Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

The hall is wide, as if boundless, surrounded by stars and mist.

After a moment, Mo Yutian's closed eyes finally opened slowly.

For a moment, everyone in the heart did not know why they were relieved.

"It's the matter of the Universe Authority?" Mo Jiada elder Mo prisoner asked.

Mo Yutian nodded and said: "About the King of Chu Yan, in the battle of the big dream world, some other celestial lords all recognized his strength and can be promoted. His deity has reached a high-level supreme, away from the peak supreme. It’s not too far away, so come and ask for opinions from this seat."

Mo Wuwei, Mo Yefeng and others were a little embarrassed, because this time, the other party stepped on their Mo family's head.

However, the Universe Authority is not the Mo Family. The rules in it are very strict and the Mo Family is difficult to control. After all, the entire Universe Authority exists to balance forces.

"The strength and cultivation of King Chu Yan are in line. Naturally, there is no objection to this seat, and recently, there have been two vacancies for the Supreme Title."

Mo Wuqing felt cold in his heart, his legs shivering.

Fortunately, however, Mo Yutian didn't focus on him at all. For those kinds of existence, he wouldn't be qualified to talk to him if he didn't enter the Star Wars.

Even if it is Mo Yefeng, there is nothing more fearless than what is said here.

"The Universe Administration decided that Feng Chu Yan will be the supreme title, and he will decide the title himself."

"Patriarch, this time, which immortal lord came forward, gave a title, and tailored a method for him?" Mo Wuwei said.

"Me." Mo Yutian said slowly.

Inside the hall, all the Mo family monks were excited.

"Patriarch, no, what is your identity, under the peak fairy lord, your strength is top-notch, then the King of Chu Yan is just a supreme, not even the asterisk supreme, how can you let you go in person, and want to Create a way for him."

One million titles of supreme, in order to make everyone pay attention, are headed by the immortal master.

Of course, Immortal Lord has strengths and weaknesses, and exists like Mo Yutian, and his identity is extremely terrible.

Unless it is Mo's own title supreme.

"Does the patriarch want to test that Chu Yan king?" Elder Mo Jiada said in a deep voice.

Mo Yutian nodded and said: "Yes, the Universiade has always been a thorn in our hearts. I know that with the strength of Chenhuo, even if I die with the enemy, I will always stay behind."

"I have been searching for a long time, but now, there is no news, but the appearance of the Chu Yan King is too weird."

"People in those days should not live, nor can they live. If he lives, we will die."


Immortal Venerable Realm, Chu Yi returned to everyone's vision.

He looked at the Gobi again, as if it were another scene. There was once an invincible strongman who died in this world.

"Congratulations to Brother Chu, and he also got some invincible methods." A **** and demon monk, with two faces, congratulated toward Chu Yi.

"I don't know what part Brother Chu got this time?"

Chu Yi generously said: "Not many, just one part, plus the previous five parts, there are already six, and there are still three."

"Three ways!" Everyone's heart was shocked, but this is an invincible method. Once it is put together, it will be invincible on the same road.

And this man, just how long he has come to Dreamworld, has such a harvest, which makes everyone jealous.

Once it grows, it will surely glance at the world, even if it can not enter the top ten of the Star Wars list, it will certainly be able to enter the top one hundred, and there will be great opportunities to become a fairy lord in the future.


Suddenly, on top of everyone's head, the sky revolved, and the entire dream world seemed to be punctured.

There, the stardust is dim and hazy, and there is a vast coercion coming.

Countless people looked up in horror.

Shimu shouted: "It is the strong level of the Immortal Master. Although the Immortal Master is also constrained by the big dream world, every time you come, you must try to break through. Although it fails, it has become a tradition."

"How come there will be an immortal master now?"

"Don't say... title!"

Everyone came to an epiphany, and then looked enviously one by one.

"Brother Chu, every time there is an immortal lord, it will cause a big shock, because the more favored by the universe authority, the stronger the celestial lord..."

Shimu glanced quietly at his grandfather while he was talking, and when he saw the other person's expression that he didn't want to speak, he was so clever that he didn't bother.

And it seems that this time, it was not his grandfather.

"I don't know which fairy lord can come here this time. Although the people here are all the people of the fairy house, they may see the fairy lord several times in their lifetime."

Everyone respectfully stood on the sidelines and did not huddle with Chu Yi.

There are rumors that if you observe the existence of the level of the Immortal Lord day and night, you will be able to see it.

Immortal master, dominate everything!

Chu Yi's eyes narrowed, above the sky, a figure became more and more obvious, the whole body of Xingsha ups and downs, black and white sleeve robe hunting.

Long brown hair, steady eyebrows, some terrible inscriptions faintly visible in his neck, but they were all very vague.

"this is……"

"Mo Family Head!"

"Wild Dust Lord!"


A group of people was shocked. One came because of the strength of the other party. Mo Yutian has long been famous, and as the head of the Mo family, he made his identity more prominent.

Secondly, it was the Mo family who offended Chu Yi. No one expected that the contemporary owner of the Mo family would come over in person.

This seems a bit wrong.

"Children of the Mo family will hate Chu Yan, but Immortal Lord Huangchen will never take this matter into consideration, unless Mo is invincible and defeated, but he does not need to appear."

"I can't figure it out..." Everyone was bored and could only murmur in their hearts. They dared not speak out.

"Is there no problem?" The fat man was worried.

The Swordworm shrunk his body and shook his head: "Here is the big dream world, and his deity cannot come over, and the rules of the Universe Administration are so strict that it is impossible to kill at this time. Could it be said, what did the Mo family notice?"

Chu Yi dropped his hands naturally, looking at each other.

Mo Yutian stopped at a position higher than him, and would not appear too arrogant, but also showed his status.

"I am the Lord of the Dust of Dust, this time I came to give you the title of title of Supreme."

"What title do you want, let me know."

Mo Yutian said indifferently, the whole body of star sand filled him, making him look like he was not in this space.

The surrounding time and space seemed to be still.

He looked at Chu Yi with no emotion in his eyes, and he was still faint.

But no one knew what he was thinking.

"I'm in trouble, Lord Chen Fenchen, the track number Yan Luo is good." Chu Yi said calmly, without any waves in his eyes.

"Yes!" Mo Yutian nodded.

Although both of them are normal, somehow, everyone always feels the strange atmosphere.

"Every titled Supreme Master will get a method. This method was created by our immortal master. You can tell your needs to your needs."

For Immortal Lord, in a short time, it is not difficult to create a set of peerless methods.

In fact, Famen is not the key. The key lies in the guidance and enlightenment of these titles or asterisks in Famen, which is precious.

These immortals are high above the earth, and their horizons are extremely high. With the same method, they will have their own unique understanding and point directly to the essence.

Chu Yi bowed slightly: "That kid is welcome, the kid wants a sword."

"What sword?" Mo Yutian remained calm.

"Quick sword."

"The sword approaching the extreme, the sword approaching the light, in short, this sword, as long as a fast word." Chu Yi said.

"The sword of the world can only be broken fast. This is not a correct statement, but it is also an extremely powerful path. If you want to learn the fast sword, there is no problem."

"However, there is no way to really make the sword to the extreme. The only thing that can be achieved is the continuous cultivation, only your heart."

"The heart is fast, then the sword is fast."

"What is your habit of using swords?"

"What do you do?"

"How about your sword?"


Mo Yutian kept asking, and was very patient. It seems that this time he came over, there were no other factors, but he came over and gave him a title to create a method for Chu Yi.

After Chu Yi answered, he closed his eyes, the surface of the body, the time was twisted, but within a few seconds, he took a sword from a star sand.

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