Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Thirty years, it seems long, but for monks, it is too short.

Most monks have reached this point, and every thousand years or even more years of accumulation can not take another step in their existing strength.

What's more, Chu Yi's fusion is still the tenth form of extreme terror.

The Supreme Realm combines the tenth style of basic kendo, and once cultivated to reach the pinnacle Supreme, I am afraid that it can be comparable to the top ten players in the Star Wars.

Those who are in the top ten of the Star Wars list, whose real fighting power is comparable to the existence of the peak of the fairy king, once the cultivation is broken, then the fighting power will soar, and in a short period of time rush from the supreme to the realm of the immortal master.

This is also the dream of the masters on the Star Wars list. If they are not sure about it, they will not break through unless they have to make a last resort.

Therefore, Chu Yi's tenth style is too difficult to integrate. Even if he is given three hundred years in thirty years, he may not be able to integrate successfully.

On the other hand, the recovery of the barren strength is also very slow.

Both were betting, they were wrong, they died together, they were right, and escaped.

"Happy cooperation, if there is anything you don't understand, you can ask me, anyway, I am also comparable to the strength of the peak fairy lord, and I have seen the sword sword of the fire fairy lord that year." Huang Cheng sincerely said.

Chu Yi is also sincere: "You're polite, you can't be too hasty with basic swordsmanship. I want to understand it first. I really can't break through, and then go to find seniors."

"In this case, the matter has been settled, then I will leave first, and when the ten years are coming, I will appear."

Xie Wushuang nodded slightly and left with the wasteland.

"Master, did you just want to get started in Kendo?"

"Yeah." Huang's voice was low, "The sword-thrower's threat to us is too great, especially this person, is greater than the threat of Chenhuoxian Lord."

Xie Wushuang was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Huang's evaluation of Chu Yi was so high. You know, Chu Yi and Chen Huo Xianzhu are not at the same level now.

"Chen Huo Xianzhu, with strong strength, whether it is in Kendo or Cultivation of Cultivation, is the closest to the existence of Xian Di, which is why those forces would join forces with us to kill Chen Huo Xianzhu first. "

"But Lord Chenhuoxian has weaknesses, he is too justice, he will be vigilant against the enemy, but not his friends."

"At that time, there was a war, and the Chen Yunxian Lord, the Universiade where they were, was the first to rush forward."

"He is responsible, but this kid..."


"Cunning, shameless, bold and cautious, and not playing cards according to common sense, you said he has a sense of justice, but he will join forces with me, this spread out, the reputation of the entire Universiade is ruined."

"You said he didn't, and he was a gentleman, and he paid so much for Yanhuang."

"Such a person is too dangerous, but I have no way, we have no way, have to bet."

"First discovered by the Space Administration, or escaped from this secret area first."

"This person is too dangerous, so I want to point him to his swordsmanship, as long as I pass it, it will allow him to smoothly integrate the tenth form, but in this, I will deliberately give the wrong information. Once so, he will Unable to continue to integrate the eleventh style kendo."

"But he refused..." Huang seemed a little unwilling.

"It turns out that way." Xie Wushuang nodded. "But the master should have a lot of things to tell him."

"That's natural, he and I will always be enemies, why should I tell him."

"This kid will die in my hands sooner or later. The regulations of the Universe Authority must never let him know."

"Xiaoyin, dare to fight me, it's still too tender, and I'm still playing around with applause."


"Is it too risky?" Ting Tian asked, "I and Destiny lived together for a long time, knowing the character of their virtual world creatures, Destiny is still cunning, not to mention barrenness?"

"There is no truth in his mouth."

Ting Tian couldn't help but remind him that although he wanted to go out, he was really worried.

"We are sincerely cooperating, and made the most stern oath. I merged the tenth style and split this secret area. He will take us away without being discovered. During this process, I must not be shot."

"Although this contract has some flaws, but after I think about it, it is not a cause for concern."

