My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1475: Curse of the Wild

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

Earth Lord no longer begs, saying: "Since Mo Yutian's guy has authorized me, then I will do the next thing for him."

"Your kendo, at least I can't make any suggestions, you can change a method."

Chu Yi thanked: "Seniors create methods for juniors. Where dare they refuse, this is an honor for juniors."

"Are you looking down on my method?" Di Ye shouted.

Chu Yi even said: "I didn't look down on it, but it was not an invincible method, and it didn't make much sense to me."

This is true, after all, Chu Yi has the complete inheritance of the Universiade. In addition to the invincible methods and some special methods, he has no time to learn additional methods.

No matter how powerful it is, compared with the Universiade, it is no exception.

"Invincible law, invincible law!"

"I'm furious!"

"Do you think this is a land spreading goods, even my Sanyuan Holy Mountain, there is no invincible method, every invincible method is in the hands of Pinnacle Immortal Lord, you really are..."

"Looking down at my Famen and saying directly, I really want to kill you stupid boy." Di Ye said angrily, his body covered in fur.

"Grandpa, don't be angry, don't do it... so many people are watching." Shi Mu ran forward again to dissuade him.

"What's your kid stopping me, so many people are watching, the old man wants to extinguish his prestige, lest he swell, thinking that this is what the Immortal Lord is like." Di Ye shouted.

Shi Mu embarrassed and said: "Grandpa Grandpa, I'm not afraid of Brother Chu's injury, but this is the big dream world, you are not Brother Chu's opponent, unless you come in person."

Earth Lord: "..."

After a while, Master Di calmed down: "It's really annoying old man. Even if I exist, I want to beat you. If it's not the rules of the Universe Administration, I'm too lazy to take care of you."

Chu Yi's eyes moved, and suddenly said: "Dear Lord, I don't know if it can be changed. You have to give me a method, it is better to give me a way to crack a curse."


"What curse?"

The earth master was slightly curious.

But seeing Chu Yi using his hand as a pen, he gently draws a silk thread in the void with Shennian.

Chu Yi also had a sudden whimsy, and he could just use this to test the Earth Lord.

This year, this person should be very clear.

This is the curse of the wasteland, a total of three layers, trapping all the monks in the entire secret realm, so that they can not become immortal, this is also a method of Huang Chu pinch Chu Yi.

If you can't become an immortal, then you can only break through in the direction of the basic kendo.

Chu Yi didn't want to let the famine so moist.

A thin line, intertwined in the void, the curse is too complicated, Chu Yi can only copy it out, but can not draw the charm, after all, when the wildest peak, it is comparable to the existence of the Chen fire fairy.

"It's just a curse, I can get rid of it at a glance." Lord Ye smiled with a glance.

It's just that when Chu Yi was more and more engraved, and the lines became more and more complicated, Di Ye's complexion gradually became dignified.

"Boy, where did you see the curse?" Earth Lord is very serious.

"Senior said, is there a way to crack?" Chu Yi avoided speaking.

Di Ye touched his chin and said, "This curse is a seal-type curse, and it is extremely deep. I have never seen this type before."

"Although I have never seen its true content, but from the situation you painted, it is a bit similar to the curse of convolution."

"However, this technique is familiar."

"Grandpa, can you solve it?" Chu Yi said anxiously.

"It's understandable. For me, a little dish, you don't look down on Immortal Lord too much."

Chu Yi smiled a little: "Grandpa, it's not over yet, this is just a simple one."

There are three curses left. In fact, the second curse, the fairy king level research for a long time, can be solved, but there is a third curse.

When the elders and other people looked at it, they knew that this curse was the real curse of Huang, and all roads were sealed off.

What Chu Yi cared about was also the third curse.

"Boy, I am an expert in this area. Although you draw it, I will teach you how to untie it so that I can give it an explanation."

Chu Yi Yiyan.

This time, Chu Yi used his hands, and even used Shennian's thoughts, one thread at a time, constantly intertwined. At the end, it was extremely complicated, and even just copying, Chu Yi's forehead was already covered with sweat.

How high his realm is, but the simplest way to draw the pattern is almost overdrawn.

Layers of lines are superimposed, and Chu Yi knows the shape of the curse very well, because he has also studied for a while.

Even because of this curse, the level of the curse that he is in has rapidly increased.

Di Ye's face became more and more dignified, and by the end, he couldn't help but walk forward.

"Senior, how?" Chu Yi asked sweating and expectant.

However, he found that Earth Lord did not answer.

The earth master stared at the curse, and his eyes were very dignified. After a long time, he said: "Boy, where do you see the curse, this curse, at least the power of the fairy king level can have the opportunity to cast, this curse , Seal the flesh first, then seal the small world, then Daofu and Yuanying."

"It imprisoned everything in the body of the soul, and pointed it to the last path-the sky. This is a curse that prevents the monk from becoming an immortal."

"This technique is too subtle, and I can be sure that if you are not proficient in this one, you will definitely not reach this level."

"I can solve it, but it will take thirty years."

"Thirty years..." Chu Yi was stunned. Lord Di had researched this, and it would take thirty years to crack it, but there was not much time left for them.

Even if the earth master cracked in thirty years, they still need time to grow, this time is too urgent.

"Of course, if I find some fairy masters to solve together, ten years is enough."

"Alternatively, if you bring together many pinnacle lords, their realm is higher, maybe only for a moment."

Earth Master didn't care about Chu Yi's expression, but instead began to observe the curse, but suddenly, he paused and his face was frightened.

"Boy, tell me the truth, this curse, where did you see it!"

"I always felt familiar, and now when I look back, I saw a similar technique when fighting against the imaginary creatures."

Chu Yi bowed his head, then pondered for a moment: "A ruin."

He didn't want to disclose, because the Universiade House can't afford it now.

He revealed a little to the Mo family, which had already taken a great risk and was a last resort.

Sanyuan Holy Mountain, although it seems that there is nothing wrong with it today, Chu Yi understands that a large enough benefit can definitely make some things qualitatively change.

"Is it because the relics left by the war were not completed?"

"Senior, I still have things. I will leave first. Your means of cracking the previous seal will be used as my title."

Chu Yi directly left the big dream world.

He knows that it is because of the title issue, but it is impossible to move other fairy masters without sufficient benefits.


In Yanhuang Realm, Chu Yi walked slowly.

"What are you thinking?" The sword worm lay on Chu Yi's shoulder.

Zhu Bajie patted his head: "Happy... Be happy..."

Chu Yi said with a smile: "I am not unhappy, but I am thinking about something. The Barren Hill Mo family seems to have too much hostility towards me, because of what was done that year, there really is no problem with this hostility."

"But that's exactly how it explains the problem."

"The Mo family wanted to kill me, understandably, but why Mo Yutian wanted to kill me, and he did not hesitate to break the rules and force me to kill in the big dream world."

"Don't you think he is too anxious?"

"Even if I am a descendant of the Universiade, I am nothing more than a supreme, even the Immortal King is not there. What is the danger to them? Although there were not many people who knew about the events of that year, many senior officials knew. "

"Everyone knows what they know, but they don't say what they want, but why did an immortal lord desperately want to kill me?"

"It stands to reason that he captured me and tortured this to be the most appropriate."

"But what do you mean to kill me?"

"The more this is, the more exposed a problem is."

"At that time, the Mo family was unfavorable to the Universiade. The swordsman was only one aspect, and there might be another aspect. This thing only motivated the Mo family."

Chu Yi's eyes lit up.

"The Universiade knows what happened to the Mo family, so it made the Mo family eager to kill."

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