My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1458: Beastmaster

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

A group of people looked at Chu Yi in surprise. They were very surprised. They did not expect that this guy had just arrived in three years.

They thought this guy would hide, or at least pretend to be easy.

"You dare to show up, really tired, do you want to sneak into the forest, and then **** the invincible law?" Mo Wuqing said angrily.

Suddenly, everyone boiled, and felt that Mo Ruthless was very reasonable, because at that time, a group of them were kidnapped by Chu Yikeng, and finally they had a lot of money, but now this kid has to be muddy and fishy. It is too cunning. Too.

"Brother Chu is coming up again, isn't he a talented baby?" Shi Mu opened his mouth wide, and this man was too bold, even appeared in front of everyone.

"Can he believe what he said?" Lord Ye was still sitting on his pole, with two baskets of fruit underneath.

"However, this kid is also brave enough to anger everyone. Now that he is showing up, how can I feel bad intentions?"

Chu Yi was in a big dream world, and it was a total indignation between the people and the gods. What happened in those days was vivid. It didn’t matter if he got the invincible method. The most annoying thing was that the invincible method was obtained through deception.

A group of people were so angry that even Feng Xianxian was slightly angered. She was confident and able to leave Chu Yi, but did not expect to be escaped by him. This rarely happened in her hands.

"Dao friends, you are so polite, but I just want to be low-key, you even greeted me with a big fan, I... I was so moved." Chu Yi wiped his tears.

Everyone gritted their teeth, it was this abominable face. At that time, they threw everyone back and forth. When they thought of losing more than 100 million dream coins, they were very distressed.

"You, our luck today is really good, it seems that we can get a part of the invincible method." Mo Wuwei walked out, his expression proud.

This is Tongshen Realm, he can exert more strength, unlike holding back in Yuanying Realm.

Chu Yi grieved and said: "Brother Fearless, don't be like this. We know each other for a long time, and the vast universe, this is fate."

"Sin Fate." Xueyi son rolled his eyes.

"It's all fate!" Chu Yizheng said, "I know you hate me, but the ancients often said that love is deep and hate is cut."

Which ancient said, you let him stand up!

Everyone sneered, separated in silence, blocked all the retreat of Chu Yi, and even some monks have quietly released their small world silently, blocked the void, and prevented Chu Yi from escaping.

Chu Yi shook his head: "I know that you hate me because you love me, and of course, to get the invincible method in my hand."

"Look, I appear now, just to give you invincible methods."

"You were discovered by us, otherwise, you would have slipped in." Mo Wuwei's expression was cold, step by step, his momentum became stronger and stronger, almost burning the space.

"You can't do it right now, tens of thousands of people here, you can't escape."

"How can I speak like this, I came here this time and really gave you the invincible method, you see, this is it." Chu Yi took the two scrolls in his hand.

"I don't need you to send it, I can naturally **** it back, this time, kill you with your deity." Mo Wuwei was unmoved.

"I'm going to be ashamed before the snow, to communicate with God, you have nowhere to escape!"

Mo Ruqing rushed out first, he wanted to kill Chu Yi, otherwise, the original thing was too shameful.

His palm is like a silk thread, interwoven into a net, and it is extremely tough. He has the strength of the title of Supreme. Although he is pitted by Chu Yi, there is no longer a title, but he is still tough and invincible.

In particular, when you reach the realm of psychic communication, you can play more ways.


"Xuansi Palm!"

Mo Wuwei sneered. This palm technique was created by an immortal king in the family. Although he only learned half of it, he was also enough to deter the strong men of the same rank.

The runes turned and the golden lines converged into a palm shadow!


Chu Yi shifted, he was no longer afraid, after all, in the past three years, in addition to the sword, he also observed the inheritance of many Universiade.

"You have the palm, and I have the palm."

He is right, this is to test his achievements in the past three years, Big Dream Realm is indeed the most suitable place for him to sharpen.

As if created by nature for him, he solved the dilemma he now faces.

