My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1457: King Chu Yan appeared

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

After the war, the beasts roared, and there was a tendency to overturn the river and the sea, but the situation was different from what was imagined.

Faced with the attacks of these fierce beasts, the group of monks did not have any confusion or even injuries. The endless array lit up and strangled each fierce beast.

"Well? The spirits of these fierce beasts seem to be not high." The sword insect narrowed its eyes with green beans.

"Individuals are powerful, and they understand various methods. They seem to have different classifications, but they do not know how to cooperate. As a result, they were teased by the group of monks."

The monks are all children of Xianjia Shenfu, and ordinary forces are almost ineligible to participate.

Their magic skills are amazing, and their means are universal. Even if some monks fight alone and are not fierce beast opponents, once combined, the effect is amazing.

A fierce beast is fighting against the formation, consuming a lot of power, and then beheaded by the monk.

"There are a lot of fierce beasts, but if you go on like this, you can't stop this group of people. I have to find a way." Chu Yi's eyes rolled.

He looked in the air, Mo Wuwei, Lei Wanjun, the priest and the Snowman were all there.

Among the higher clouds, there is an illusory Qianying, it is Feng Jingxian, her eyes are cold, she has not shot, in fact, no one dared to let her shot.

"Let's catch a big murderer first."

The sword worm quietly detoured on the battlefield, stunned a big murderer, and brought it back.

The culprit roared after waking up, but the sword worm muttered at it, and the culprit calmed down immediately.

"What are these words? Do you understand their language?" Chu Yi puzzled.

"I seem to know a lot of languages ​​by nature. Their communication depends on a peritoneal vibration in the abdomen. It's a signal. I just know."

The sword worm patted the head of the violent man. The violent man was wicked and evil, but at the moment it looked confused at the sword worm.

"It says they are armored beasts, and after they are born, they guard a treasure."

"Like Big Dream Coin."

"Mr. Chu, don't you have a lot of big dream coins, just for bribes."

Chu Yi tried to take out a big dream coin and put it in front of Jia Beast.

The beast sniffed the big dream coin with his nose, and smelled the smell of Chu Yi's body, and then happily swallowed the big dream coin into his body, exuding a faint blue light throughout his body.


It growled and prostrate to the ground.

The Swordworm translated: "It makes us sit on his back and takes us to see its companions."

This is over?

Chu Yi touched his head, he thought he would fight this guy, and then went to negotiate with their family to help them resist foreign enemies, but the situation seemed to be smoother than expected.

The battle on the plains continued, but this beast carrying Chu Yi several people, quickly circumvented, and then ran towards the forest.

But within a moment, you could see the depths of the forest, and there were four beasts gathered together.

The body of the four armoured beasts was much larger than that of ordinary armored beasts. When Chu Yi came over, he immediately gave a warning roar.

The sword worm stepped forward to communicate, and Chu Yi took out a lot of big dream coins.

"They have agreed to let us help them. In fact, the spirits of these four beasts are not high. They just worry about this matter. The monks are determined to kill them, but they can't help."

Chu Yi said with a smile: "Then you tell them, and then I will direct them, and they will definitely win them all."

"They are numerous, but the plain has been set up in advance, it is too easy to be ambushed, and retreat to the forest first."

"It's not us who are worried, but their monks. We can't be led by them."

"If we don't go out, they can only come in. Once they come in, it is easy to break each one."

Chu Yi elaborated with the sword worm, the sword worm was translated to the four beasts, and they again used a special method to pass on the news.

On the plains, the dust is flying, the ground is chapped, and the formations are connected one after another, shining brightly, just like a meat grinder.

"A group of mentally handicapped people, no matter how strong the individual is, the more they are, the lower the mental abilities, but it is nothing more than slaughter."

Mo Wuwei looked at him coldly.

"If we go on like this, we will soon be able to kill them all. Millions of beasts are now more than half dead and injured, and our side is no more than 10,000." Lei Wanjun grinned.

"This time, we are all the heads of our respective families. The invincible method of Dream World is divided into nine parts. There are two parts of the surname Chu. I don’t know how many there are."

"Go ahead and talk."

"I haven't done it for a long time. I entered the battlefield to fight, so that Feng Jingxian would take a look at my majesty." Lei Wanjun smiled boldly.


A few people talked and laughed, and suddenly found that the beasts were quiet, one fierce beast, began to retreat, and then ran wildly into the forest.

"what happened?"

"Suddenly retreated, weren't they easily irritated, just gave up this time?"

"what happened?"

"If they return to the forest, they will never come out and have no effect on them, but we don't waste so much time."

Several people discussed it, and then unanimously decided to take a look.

After all, it’s not a reality here, it’s really dying, and you can enter again at least for a while.

So everyone's courage is greater.


Chu Yi saw many monks walking into the mountains in the distance and grinned.

He sat on the rock, basking in the sun, eating fruit, directing the sword worm, which in turn commanded the beast.

"The formation has been set. They will give us a set. We will also give them a set. The beasts and beasts have five elements and wind and thunder. It is easy to arrange the formation."

Mo ruthlessly led a team of people and walked ahead.

One by one, the monks opened their eyes and looked around.

Suddenly, one of them stepped on something. At the next moment, the surface was overturned by flames.


"I go……"

"These fierce wits with low intelligence will also set traps."

"Uh... stinks!"

Suddenly, many people's faces changed color, or even turned green, and vomited directly in place.

The flame in this trap is not the most terrible, the terrible thing is...

"Who the **** is burying feces here, flame roasting feces!"


Thousand miles of fragrance.

Mo Wuqing's team is the most miserable, they can escape the flames, but they are directly blown by the feces.

The corner of Shimu's mouth twitched, and he quickly retreated, fortunately, he was some distance away from the first army.


Heaven and earth burst into a crisp sound. At the next moment, countless thunder flashed and fell from the sky.

"Be careful!"

"The thunder in the sky is just an illusion, this is the art of mirroring, the real thunder is at your feet!"

Mo Wuwei and others immediately reminded, but not everyone is titled Supreme and Asterisk Supreme, and more of them are ordinary children of Xianjia Shenfu.

They naturally do not have the eyesight of Mo Wuwei and others, and when they hear it, they are too late.

The whole ground collapsed, and the thunder was like an ocean, dragging them all into it.

In the blink of an eye, most of him died, his body disappeared, and he left the dream world.


Thunder was rolling in the mountains and forests, and it was pouring downpour in the sky.

Those raindrops were like swords, wrapped around with raindrops, falling continuously, and even the surrounding trees began to move, and the vines turned into grim snakes, biting everyone.

"Not right!"

"How come these fierce beasts suddenly become so smart?"

Lei Wanjun's face changed greatly, "their individual strength is almost a bit weaker than that of the weakest title, Supreme. Now they are using their special abilities to fight, and traps and formations are laid in the forest. We can't break through."

They exited for a distance, their faces tangled.

"How to do?"


"Wait, call for more people."


Suddenly, a dark shadow jumped past them.

In the sky, Feng Jingxian snorted coldly, and an icicle hit the shadow.


Everyone looked over.

Mo Wuwei said sharply: "This Daoist, we have already said in advance, this action must be a collective action, do not violate the previous rules because of personal selfishness."


"who are you?!"

Mo Wuwei only thought that the back was very familiar, and when the man turned around, he saw a disgusting face.

"Chu Yan!"

A crowd of uproar.

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