My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1468: Lunar Eclipse Sword

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

There is a sword ocean all around, no one can stand here, after all, this is the Immortal Venerable Realm, but the sword energy can exert its energy enough to kill the Supreme Realm.

Mo Wuwei and others stepped back to the edge of the mansion, their eyes looked forward in horror, and there was a huge wave in their hearts.

They never imagined that they had reached this level, and why they had not yet killed this King Chu Yan.

"Does it mean that there are secret treasures on his body that can also be brought in to resist terrible attacks."

Mo Yefeng shook his head: "My child is invincible, and there is one last move. The one in front is just his previous move."

Everyone knows that the inheritance of their Mo family's swordsmanship is no match for the Universiade.

"it has started!"


The last hilt began to burn, and a plume of sword gas emerged from it like a swimming fish, whirling continuously, full of spirituality.

But in the sword light, there is thrilling energy.

A series of tiny sword lights circled each other, spinning, and then began to take off.

Outside the mansion, everyone saw a round of sword rings, punctured the seal, and appeared in the sky.

Everyone's face was a meal, even across the distance, there was an illusion of being pierced.

"this is……"

"The lunar eclipse sword of my Universiade!" The sword worm murmured in his heart, somewhat unhappy.

"Grandpa Grandpa, you look at..." Shi Mu was anxious.

"The time has not yet come. If he really has a way to stop this sword, then in the future, I will save him."

"This sword!"

Shi Mu looked at the sky and was terrified. Although the sword qi looked the same, each sword qi had a different move. Thousands of sword qi were mixed together, but they were independent of each other. They split the void and made an amazing roar.

"The terrible sword, the invincible sword, is already the first in the universe."

Some people marveled at the presence of the title of Supreme Master, there are some strong powers of the fairy king level, all involved in kendo, but they have to admit that they have never seen such a delicate sword.

Mo Enemy is not there, but his sword is already invincible.

"Lunar eclipse sword..." Chu Yi's eyes narrowed slightly. He had also seen this sword technique in the inheritance of the swordsmanship of the Universiade.

"Ten thousand sword marks, different running tracks, but combined together, like the moon, eroding the world."

"According to the sword worm, the sword soul of the ancestors should have experienced a big explosion when fighting against the imaginary creatures, and some parts have been damaged. Then the invincible inheritance of the swordsmanship is absolutely not complete."

"However, he still has the full support of the Mo family and the magic of the Mo family, which is still terrible."

In Chu Yi's hands, the long sword manifested.

"The ancestors are invincible in kendo, and I have always been very confident in my kendo, but I am very sorry that I can't live in the age of the ancestors.

"But I didn't expect that God gave me such an opportunity, in this way, let me compete with the ancestor's kendo."

"Maybe, this is the honour of my ancestors."

He had known the history of the Universiade, and he knew how terrible Chenhuo Fire Lord was. How could he let his sword soul pass away even if he died.

He can completely detonate the final sword soul and seriously injure the imaginary creature again.

But the spirit of the sword appeared in the Mo family, which had to make Chu Yi think deeply.

Although the ancestors passed away, they had to use their sword spirit to open a way for later generations.

"Yes, Mo Wudi thought he had integrated the sword spirit of his ancestors, but he didn't know that it was the ancestors who borrowed him to hone me."


Chu Yi went up with a sword. In an instant, the thunder light rolled, and the spherical thunder burst from the sword, and the thunder dragon circulated.

"Mo Invincible's sword spirit only, want to defeat me?"

Chu Yi used the realm of basic kendo, because the cultivation practice here was suppressed, his normal kendo was naturally unusable, and his invincible sword spirit condensed the same basic kendo.

He shouted, sword and thunder wrapped around his body, stimulating muscles, making him more powerful.

The sword went down, splitting on the sword ring, and in an instant, the mountain shook.

The sword gas on the sword ring whirls to resist Chu Yi's attack, which is equally terrifying.

It's just that Chu Yi is not persevering, a sword is faster than a sword, a sword is braver than a sword.

The white fog appeared, and the fog was full of thunder and lightning.

