My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1470: Emperor calendar

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"What are you talking about, I don't understand." Big Dream Animal shook his head.

Chu Yi didn't pay attention to him, and things quickly flashed through his mind.

There are endless years in the big dream world. This big dream beast never appeared, but now it appears, which is too strange.

"A specific time, a specific person."

Chu Yi said while looking at each other's eyes.

"Emperor calendar?"

"It seems right." Chu Yi was very sure this time.

"You are waiting for the emperor calendar, and you are also waiting for the swordsman, I am right."

The big dream beast stepped back two steps and looked at Chu Yi like a monster.

"You don't have to veto, because everything is so coincidental, I never believe that the pie is dropped for no reason, especially an invincible method."

"Why are you helping me? Or to help Universiade."

"It doesn't seem to be a difficult problem. I learned the structure of the entire big dream world through the basic swordsmanship. This world is based on your dreams, and after being transformed by someone, it can be stable."

"But the only flaw is the invincible method."

"I have explored that, with the quality of this world, at most it is similar to the mysterious environment where I am, and this invincible method cannot be evolved at all. It is not the evolution of the big dream world, and naturally it is not your evolution. Then only that building this Mysterious person in the world."

"I'm afraid that the mysterious man has something to do with the Universiade. Maybe it's the ancestor of the ancestor, or something related to it, otherwise you don't have to wait until the emperor calendar, wait for a swordsman."

Chu Yi patted the big dream animal's round shoulders.

Damengong had goose bumps all over his body, and he stepped back subconsciously, and then seemed to feel that this action exposed himself, so he raised his chest and stepped forward.

"You are just guessing, I don't need to tell you." Big Dream Beast toughly said.

"Well, you don't want to give me the invincible method in the future, I'm not that rare." Chu Yi patted the **** and turned to leave.


"Stinky boy, I'm so angry that I don't want to give you the invincible method, I, I, I..."

The big dream beast almost spit out old blood.

How could there be such a shameless person, who really wanted to kick that stricken face with one foot.

"come back!"

Chu Yi turned around and immediately flew over.

"I can’t tell you too much. It’s no good to know it anyway, but it won’t hurt you. It can only be said that the emperor’s calendar has arrived. You have to become an immortal emperor or integrate all the basic swordsmanship, otherwise, yes The entire universe is a disaster."

"My master was the Immortal Emperor, and he left this invincible method."


Chu Yi had a meal, only to think his mind was chaotic. He knew that this big dream world was not simple, but he didn't expect that it would involve the mysterious immortal emperor.

That fairy emperor created this world, leaving no inheritance, just to wait until this time, to hand over to a swordman?

Did he anticipate the events of future generations, so he left his legacy before the endless years?

"Don't ask me everything about Immortal Emperor. At that level, everything is taboo. Too much is involved. Once exported, it will cause chaos. Only wait for you to find out."

"I just followed the fairy emperor's wishes."

Big dream beast sighed.

"Look at how lonely this world is. It was a scene in the last year of the Immortal Emperor. Everything withered and nothing was alive. He died alone, and I have never seen his last face."

"I only know that after that day, there will be a lunar sun star."

"The rest of the people don't know, but I understand that it is Emperor Star."

Chu Yi was terrified, and his heart was shocked. Damengge only told some things, but it made him hard to speak.

In particular, he never thought that Taiyin Sun Star would be related to Immortal Emperor.

Emperor Star!

Could it be that the immortal emperor fell behind?

Chu Yi was stunned for a moment, and the wind blowing here brought with him a bleak and tragic, what did the fairy emperor have experienced in the last year.

It stands to reason that he is already immortal.

"Don’t think about it too much. You are too weak and need time to grow. The emperor’s calendar is a total of ten thousand years. This is the best era of cultivation. Many secret realms will be broken, you can let people in and out, there will be many evils, breakthrough shackles, and extraordinary achievements. "

"The emperor calendar is the most suitable time for the birth of the immortal emperor. You have to step on many evil spirits and the body of many immortal masters to achieve the supreme immortal emperor.

