My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1461: Invincible

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"Second Uncle, Na Chu Yan is so abominable that he mocked our Mo family openly and clamored to defeat all my children."

Mo Wuwei came to a hall and saw a couple.

The couple looked quite young.

The man was wearing a black jersey and his back seemed to be covered with half of the scales, shining with metallic light.

The woman is graceful and luxurious, and the goose-yellow coat makes her look more energetic and has an atmosphere, but if you look closely, it is not difficult to find that the atmosphere is just the appearance, and a pair of eyes occasionally flashes a vile light.

The man's name is Mo Yefeng, and the woman is Shen Yuerong. Both are immortal kings and have a high status in the family. Most of the reason is that their son Mo is invincible.

"A kid who doesn't know where it came from, fearless, you are too worried, even if he is in the big dream world, he still dare not provoke my Mo family." Mo Yefeng smiled, Don't care.

The woman covered her mouth and smiled: "My Mo family is in the big dream world, but it occupies the main advantage. There, two asterisks are born, both of whom are from the Mo family."

"One of them is Mo Yeliang, known as the King of Measurelessness, your uncle, and now he is ranked eighteenth in the Star Wars."

"The other one is my son Mo invincible."

"Why do we have to be afraid of a country boy, even if this boy got some invincible methods, but he didn't get it in the end, and after he got it almost, I let the invincible pass and get it back, I don't need to invigorate the teachers now."

"Second Uncle, Second Aunt, this kid is different, it's really powerful, and even Feng Jingxian suffered a loss in her hands." Mo Wuwei said.

"Feng girl is losing money?" Shen Yuerong put the tea cup on the table and angered, "Feng girl is my default daughter-in-law. When the invincible fusion of the sword spirit, he went to the Phoenix family to raise relatives. He dare to bully my daughter-in-law. ?"

"Madam breathes anger." Mo Yefeng grinned. "Although the boy is powerful, he is only in the divine realm. After all, he can't explain anything. If he can be so powerful in the supreme realm, then he can let invincible."

"What is my son's identity?!" Mo Yefeng's eyes were full of pride.

"The person he wants to challenge is not a cat or a dog, and there are not many people who can make him challenge."

"That kid wants to challenge invincibility, not yet qualified!"

This is a powerful self-confidence. Mo Invincible's strength is inherently strong. Once the sword spirit is integrated, it can be comparable to the top five in the Star Wars.

What a glory and splendor.

Although Mo Wuwei is also a well-known genius on the Star Wars chart, he is simply not comparable to Mo Wudi.

Even now, he has no trace of jealousy.

The man was far ahead, beyond his reach.

He also went to fuse the soul of sword, but unfortunately, he was seriously injured within a second.

Even within the clan, there are a lot of fairy king peaks and the existence of the level of the fairy master have tried, almost fell.

Only Mo invincible has been up to now.

It is a miracle!

Mo Wuwei nodded and asked, "When will he go out?"

Mo Yefeng said: "The last time there was a lot of noise, the ancestors have appeared, that is, recently, you have not found that the patriarch has not gone out, and the elders are all sitting nearby, just to Prevent accidents."


Suddenly, heaven and earth buzzed, and then, whether it was Mo Wuwei or the Mo Yefeng couple, at this moment, their minds were all white, and they all fell into chaos.

Mo Wuwei only felt the world spin, his legs seemed to flip into the sky, his head shaking, all water.

His heart was horrified, his body sweating constantly, his top-heavy feet, and seeing his body, he was constantly being twisted.


Suddenly, a majestic voice sounded, it was the voice of the ancestors.

The next second, everything returned to calm.

Mo Wuwei found out that he didn't know when he had fallen to the ground, and the Mo Yefeng couple were also a little embarrassed, and their whole body was emptied.

As for the hall, above the tables and chairs, and on the ground, I didn't even know when it was covered with dense sword marks.

"this is……"

Mo Wuwei got up and ran out, but he saw the sky above the family, his ancestors, patriarchs and elders, his face dignified.