The situation inside the house was no longer visible. The sword ring was pressed down and vibrated against the ground. A large amount of sword gas came out of the ground like bamboo shoots, rising every now and then.

"The terrible use of sword energy has reached this level, as if there is life." Mo Wuwei was horrified. He knew that the other party had exceeded his realm, but it was still difficult to calm down.

Boom Boom Boom!

Suddenly, Chu Yi Jianlei formed a huge thunder pillar and slammed into the ground.

The wisps of sword qi had just appeared, and they were severely beaten.

"How could he resist...?"

"Something wrong, this is already the fighting power of the Supreme Peak."

Everyone in the Mo family was horrified and could not believe it. In Immortal Venerable Realm, some people could block Mo's invincible sword.

Everyone was dumbfounded. They had intended to use this sword to kill Chu Yi easily, but they did not expect it to be reversed now.

The invincible sword of Mo was suppressed by Chu Yi, which seemed unimaginable to everyone.

This is a swordsman genius, the reserve of the next peak fairy lord, can be comparable to Feng Jingxian's strong.

Although it is just a common sword spirit, but not everyone can resist.

"The sword is the sword of my Universiade, and the soul is the soul of my Universiade. The ancestors are just borrowing your hand to sharpen future generations."

Chu Yi shouted in his heart, he seemed to understand the intention of Chen Huo Xianzhu.

Obviously, the other party noticed some things in the past, perhaps knowing that there will be virtual creatures coming, so he left behind.

Such as sword soul, such as the lunar sun star hidden in the secret realm.

Chu Yi believes that these are definitely not arbitrary.


Suddenly, the sword ring changed again. This time, it was like a bright moon. Among the bright moon, a character was dropped, which was the word "kill".

In an instant, the sky and earth were dim, and the night flooded into the mansion. In the darkness, the sword and the sword, only the bright moon was above.

Chu Yi continued to wield his sword. In the dark, he had no fear at all. He attacked the other party's attack. The sword was vigorous and rolled up the dust. Almost the entire mansion was torn down.

Everyone was frightened, they were looking forward to Chu Yi's death, but now, the other party is still alive, and if they go on like this, they are the ones who died.

"No, we want to be together!"


Mo Yefeng, Mo Wuwei, Mo Wuqing waited for a bunch of Mo family children to shoot Chu Yi in the dark.

Chu Yi's pressure increased greatly, he did not let go of his basic swordsmanship, because this ray of sword energy of the other party, only blended two styles.


He was fearless and tried his best. The sword was like a dragon. At a certain moment, the thunder was all over the darkness, and then turned into a terrible sword. After stopping for a moment beside Chu Yi, he shot out suddenly.

"Sword Atlas-Pulling the Sword and Looking Around!"

It exploded here, the night was torn apart, the moon in the sky was shot down, and the sword was scattered.


A series of thunder sword spurs into the chest of Mo's children, Mo Wu fearlessly fell to the ground, his body slowly disappeared, looking at the standing Chu Yi, there was a deep horror.

Here is clearly the Immortal Venerable Realm, but I don't know why, he has an illusion that the other party can already rival the Asterisk Supreme.

Every asterisk supreme is extremely terrifying. Their deity is capable of killing the fairy king, but even so, Chu Yi's actions still make him afraid.


Outside the house, countless people waited anxiously because there was no more movement inside.

"It's over... It seems he can't hold up when I shoot."

Earth Master shook his head. As an immortal, he acted rashly, but also had his own rules. He would not help a brave person for no reason.

"No matter how strong the king of Chu Yan is, he will never be invincible. Even if Mo invincible does not appear, he will be invincible."

"A farce is over, if this Chu Yan king is a little low-key, it's okay, who knows that he even took the Mo family's surgery."

The monks smiled.

Suddenly, the door of this mansion opened and Chu Yi's figure came out.

Everyone's face changed greatly, and countless dull and horrified eyes fell on Chu Yi.

"how come……"


After Chu Yi took a step, the Mo Family Mansion behind him collapsed and became ruins.

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