"In this case, I will not persuade more." Ting Tian was about to leave, and suddenly turned his head.

"Can I go to Yanhuang Realm and want to worship?"

Chu Yi naturally refused, he could not let Ting Tian know some news.

"Senior still will come back in a few days, and I will take you by then."

Ting Tian had no choice but to leave.

Chu Yi sent away Ji Dao Xian again.


"I must let this guy die in my hand." Chu Yi snorted.

"Son, but we all rely on him now." White Fox was puzzled, and the son was just fine.

"Cooperation is cooperation, but this is not our only way. Cooperation with the shortage is our last retreat."

"But they don't know that we have inherited the Universiade, we have been able to travel to the Dream World, we have the opportunity to help us out by other means, or contact reliable people."

Chu Yi grinned, "This is the first way."

"There is another one, the achievement is invincible!"

"The wasteland will not let go of the sky, okay, then it will not let go, and I will not integrate the tenth style."

"In the vast universe, some people are comparable to the peak of the fairy king with the supreme supreme, why can't I."

"If I reach this point, I will directly kill the wasteland, and then disappear with the entire secret realm."

"Of course, this is too difficult, so the first way is the best policy."

The sword worm nodded and said: "The best way is to find a strong or powerful person who can trust. I don't believe that no one came forward for the master."

"Zhongce, is your strength, reaching the ultimate extreme. At that time, the master of the house could do it, and you as the heir to the master of the house could certainly, but the time was too hasty."

"The best strategy is cooperation with Huang."

Chu Yi snapped his fingers and said with a smile: "Yes, thirty years is very short for the monks, but it is different for me. I have barely been in contact with senior heritage. During these thirty years, my strength will be Earthshaking changes have occurred."

"Huang, this old yin goods, still want to fight me, really can't help it."

"I will go back to the Chu's house first, and then go to Yanhuangjie to retreat. You also need to know more about high-level methods."


In a secret place in Yanhuang Realm, Chu Yi breathed in, he slowly relaxed, and his body was surrounded by sword gas.

Three years soon passed, he was completely immersed in the heritage of Universiade, especially Kendo.

The swordsmanship of the Universiade is so subtle. Except for the person who holds the sword, and the special swordsmanship of the sword reincarnation, the rest of the swordsmanship is equally amazing.

"In addition to the sword reincarnation, there are countless other swordsmanship methods in the Universiade, of which 36 are the most."

"The sword catalogue is one of them. You practice sword reincarnation. You are even more at ease in practicing the sword catalogue." The sword insect nodded.

For three years, it and Chu Yi have been staying together. The sword worm originally existed because of the person holding the sword.

"After completing the sword catalogue, you will be able to practice Ashura who is the sword reincarnation."

"This is the method that the Lord of the House has found out. Asura Dao is the Devil's Dao, but what he cultivates is the Sword Demon. Without the suppression of the sword catalog, it will easily affect your mind."

"Animal Dao, good at disguising, hiding, and sword-forming creatures."

"Asura said, but he is good at attacking. The endless attack is like falling into a demon."

Chu Yi nodded: "But now three years is coming soon, I must first go to Dream World to understand the situation."

"This is also true. After three years of cultivation, you have already reached the Eight Supreme Supreme, which is one step behind. It is the Supreme Supreme. Going out to sharpen it is also digestion."

The sword worm has planned for Chu Yi for thirty years and will not waste a point.

"By the way, the dead fat man has been waiting for you to get out of the customs. The two of you have already completed the cultivation of the holy body, and they are close to each other. They have been practicing for a while. They may have a chance to go to the lunar star and the sun star. The two stars are restored, and by then, your Eucharist will be considered the strongest state."

"Xiao Yiyi, don't hide, I heard the movement inside! Come out and fit together..."

Chu Yi heard the fat man's frivolous voice, his face tightened, "I think that the matter of fitting is not in a hurry, I still go to Dream World first."

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