Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

For the monks, the years of practice pass quickly. They experience the mysteries of heaven and earth in their practice. The long life span gives them the possibility of becoming stronger.

The progress of several people in Chu Yi is fast, but the reason why the invincible method is invincible is that it is extremely terrible at every level.

Among the four major families, those who can touch the invincible law in the Supreme Realm are only the first 20 children of the Star Wars list, and they only touch a part.

But only this part is enough for them to run across the universe.

Just like Chu Yi's sword reincarnation, a beast said, even if he lost to the strong fairy king, it was enough to escape from the opponent.

And now the first layer of the moon-covering tactics, so that his Yuanying, have been comparable to the strong level of the fairy king level.

In the realm of the fairy king, the fairy river landed, washing the inner world and Yuanying, which made Yuanying grow stronger, terrifying, and becoming a fairy king.

But Chu Yi, relying on the invincible method, pushed Yuan Ying to the realm of the fairy king.

He originally wanted to continue to practice, but soon, someone transmitted the sound through the sword worm, so he had to go out.

The master land of the Yan and Huang clan is hidden by masters.

At the gate of a courtyard in Qianshan, Chu Yi saw a young man.

"San Gallo?" Chu Yi was surprised, looking at the young man with eyes like snakes. The last time he met, a long time had passed.

"Don't Taoyou keep retreating in Kunxu Cave all the time, how come out?"

San Gallo, a man who made Chu Yi be afraid of it, is in control of the material of death, and even his own strength is extremely powerful, comparable to that of Tianzi.

However, Chu Yi always feels that this person is hiding too deeply, which is probably more terrible than the emperor. Now I see it again, this feeling is even stronger.

Chu Yi had already surpassed the genius once here because he had been to the outside world. Even Tianzi and others were not his opponents.

His opponent is already a natural pride in the real universe.

But this time when he saw San Galo, he found out that this guy has a deep heritage, no less than the evil spirits outside.

San Galo looked at Chu Yi, even more horrified. At that time, he was able to see through some things. But now, in his eyes, Chu Yi is shining brightly. It seems that this is the case, but the more so, the more terrible.

San Galo would not believe that he was strong enough to see through all the disguise of Chu Yi.

"Brother Chu, I'm in trouble." San Gallo came straight to the point.


"Brother Gallo, if I am right, you have reached the highest state of the supreme, far beyond your peers, and even I feel a trace of fear, which can make you say trouble, except for the realm of the fairy king, I can't think of anything else. "

Chu Yi pushed the door in. This is his residence here.

There was a fragrance in the small courtyard.

"Do not hide, I know you have contact with the imaginary creatures."

"This time my trouble comes from the imaginary creatures."

"Well? You know the creatures in the virtual world?" Chu Yi was slightly surprised.

Sangallo laughed: "There is a Universiade Mansion in Kunxu Cave, but it is broken. The reason why I was able to survive that year was because I fell into the mansion after breaking the shell."

"From the mansion, I learned to practice, learned many methods, and knew a lot of things."

Chu Yi was stunned. At that time, the Universiade was fragmented. If one fell to Kunxu Cave, it was also very likely.

He listened quietly.

"Brother Chu knows the death substance. That was what I discovered in the Mansion of the Universiade. Because I was there from birth, I was in contact with the death substance, so afterwards, I could control some of the death substance."

Chu Yi touched his chin: "It turns out that the dead material is too horrible to destroy the heavens. It seems that all creatures can't escape. I used to worry that the heavens would really die, but it seems that in recent years, Galo Brother has control."

"No, just the opposite." San Galo shook his head. "From the beginning to the end, I can't control it. What I can use is only a small part of it. The masses of death in the heavens are not deployed by me at all. ."

"As my strength improves, the more I can go deep into the mansion and learn more things."


"Famine?" Chu Yi had a bad hunch in his heart.

"It's a waste, the dead material is a waste, and the long biomass is also a waste." San Galo told the terrifying truth, making Chu Yi stunned on the spot.

"what happened?"

San Galo solemnly said: "To be precise, the famine of that year was severely injured and split into three parts. The body was on Xie Wushuang, and the energy was buried in two places."

"According to the understanding, the energy of the wasteland is the dead substance and long biomass. The dead substance is in the Dayun Mansion of Kunxu Cave, and the long biomass is on the earth."

"Evergreen flowers appeared on the earth that year, and the evergreen flowers were used to suppress the so-called long biomass, but later, without knowing the reason, the longevity flowers opened up and reverted into the four major realms, and the wild long biomass Come out."

"Brother Chu, you don't have to look for it anymore. I have looked for it before I came. The location of Changshenghua is gone. According to the deduction, Xie Wushuang had been there that time, and in time, it was exactly when you were fighting against Heavenly Court and Destiny."

Chu Yi heard the words, staggering his body.

No wonder he always felt uncomfortable at the time. He thought that he had successfully destroyed the destiny and forced out the wasteland. Unexpectedly, at this time, the wasteland had already taken away the long biomass.

"This cunning guy, he has recovered part of the energy in his body, and his current strength is even more rapid recovery. I am afraid that it is at least comparable to the fairy king who crossed four or five fairy rivers. He will also pretend to be weak there!"

"Thirty years later, he can definitely restore the strength of the high-level fairy king, and then escapes smoothly."

"Once let him get the material of death, it will be even more troublesome. It will be able to return to the peak fairy king in thirty years. Maybe after fleeing, help us fulfill our promise and turn around and kill me."

Chu Yi took a deep breath.

Cooperating with the wasteland is the lower and lower levels. This method can only be used when other roads do not work.

But now, the shortage is secretly restoring strength.

"It's too much!" Chu Yi was angry, but the words that swordworms and other people heard would sneer.

Because Chu Yi has prepared other means.

No matter whether it is a shortage, or against him, the two sides will not trust at all, and the short-term cooperation is just in case.

Sangallo said: "The wasteland has been found in the Kunxu Cave. In recent days, I have seen Xie Wushuang's figure appearing in the vicinity."

"The energy of the wasteland was also seriously injured, especially the dead material. Now it takes root in my body and seems to be helping me, but on the other hand, it is also borrowing my physical body to restore energy."

"Once this energy is restored to a certain level, then the famine will take it away, and I will be killed by the way."

"You want to let everyone know about this, so there is no point in killing you?" Chu Yi asked.

"Yes, not everyone in fact, as long as he knows you understand this matter, it's all right." San Galo smiled bitterly. This energy helped him gain terrible power, but also, almost destroyed him.

"Brother Gallo is assured that he hasn't been able to take action against you yet. I can assure you, because before leaving, he has vowed that he must not kill the creatures in this mysterious realm, and no one will be able to do anything."

"As for this dead substance..."

Chu Yi's eyes turned, "The Universiade has many heritages, including curses, formations, poisons, causality, etc."

"The curse can't be used anymore. Famine is a master in this area, then use poison."

"Are you going to poison the dead substance?" San Galo's eyes widened.

"Now that you know it, you can't sit back and die, and the famine is bound to take away this dead substance. We can't stop it, so let him take it."

"Dare to tease me, I'm not a nuisance, sir."

Chu Yi was indignant.

For several years, Chu Yi practiced while studying poison.

In the past few years, he has not even appeared in the big dream world, the whole person seems to have evaporated.

This mystery is even more peaceful. There are no wars and no competition. All roads are developing rapidly.

Everyone understands that ten years will soon arrive, and at that time, there will be a strong man of the level of the fairy king, and it belongs to the strong man in the **** house.

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