My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1476: Soul initiates

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

In the void, Mo Yutian's figure walked slowly, walking through the galactic promenade.

The sky swirled around and the galaxy formed a huge vortex. His eyes were dignified and there was a trace of indifference, not as light and breezy as before.

Although he was the Immortal Lord, he even deliberately behaved like that before, as if irritated, but only he knew that he was really full of murderous intent on that Yan Luo Supreme.

If possible, he would go directly to the killer against the entire universe authority.

"Patriarch, what's the matter?" Elder Mo Jia's dark body image was ghost-like, floating out of a star.

"I'm not sure if he is, but I can be sure that he must know the relevant information, and even get the heritage of the Universiade."

Mo Yutian was cold all over his body. "I want to kill him, but unfortunately the Yuanxian Lord is just near him, and it is difficult to succeed."

"The things of our family can never be known by the Universe Administration. At that time, the Universiade was kind to me, but no matter what, we are not all the way."

"Find out that Chu Yan, as long as his real body is still in this universe, one day he will show his feet."

"Also, this matter tells the ancestors that invincibility should also be cultivated as soon as possible. Invincible opponents appear, and it is likely that a swordsman exists."

Mo Yutian's face was indifferent, his breath was horrified, and he almost overwhelmed this void channel.

"If he is the real swordsman, he is an invincible opponent."

"He will not die, my Mo family will die!"


In Yanhuang Realm, Chu Yi summoned some core personnel to announce the invincible method he got in Big Dream Realm.

He knew that this method was of great importance, but without time, he might be able to forcibly break through the curse through this invincible method.

It is a pity that it is extremely difficult to cover the moon tactics. When a group of people come down, except Chu Yi, Ye Yanyu, Xia You and the fat man, the rest of them cannot even touch the first floor.

"It should be the reason for Yuanying's physique." Swordworm asserted that among the Yuanying who wanted to come, there were things that others did not have.

"The invincible method, some people can't get it when they get it... It's a pity that I still want to pass this method out. In this way, the secret realm of our side has the advantage of Yuanying compared with the outside world." Chu Yi frowned.

Swordworm taunted: "How can there be such a simple, invincible method, in fact, it is the ultimate method, if it can be easily spread out, then it will not be the ultimate, and the entire universe will change."

"It is good for one of hundreds of millions of souls to be able to practice. Your earth is better."

"After all, this is not a natural secret, but a space evolved from the energy of the Universiade. Except for lunar stars and sun stars, all the stars here are not comparable to the real universe."

Chu Yi smiled, and several people sat cross-legged in the back room.

Xia You and Ye Yanyu were sitting next to each other. In this secret room full of secrets, the two seemed to light up this space.

They have already begun to practice.

Chu Yi calmed his mind, and Shen Nian sank into the Taoist House. His Yuan Ying began to act. To be precise, it was Chu Yi himself.

Yuan Ying walked, flew out of Daofu, and landed in a small world.

Chu Yi's inner world is all a world of swords, densely surrounded by light.

Yuan Ying sat down and visualized the first imprint of the moon formula.


A bright moon rises in the small world. Then, the moon blooms and produces many residual moons. The powerful energy shakes the world in the body. A large number of inscriptions and sword qi collide, making a rustling noise.

"Successful thinking, it seems to me that this first layer is very simple."

"I hadn't realized it until I saw the two immortal masters shot, all kinds of mysterious patterns detached from the shackles, and fully sparked out their own sparks, this is the supreme power."

In the big dream world, although the monk entered was just a ray of spiritual thought, the experience and experience in it will be added to the deity in the end.

Chu Yi has reached the pinnacle of supremacy, and now only has time to practice invincible methods.

"The first layer of the moon-covering tactics, no dirt, after training, Yuanying's strength doubled."

"With the improvement of the cultivation practice, the strength of Yuanying is more horrible than other monks."

"The first layer is the foundation."

A large number of moonlights were densely lit, shining on Chu Yi. These radiances struck Yuan Ying, and there was an extremely terrible tingling sensation, which made Chu Yi think of the scene where the evil spirits were exposed to the sun.