"What happened in the end, is it related to the imaginary creatures?" Chu Yi couldn't help asking.

"I don't know. I couldn't detect it at all. I couldn't even see the war that year."

"The creatures in the virtual world are terrible, and even those days of Universiade are not under my control."

"After arriving at Immortal Lord, they are all supreme. I can only be here, in the real universe, there is no use at all."

The big dream beast sighed in the sky.

"After the death of the Immortal Emperor, only a paragraph was left."

"If you don't become an emperor, Tao will die!"

Chu Yi only felt heavy.

"This trick to cover the moon also needs to be handed over to the right person at the right time."

Big Dream Beast continued, "However, I can't give you all. I must confirm your strength to a certain extent before I can give you a part."

"If you want to get all the methods, you must reach the realm of the fairy lord, otherwise, it will be harmful to you."

Chu Yi nodded, he found out part of the truth, but this truth made him even bigger.

"Did the Immortal Emperor once fight against the strong in the virtual world? Predicted the future, so left behind a fortune?"

Chu Yi pondered, that was the degree that he could not speculate.

"What you need now is to accumulate deep enough in the realm of supremacy. Only when you are in this realm can you fight against the peak fairy king, will you be able to achieve the peak fairy lord in the future."

"Today's pinnacle celestial lord, who came here in the past, achieved the strongest supremacy, broke through the nine fairy rivers in one breath, and then became the celestial lord."

Big Dream Beast warned very seriously.


In the sand sea, the flames filled and the flames were extremely hot.

But here, there are many oasis and water sources, and even more precious treasures, growing in the flames enough to burn the fairy king.

Famine for a long time.

Mo Yutian, the head of the Mo family, has a breath of vastness, and rotates around the star sand. Looking closely, it turns out to be tiny stars, constantly surrounding him, countless.

He is like a universe.

His breath was terrible, sitting in a high position, not arrogant, and the sun, moon and stars seemed to spin around him.

Such a great power can ensure that a force will last forever.

And beside Mo Yutian, the elders of Mo family, this is a mysterious figure, the whole body is covered by a black mist, and there is a little bit of color in those mists.

Below these two, Mo Wuwei and other Mo family children, and even many elders, are very respectful.

Inside the hall, the mysterious breath solidified, and there were various runes ups and downs in the air.

"Specifically speaking." Mo Yutian looked kind, but once he spoke, the voice was vast, like a galaxy surging.

Mo Wuwei said: "Patriarch, we suspect that Na Chu Yan used the basic kendo, and the basic kendo after fusion."

When this sentence was spoken, the crowd found themselves momentarily dimmed, and the endless runes suddenly condensed like a terrible storm.

The breath became more and more terrible, and at the end, even many peak fairy kings could not help shaking.

"Patriarch..." The big elder sipped, and the endless coercion in the hall finally collapsed.

Mo Yutian's eyes are extremely deep: "He can defeat the invincible sword in the Immortal Venerable Realm, which means that the other party has bypassed the rules of the Dream World. Even I can't avoid this rule. There is really only basic swordsmanship."

"However, in the basic swordsmanship, some people have successfully merged three types, even if that person is not the person holding the sword."

"We are not sure." Mo Wuwei nodded.

Mo Yutian said coldly: "But the man's surname is Chu."

"Chu, basic swordsmanship, as soon as it appeared, it was directed against my Mo family, is it a coincidence?"

"Cosmic Kendo can only be in my Mo family, the sword man, and only my Mo family's sword man."

Suddenly, Mo Yutian seemed to sense something and slowly closed his eyes.

The whole hall fell into silence.

But no one dared to speak, and no one left, but waited quietly.

Mo Wuwei had a lot of thoughts: "Is King Chu Yan really a descendant of the Universiade?"

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