My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1460: Cover the moon

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

In the real universe, the children of many forces in all the great fairy homes and shrines came back from the big dream world in an instant, and their faces were very pale.

"What happened?" Many people asked curiously before they got the news.

"Chu Yan, I'm different from you!"

"The king of Chu Yan appeared again, and the joint fierce murderer killed our tens of thousands of monks. Even the title of Supreme Master and the Supreme Master of Asterisk were recruited."

"Don't say it, I saw my goddess with my own eyes, kicked from behind by the man, and fell in the middle of the storm."

"He swallowed part of the invincible method alone!"

"Damn it!"

"Where did this come from?"

"If you let me find him in reality, I must put him down."

Many arrogances of the heavens are going crazy. This time the movement was too great. Tens of thousands of monks were killed in the Dream World. Even Feng Xianxian was no exception, which was shocking.

This has to be said, too shameful, after the last thing, everyone was ready to capture and even kill this person, but the reality slapped them hard, and after three years, they were still pitted .

Some fairy kings are interested, curious, and even with a little anger, they want to suppress the strength to enter the big dream world, and personally meet the so-called saints that come out every 500 years.

The news spread quickly, causing stormy waves.


In Tongshen Realm, Chu Yi took the fat man Zhu Bajie and others, and chanted a verse against the huge hole.

"Your sacrifice is valuable."

If someone knew what he had done, he had to spit blood again.


A powerful beast poked Chu Yi's arm and took out three scrolls from his arms.

"It says it is to thank you and give you a gift. This is what it inadvertently obtained, and what Houshan guards is just the big dream coins they collected."

Chu Yi thanked him for taking the scroll, but it was a bit unexpected. He didn't expect to get three volumes directly this time.

It took out the two reels obtained earlier, all spread out, and in an instant, five reels joined together, and a brilliant brilliance rose into the sky.

"Make the moon trick!"

Above the five scrolls, characters appear, which is the name of the invincible method.

"There are nine parts to this invincible method, and now there are five parts, which really shows the content."

"Let me see……"

A group of people leaned over and looked more dignified.

After a long time, Chu Yi breathed out slowly: "It is worthy of the invincible method, no wonder that all major forces desperately have to get it."

The sword worm nodded and said: "The so-called invincible method is to reach the extreme in a certain aspect, so that it can be called invincible in this respect, and if the monk cultivates, he can be invincible in this respect."

"This is a Yuanying cultivation method."

"Generally, Yuanying practice is rarely seen. Most of the methods are the thoughts emanating from Yuanying. There are too few and too few ways to practice Yuanying directly, because Yuanying is fundamental."

"If the flesh is destroyed, the strong infant's Yuanying can still exist for a long time, but if the Yuanying is destroyed, it is true death."

"The secret of the moon, the five parts now are the five levels of Yuanying's cultivation."

Sword worms are obviously well-informed and tell the truth: "The first level is scale-free. Yuanying can be transparent only if it is scale-free. Shennian will almost double."

"The second level is the desirelessness, the desirelessness and the desirelessness, to resist all illusions."

"The third level is impossible. The meaning of the law here is regulation, but it is a cage. Yuanying is not like a physical body. It will be greatly affected by the outside world. If it is separated from the physical body, it will be difficult to survive and reach this. The level can be separated from the flesh, and the distance is far away, which is much faster than the flesh."

"The fourth level is inanimate, invincible and invincible. At this level, Yuanying is already comparable to the fighting power of the flesh, and can fully fight the enemy's flesh and directly attack the other's flesh."

"The fifth level is skyless."

"There is a sky above the head, no sky in the heart, Yuan Ying breaks the shackles of the open path, self-awareness..."

"As for the sixth level, I don't know."

"It's just that this method is too horrible, the ultimate method of Yuanying's cultivation... I always feel that this is like doing what..."

"Incarnation outside the body!" Chu Yi suddenly moved his heart, "Do you think that this method seems to cultivate Yuanying into a second life, maybe it can really reach the realm of the incarnation outside the legend, even if my deity died, but another A flesh can still survive, no matter which one is me, and there is only one consciousness."

"Isn't that the realm of legend? How many people want to practice? I didn't expect there is such a way." The fat man grinned.

"I'm afraid it won't be this simple. This method should explore the realm of immortality." Swordworm said, "If you want to be immortal, you must become an immortal emperor, because even the immortal master will eventually age with the years. , Died, only the fairy emperor, and the eternal life."

"There is only one Emperor Xian, so later, some people began to study Yuanying specifically, and wanted to find a way to reach immortality from here."

"Undying, undefeated!"

"Wow!" the fat man groaned, and his breath was short. "Brother Chu, I will find other parts quickly. I can't wait. If I reach the immortal state, I will have enough time to find my wife."

"You're just breathing..." White Fox glanced at him.


"It's too difficult!" Swordworm said, "I'm not saying that it is difficult to find a complete method, but this method, and it may not necessarily be studied at this step."

"Let's find Qi first, and then, it should be Xianzunjie."

"We have to talk out and let many strong men enter the big dream world. The more strong men, the stronger the luck of the big dream world. In this way, the probability of invincible magic will increase."

A group of people laughed evilly.

Soon, a news spread throughout the universe.

"What, King Chu Yan has obtained three volumes of invincible methods, and has been able to show part of the content?"

"Ah! It's too kind, it's the news he deliberately released!"

"He said that this method is too powerful, and it is still in the big dream world."

"Damn, because I died in Dream World, I can't go in for a while, who will help me in and beat him up."

A group of Xianjia Shenfu people heard vomiting blood, especially the Mo family, and their faces were somber.

"The king of Chu Chu let out his words to defeat our Mo family," Mo said mercilessly.

"Unfortunately, his real body has never been found. Even if we are at the top of the Dream Realm, the strength we exert is not as good as it is in reality." Mo Wuwei frowned.

After several fights, he already knew the strength of Chu Yi. Unless the other party went to the Supreme Realm, otherwise, he would not have the bottom of his mind under singles.


The headquarters of the Universe Administration is filled with stars.

On each grain of sand, there are towering buildings.

Here are the most terrifying forces of the entire universe.

"The Mo family's Mo is fearless, and the title is gone, it seems that it was broken by the suddenly emerged King Chu Yan." Snake Lao carrying his hands, his beards wriggled, and made a roaring sound.

"Unfortunately, it is only in the spirit world, but also with the help of the big murderer. If such a big movement is made in the Supreme Realm, and half of the invincible magic is obtained, then you can enter the title of Supreme."

Old Snake looked up at the starry sky, and a blue planet floated from above.

His thoughts were flying.

"Mo Family...hehe..."

"The sword spirit of the master of the house is in the Mo family. Do they really think that the lamp of death is extinguished? Do they really think that the person holding the sword will never appear in the same vein?"

"Unfortunately, they were wrong."

"How can it be completely destroyed by the means of the master of the palace, and the swordman is still alive, I really hope to wait until the day you meet to take a look at the face of the Mo family."

"Jade Heaven Gate..."

"I secretly investigated. There was a fluctuation of the secret realm near the Yutian Gate, and the little Yusheng was not in the Yutian Gate. I thought I should have entered the secret realm."

"In this reasoning, the man who saw the sword at the beginning was in the secret realm, and the means of the secret realm were very similar to those created by the master."


Suddenly, the old Snake's face changed, and he couldn't help but be anxious. "The Lord of the House created a secret realm. It can't be to trap future generations. It is very possible that those imaginary creatures are not dead."

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