Their bodies were blurred, surrounded by Xingsha, and most of them were hidden in the void, sacred and majestic.

All of them exist at the level of Immortal Lord, which makes the time stop, and the sun, moon and stars have lost their light.

But in the center of them, there is a sword soul, very arrogant, thin sword energy, no weaker than their momentum.

Under the spirit of sword, a handsome young man in blue is slowly opening his eyes.

Many children of the Mo family only felt that the world had lost its luster, and there was only one sword left in the vast world.

Mo invincible is the sword, and the sword is the invincible.

"He, the fusion was successful?" Mo Wuwei was terrified. He knew that such a day would come, but he didn't expect it to be so fast.

Mo Wudi has stood at the pinnacle of everyone, comparable to Feng Jingxian and others, and is going to compete for the pinnacle of the fairy lord and even the throne.

"Old ancestor, patriarch, great elder." Mo Wudi put away the sword soul, the pressure between the earth and the day was less.

His pupils are a little dark blue, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, even if he stands among the three immortals, there is no trace of fear.

Because he is the fusion of the strongest sword soul.

"Invincible, successful?"

"Fortunately, it's not humiliating." Mo Wudi laughed.

"Invincible, you are invincible from now on." The patriarch elder was relieved.

"It's just that now you can only play the strength of the sword soul, and it will take a long time to fully control."

"Hahaha, if you can control everything now, you're the hell, and you're the best, otherwise your body will be exploded by a powerful sword."

"You don't have to pay attention to the affairs of the family, stabilize the sword soul first, so as to avoid future troubles."

"Yes, patriarch, but before closing, I want to get together with my parents." Mo Wudi said modestly.

"Good, go."

Mo Wudi said goodbye and fell to Mo Yefeng and Shen Yuerong.


"It's my son."

The family reminisced, Mo Modi looked at Mo Wuwei.

The latter smiled bitterly: "Brother, congratulations."

"There is nothing to congratulate, everyone is a member of Mo's family." Mo Wudi laughed, "How do I think you seem a little frowning?"

Mo Wuwei felt awe-inspiring. He knew that his elder brother was in a terrible way. Many things he couldn't hide from the other party, he honestly told him what happened in the big dream world.

"Oh? King Chu Yan, the invincible method of the big dream world?"

"He actually knows how to do kendo, and he can beat the ruthless kendo. It is good to want to come to him."

Mo Wudi smiled deeply, "I'm a little bit interested in him, but unfortunately I'm going to the ancestors immediately, and I can't get away."

"However, no one can openly provoke my Mo family."

"According to his actions and the appearance of the invincible law, he should be in Immortal Venerable Realm next time."

"Xianzunjie has already been stationed by major forces, and there are people in my Mo family who are stationed there all the year round, directly there, and capture Na Chu Yan."

"No one time, no two times, after all, I will lose face of Mo family."

"Brother, he also insulted the girl Feng." Mo Wuwei said.

Mo Wudi's pupils were condensed and turned into short swords, which was terrifying. His momentum was so overwhelming that Mo Mo was breathless.

"Then you're welcome, kill!"

Mo invincible coldly said, immediately his **** waved, his sword gas was vertical and horizontal, and even condensed into a transparent short sword.

"This dagger is my magical power, and it has supreme power. I can now connect with the origin of the universe. The rules of the big dream world can't subdue me. This dagger can play in the fairy world. Out of the power of the general peak supreme, if there is any accident, directly use this sword to kill him."

"Jianyi Tiantian, bypassing the big dream world, can directly kill his body."

After Mo Wudi finished his speech, he left with many fairy lords.

Mo Wuwei held the dagger in his hand and shivered a little: "He is invincible."

He only feels that he is invincible with Mo, he is no longer the same generation, the other party can even walk side by side with the fairy master.

"Mr. Chu Yan, I want you to regret and provoke my Mo family. Under the suppression of the big dream world, my Mo family can still easily take your dog's life."

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