and naturally wanted revenge.

"Huh, then I'm welcome. I'll read your memory, but now I'm injured. It's difficult to not destroy your memory. In case something goes wrong afterwards, don't blame me."

The scarce silk thread rooted in Xiao Yusheng and Yu Zhenzhen's heads one after another, and penetrated like a worm.

The two eyes immediately disappeared, and they stayed where they were.

Chu Yi noticed that from the two people's minds, there was a wave of fluctuation, which passed along the silk thread to the body of the wasteland, just like the wasteland was absorbing them.

After a while, the scars gathered up the silk thread, and Xiao Yusheng and Yu Zhenzhen, both trembling, pale lips, no trace of blood, but blood in their eyes.

"You will die!"

"Sovereign Yan Luo, you traitor, you will die miserably."

Huang Qingxiao laughed: "I'm sorry, I didn't control it for a while, which increased their negative emotions."

"But this Yutianmen is also somewhat difficult to handle."

"Is it strong?" Chu Yi asked.

"Although Jade Heaven Gate has just joined the Shenfu forces, it may be able to achieve this level. At least there is a peak fairy king, and some strong king-level heroes, and the rich heritage of the sect gate, there are also many fairy artifacts."

"Especially the master of this force, Jade Heavenly King, is cautious by nature."

"All we can do is drag!"

Huang said: "Ten years later, the channel was reopened, and all the people outside the channel were Yutianmen, so we could not break out."

"That would only allow them to send people in again. As the channel becomes more and more stable, some low-level fairy kings can come in."

"This is not a problem. The problem is that if they drag on, it makes them feel that there is a great treasure in this secret, but it is not the Universiade, and they will keep it hidden for this opportunity."

"Change memory." Chu Yi glanced at Yuzhenzhen and Xiaoyusheng.

"Change their memories and send them out, so that Yutianmen is eager and fearful of the secret realm, making them unwilling to tell the General Administration of Space Management."

"I want to use your means to change the memory of the Supreme, it should be easy."

"You're smart, you actually know that I have this ability." Huang nodded.

"Send Jade Zhenzhen out first, and describe this place as an ordinary immortal master's realm. There are many fierce collections of immortal masters during his lifetime."

"This little girl is the descendant of the Jade Heavenly King. If she is fine, the Jade Heavenly King will not be angry."

Chu Yi then said: "Then they will let the low-level fairy king level come in. According to the deduction, the next channel opened, the high-level fairy king cannot enter yet."

"We killed the fairy king, and then transformed Xiao Yusheng's memory, and sent him out twenty years later to fabricate things."

Huang Xiao said: "Yes, in this way, it will be another ten years."

"And in the past thirty years, in order to hide this secret realm, the Jade Heaven Immortal King will spend time with the rest of the forces and will not enter in person."

"It's convenient to talk to smart people. You are much more cunning than Tingtian."

A few people from Ji Dao Xian gasped slightly, and the two joined forces. It was too horrible, and it felt like the universe would be pitted.

Two big shame!

"Huh, what about thirty years from now?" Ting Tian asked. "Thirty years of losses are enough to alert the other party."

Chu Yi and Huang stared at each other.

"In thirty years, I will incorporate the tenth style."

"In thirty years, I will try my best to restore my strength to the level of the peak fairy king in your universe." Abandoned Road, he was injured so badly in the past, and now he is suppressed by the entire mysterious realm. Recovery is also extremely slow.

"If it doesn't work?" Ji Dao Xian asked.

"Life and death." The two spoke in unison.

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