My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1469: The dream of the big dream beast

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

The dust was splashing, and the Mo family's mansion in Xianzunjie was considered to be active and wide, but at this time, like a card, it collapsed as Chu Yi stepped forward.

This is incredible in the eyes of everyone.

Di Ye's sparse beard glared and his hands could not help shaking, so he pulled out only a few beards, but did not notice at all.

"Brother Chu...destroyed the Mo's residence here? I am not mistaken." Shi Mu murmured, even like him, trembling.

"Mo family lost?"

"Mo Invincible's swords have all come out. They are so powerful that they are terrible, but they are still defeated. Doesn't it mean that this person really has the fighting power of the title Supreme, and in the title Supreme, they are all top-notch."

Although no one has ever seen Chu Yi's strength in the Supreme, there is no doubt that this top genius will only be more terrible in that realm.

"This is a lot of fun!" Many monks gasped and sent this news to their own forces.

Even some people have already moved their minds, if Chu Yan has no way, it is best to win.

The crowd is shocked and unspeakable.

What a horror the Mo family is, there is a tendency to become the first family. For many years, they have not lost the battle. Even the top player in the Star Wars list is a member of the Mo family. They are just the predecessors of the endless years.

Now that Mo is invincible, it is so terrible that the Mo family occupies two positions in the top five of the Star Wars.

And Mo family's asterisk supreme, and title supreme have a lot.

But such an invincible Mo family actually suffered a blow here, and the entire mansion was destroyed, leaving only a door made by the immortal master, and a door god, standing blankly on the spot.

"Brother Chu, you really gave the Mo family..." a **** and demon monk asked in disbelief. Everyone knows that there is a title of supreme, an asterisk supreme, and a strong king level.

"Mo family, is it strong?" Chu Yi shrugged, pretending to be relaxed.

Is it strong?

Everyone opened their mouths wide and their faces were weird, and a gust of wind blew them through, making them messy.

The **** demon monk wanted to shout, but when it came to his mouth, he couldn't make a sound.

Mo family is not strong, who else is strong?

Just looking at the ruins, after all, he could only swallow spit and could not refute.

"Look at everything, come with money!"

"That kid, don't think about leaving. I have memorized your avatar. I dare to evade debts. I will distribute it across the universe." Jian Ye and Zhu Bajie and others ran over to collect money.

A group of people was stunned and speechless.

"Boy, how did you kill Mo Invincible's sword?"

What Chu Yi didn't expect was that Lord Ye was uncommon and looked at Chu Yi with some excitement.

Chu Yi laughed and said with a smile: "I will destroy it with my strength."

"No, I just felt clearly that there are two powerful sword qi in it. They are colliding violently. Both sword qi give me a very familiar feeling."

"You feel wrong." Chu Yi swept his eyes, and he did not want to reveal his identity, because he did not know whether the other party was an enemy or a friend.

What is the identity of the only descendant of the Universiade, Chu Yi does not dare to guarantee that some people can endure such temptations.

Moreover, things in those days were too complicated to know how many forces were involved.

Chu Yi walked, the crowd dispersed, and some monks were in awe.

"The king of Chu Yan has only been around for a few years, but he has already reached this stage, and his reputation has risen, a new star."

"It's terrible, Feng Jingxian and Mo Wuci are about the same age as us. Now they are among the top five in the Star Wars. Now there is a rising Chu Yan king. Is it true that the Emperor Calendar is coming?"

Emperor calendar!

Everyone's eyes were stunned. It was a time when many performers joined forces to perform. It is said that since the recorded years, it was the easiest time to become an emperor.

In this era, there are only about 10,000 years. Once you miss it, you don’t know how long to wait.

So it is called emperor calendar.

"Unclear, maybe this most glorious era has come quietly, but it is not yet determined that if there are masters on the Star Wars list, who can break through the layers and enter the Immortal Master in a short time, maybe it can prove This era has indeed arrived."

"It's terrible, we have no hope, but we can live in this era, it is a lucky three life."

"It's just that Chu Yan is still too weak. He needs time to grow, and it is difficult to compare with those giants. However, I estimate that after this incident, the Universe Administration should have consultations, and the title will soon be down."

Everyone nodded, this is not a big problem, after all, this time Mo Mo is also involved.


Suddenly at this moment, a soft light flashed over and fell on Chu Yi's side, as if to guide him to a certain place.

People changed color and could not help exclaiming: "Isn't this the place to tell him to hide the invincible method."

"This is too..."

Many people are speechless. Is there such an invincible way to make such a big noise?

"It's normal, this should be the game rule of the big dream beast. King Chu Yan started this game and completed it all the way. On the contrary, the rest of us have no luck."

"Who dares to provoke the Mo family here, do you dare?"

Everyone was silent, but the Mo family represented the supreme majesty. When they saw the children of the Mo family, they were very respectful. Who dared to tear down the Mo family's mansion.

Chu Yi motioned the fat man and others to wait on the spot, he followed the soft light and went all the way.

Some monks wanted to follow in secret and **** invincible methods, but the void behind Chu Yi twisted, kept closing, and finally disappeared before their eyes.

But for a long time, Big Dream Beast appeared in front of Chu Yi.

"According to the rules, destroy a big force in the Immortal Venerable Realm. You barely complete it. This is your reward." Big Dream Beast took out a scroll.

"Boy, you have an invincible method, but if you really think about it, this is a hot potato. The average person can't control it at all, but it will cause death."

"If you don't have the strength, you might as well sell this invincible method to the big forces, and you can still save your life."

Chu Yi laughed: "How do I feel that you care so much about me."

"I'm just kind." Big Dream Animal snorted.


"You have a problem." Chu Yi looked directly at each other. "And it is very problematic. You haven't appeared for many years before. Why did you appear as soon as I called you?"

"You opened the invincible law, so I will naturally appear." Damengong calmly said.

"What happened to the fierce things after that, why not sooner or later, just after the three-year period, you can arrange them to appear early." Chu Yi was aggressive.

"I just look at the mood. Besides, when you are there, you will be more lively." Damengong's attitude is tough.

"Okay, you can explain it, but this time, why did you show up after I defeated the Mo family and give me an invincible method."

"This is the rule." Big Dream Animal said.

"I think my luck will not be so good, this time I was completely on impulse."

"One is luck, two is luck, and three times I don't think it's luck."

"It's like the first time, the invincible method pieced together, I have learned that the lower-level method that landed before, it is impossible to piece together, only the time I appeared, it just landed."

"I think I'm lucky, but it's too good."

"And I beat you, but you sent me away safely."

Chu Yi looked up and down the big dream beast: "I don't think your temper is so good, let's say, what are you trying to do to me?"

"Is it fascinated by my charming appearance?"


The big dream beast screamed, and this kid was so shameless.

"Are you waiting for me?" Chu Yi suddenly looked straight towards the big dream beast.

"No, you are not waiting for me, you are waiting for someone like me, here is the Dream World, many of my secrets should not be secrets in your eyes, then you are waiting for the people of the Universiade, or rather, yes The swordsman inside is in the same vein."

"You you you!" Big Dream Beast terrified his eyes.

"No!" Chu Yi smiled. "You are still lying to me deliberately, making me think this is the truth, because I know how to lie, so I know these tricks."

"If you are waiting for Universiade, you don't have to wait until now. When you exist, Universiade already exists."

"You are waiting for the right time!"

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