His Yuan Ying began to emit white smoke.

"The closer you are, the greater the damage Yuan Yuan will suffer. This method is too dangerous. No wonder the conditions of cultivation are so severe.

He got used to it a little bit, and this intensity was nothing to him.

Chu Yi’s Yuan Ying has daily baptism of sword species, which is naturally powerful. This first level is not difficult for him.

He stepped forward and thundered, but he saw countless brilliances lingering in a blink of an eye, just like the collision of swords, guns and clubs, and clanging.

The white sharp edge tears the sky, and the terrible power directly acts on Chu Yi's Yuan Ying.

"I underestimated the invincible method, just one step, and the difference is so great."

Yuanying's babbling sounded loudly, and seemed to be a little smaller than before. The intense pain from the inside out was unavoidable.

It was as if someone had hit the head with a hammer.

"These lights are refining the impurities in my Yuanying. I originally thought my Yuanying was already very transparent, but I didn't expect that there are still so many impurities."

"Yuanying has a great improvement in the Supreme Realm, and there is also room for improvement in the physical body, plus the strength of the Taoist House, the strength of the small world, the stability of the Supreme Heart and the God Bridge."

"Understood, as long as these are strengthened to the level of horror, even if they do not enter the fairy king, it is equivalent to the fairy king."

"Those monsters on the Star Wars list have killed the fairy king one by one."

"They can, why can't I?"

"I have reached the summit of the Supreme, almost."


Chu Yi kept moving forward, his Yuan Ying trembling more and more violently, and then continued to melt.

When it reached a certain level, Yuan Ying suddenly burst into a bright light, all the lights and rain fluttered, and the world thundered.

Chu Yi saw that in his own body, Daofu, which is the closest to Yuanying, began to expand and became more and more beautiful.

The sword species also seem to have changed.

"Yuan Ying backed Kendo..." Chu Yi stunned.

He tasted it carefully, and he really got something.


Suddenly, he felt a wave of fluctuations outside, and opened his eyes, but saw that Xia You and Ye Yanyu's faces were extremely pale, and that their Yuan Ying, there was a crack.

"Since we can all practice, there are certain qualities in Yuanying."

Chu Yi quickly urged Shen Nian to run the first layer of tactics and headed towards the two babies.

The next moment, a very profound feeling, spontaneously emerged.

"Together with the soul?"

Ye Yanyu and Xia You opened their eyes. They felt that their Yuanying infants were much stronger, and they were shining on Yuehua. They were not so stingy, and they even trained a lot faster.

"It's still a bit different. My sister and Chu Jun's cooperation is better than mine." Xia You realized something and found it immediately.

"Souls and spirits are cultivated together, and thoughts are connected. In this way, it is much faster to practice this invincible method." Chu Yi was overjoyed.

Both women have reached the peak of Immortal Venerable, only half a step away from the Supreme. At this moment, there is a vague breakthrough to the Supreme.

"Shen Xiu Xiu Xiu, Brother Chu, let's try too!" the fat man shouted.

"What do I have to do with you? Go away, and the two of us are probably excluded." Chu Yi laughed and scolded, and had never heard of two men's double cultivation.

But the fat man did not care, he was out of luck, and wanted to get in touch with Chu Yi's Yuan Ying.

Only the next moment, a wonderful thing happened, Chu Yi's Yuan Ying was not under control at all, and also emerged from the heavenly spirit cover.

The two Yuanyings sat in midair, the moon frost was scattered, and they continued to condense. The Yuanyings grew at a rate visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, on the flesh of the two of them, one of them has the sun's mysterious appearance, and the other has the inscription of Taiyin.

The two inscriptions are intertwined along Yuanying.

"I'll just say, the sun shadow holy body and moon shadow holy body are originally suitable for double cultivation. Brother Chu, you are too resistant, don't be afraid, let God my own initiative." Fatty said wryly.

Chu Yi picked up his shoes and directly hit him in the face, causing the two girls to laugh constantly.

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