Thunder in the palm!

Chu Yi shot it with a palm, and it turned out that there was a brave creature. This was a long time ago. The spirits have long been extinct, and even most of their family's methods have disappeared.

Chu Yi split the opponent's attack with a palm, and the terrifying thunder condensed, then suddenly jumped out.

"Pixiu method?!"

"This kid didn't show it before. Is it because he concealed his strength intentionally?"

"I help you!"

Master Ku Rong shot, at the same time, Bai Long Su Rui also shot together.

It can be said that these three people have the power to be titled Supreme in the Supreme Realm.

Master Ku Rong was stimulated by Chu Yi three years ago. After three years, he broke through to enter the Supreme. As long as he entered the high-level Supreme and had a remarkable record, he must be listed as the title of Supreme.

Three people shot, it can be said to be terrible.

Chu Yi's eyes widened with Lei Mang, an inch of Thunder would sink into the void, and a Thunder Vortex appeared.

"No, why is his Pixiu method so advanced? It is more advanced than the methods in some big forces now."

Some people have glaring eyes and the same brave method, but there are also high and low points.

Like what was displayed in Chu Yi's hands, it has exceeded their expectations.


Chu Yi pulled the tail of Bai Long Su Rui, the thunder raged, and slammed him to the ground. The mountain shook and the rocks fell.

"Give me down!"

His five fingers spread out, aiming at Master Ku Rong, the Buddha statue behind him was manifested, and the white jade flying elephant was as tall as a mountain, so holy.

But Chu Yi's thunder was too overbearing, and the brave rushed into the clouds. In a flash, the floating clouds shattered, and all turned into a heavy thunderstorm.

Master Ku Rong and Bai Yufei were overwhelmed and fell to the end.

"Mo Ruthless, you are really cheap, I was beaten once and never stopped, and came the second time."


Chu Yi slaps, the thunder surging, throws on Mo ruthless face, the latter cannot hide in the past, the whole person flew back, his face scorched black.


Everyone was stunned and gasped in fright.

If it is said that Chu Yi had such a performance in the realm of Yuanying, they still felt that in the past, in the realm of the psychic, in the situation where the small world can be manifested, Chu Yi instead commends the three of them. The strongest players of supreme strength pressed against each other, and the three men were not small.

"Strong brave poaching method, terrible physical body, and that incomparable fighting skills."

"This kid, become stronger!"

Xueyi's eyes were wicked. He knew Chu Yi's changes. Although Chu Yi was powerful in his eyes, he was not qualified to threaten him, but now he has felt a trace of fear.

"In just three years, it has grown up to this point." Feng Jingxian was slightly stunned. Her eyes were even more bitter, and she naturally knew the increase in Chu Yi's strength.

"If he scores a record, he should be able to be awarded the title of Supreme."

It's a pity that she only commented like this, not the existence of the top 20 on the Star Wars. Unless you need it, she is lazy.

Mo ruthlessly exasperated, he lost again, this time the defeat was more complete, and there was no room for returning.

"Brother Ruthless, Brother Bailong, monk, are you all okay?" Chu Yi cared.

"Mr. Chu Yan, why should you be pretentious, defeating the other party, and still ridicule here." Mo Wuwei's eyes were extremely gloomy. He didn't know why. When he saw Chu Yi's first glance, he felt repelled.

"All of you, take action together, suppress this child, and then wait for support, break into the forest and get the invincible method."

Mo Wuwei is obviously impatient.

"Group fight?"

"I like!"

Chu Yi clapped his hands, and at the next moment, overwhelming beasts emerged from all directions to surround the group.


Everyone is dumbfounded, why do these fierce beasts appear now?

"How do you listen to these big culprits?" One stunned, and then watched Chu Yi stride over a big violent man.

"Fearless brother, I'm sorry, but I'm the beast king here. I like group fights the most. I wasn't here before. You bullied my little brothers. Now it's time to collect debts." Chu Yi's laughter is a beast.

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