Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

An ancient altar appeared slowly in the eyes of the people in Shangcang Daochang.

Around the altar, Chu Yi and his party, Xie Wushuang, Ting Tian, ​​Ji Dao Xian and others were present.

"It's the altar that's right. This kind of technique is the Universiade's technique. This is the only way to the outside world." Huang slowly walked out of Xie Wushuang's palm and connected his tentacles to the altar.

Chu Yi's eyes were unchanged, but he was muttering in his heart.

"Three years ago, the wasteland had taken away the material of death, and even sealed San Galo to prevent the news from leaking. He thought he was seamless, but he did not know that San Galo had been aware of it, and notified me with a secret avatar."

"Now that I have refined venom for several years, it should have entered his body with the dead substance, hum!"

Chu Yi laughed in his heart.

"You can start."

The sword insect opened his mouth wide and spit out Yu Zhen. At this time, Yu Zhen was so embarrassed, his hair was messy, and his eyes were loose.

When he saw a group of people, he gave a sharp growl.

"Ji Jie...... It's my turn, I will tamper with her memory and introduce some strong men, but they will all be low-level fairy kings. Although you are also low-level fairy kings, you have already arranged in advance, plus my Ability, can definitely kill the group of fairy kings."

A piece of silk thread plunged into Yu Zhen's mind.

"You will die!"

"Dare to betray the universe, Yan Luo Supreme, once discovered by my jade Tianmen, this side of the secret realm, will be destroyed." Yu Zhen is very crazy, extremely painful.

The scarce silk thread walked underneath her skin, and red blood permeated the dermis, making her like a red lantern.

"Little girl, don't resist anymore. It's a supreme place. Even if I am seriously injured, I can easily tamper with your memory."

"We are not sinners, you are the sinners, you introduced your fellow men into this hell, hehe."

"You know, there are formations buried here, which can kill the fairy king, and under the attack, they definitely have no chance of surviving."


As Huang's words fell, Yu Zhen's expression became more and more confused, and he began to be sluggish.

"Well? The altar is moving, it should be opened from the outside."

Above the altar, a little ignition candle rose up, the void was constantly twisted, and from afar, it seemed to extend an endless road.

Everyone looked at that road and felt with emotion that it was the road to the real universe.

Yu Zhen really walked in. If she didn't enter, I am afraid that Yu Tianmen's side would not take the actions expected by Chu Yi and others without effective information.

In the secret world, many monks of Yutianmen are waiting.

"Sovereign, what do you call this secret realm?" an elder asked.

The Sovereign of Jade Heaven Gate, the whole body is black and light, almost empty, and the terrifying coercion suppressed the breath of the exit of this secret realm and prevented it from leaking again.

"At least it is the secret realm at the peak level of the fairy king, or it is the natural evolution of the universe. If it is the latter, then the resources will be more." The jade fairy king was terrified, with a transcendent breath.

In the universe, there are many fairy kings, but the number of peak fairy kings has suddenly decreased. Anyone who can achieve this step is a leader, and is the mainstay of the entire universe.

And their jade Tianmen, since they can become one of the Shenfu, and rely on him as the peak fairy king, obviously the strength is extremely terrible.

"When this secret realm was opened, I was negligent and didn't cover up all the fluctuations. Fortunately, it didn't emit much."

"Several forces nearby have been watching, but they should not know the specific situation."

Yutianmen is at least also the Divine Mansion. How big is the universe and endless forces, but the Divine Mansion has only a hundred. The weakest Divine Mansion forces are extremely terrible.

Like Yutianmen, although there are a lot of nearby forces peeping into this secret realm, they dare not openly attack its idea.

"Um? Come out..."

Jade Heaven Immortal King's eyes were like fire, and everyone looked around and saw that in the passage, only Yu Zhenzhen was alone, and some were embarrassed and stumbled.

"Girl, why are you alone?"

"Father." Yu Zhenzhen's eyes were horrified. "Dead, everything is dead. This secret realm is not a natural evolution, nor is it the peak fairy king-level secret realm guessed before, but a fairy realm secret realm!"

"Fairy Master... Mystery!"

A group of high-level officials of Yutianmen were stunned and did not speak for a long time.

"Really, aren't you mistaken?" A skeleton with a black flame burning all over his body creaked.

"Three elders, it is true. We entered and all of us died. Only I survived, but the master was missing."

"In the mysterious realm, the strong man at the level of the immortal master has died, but he raised a lot of dragons and beasts during his lifetime. These different species are fierce and all the brothers and sisters are dead in their mouths."

"Immortal Master's Realm, Sect Master, this is the Immortal Master's Secret Realm!"

The elders lowered their voices, but their eyes were red.

A gray-clothed elder was very excited: "Sect Master, Immortal Master-level secret realm, we definitely have to get it. This is the opportunity for our entire Yutianmen to take off, even if there are more sacrifices, as long as this secret realm is in hand, it is so short. In a few hundred years, or even decades, we can rise quickly."

Even if more than half of the deaths and injuries are here, it is worthwhile to be able to win the Immortal Lord's Secret Realm.

Jade Heaven Immortal King's expression was also excited, but soon, barely clenched his fists, forcibly calmed down.

"This matter is of great importance and must not be rushed."

"Wait for me to deduce again."

Beside the Jade Heaven Immortal King, the black light surged into a formation like an altar and began to sink into the passage.

Countless information feedback comes back.


Suddenly, Yutian Fairy King opened his eyes.

"Sect Master, what happened?"

Jade Heaven Immortal King said in a deep voice: "It is different from my last deduction. The last deduction, I clearly remember today, ten years later, this passage can allow immortal kings who cross the four immortal rivers to enter. This is already the limit. ."

"But it was re-introduced today, but found that it was enough for a Seven River Fairy King to enter. What's going on?"

Seven River Immortal King, this is already a high-level immortal king, and the fighting power is extremely terrifying, and there is a gap with the general immortal king.

It is as if the Supreme Supreme and the General Supreme.

The gray-clothed man was overjoyed: "This is a good thing. I'm afraid something has happened inside, so that the energy outside the secret realm has dissipated too quickly, so that I can just enter."

"Sect Master don't need to worry." A skin sac was stuck in the air, and it opened at the moment. The skin sac was human skin, shrivelled, and there was no flesh.

"Although Zhenzhen and others entered, she encountered a huge chase, but she survived. This shows that the beast inside is not strong enough to be outrageous, at most it is a low-level fairy king, and its IQ is not high. Otherwise, no one will be able to escape this time."

"And now that something has changed, even high-level fairy kings can enter. Although the Seven River Fairy King is only one step higher than the Six River Fairy King, it is a world of difference in strength."

"There are two elders entering the team leader, which is undoubtedly more secure for us."

Jade Heaven Immortal King looked around, and according to his speculation, ten years later, high-level Immortal King could enter.

However, a few people made sense, since even the Supreme can come back alive, not to mention the fairy king, among which there are high-level fairy kings.

"Nine Zun!"

"My Jade Heaven Gate, although there are many fairy kings, but they can not enter all at once, and some people have to stay outside."

"And, it's only ten years, and it's not too late to enter after ten years."

"Second Elder, this time, you lead them in the past, and trouble you."

"The Sect Master is assured that as long as the Immortal Master is not alive, even if something goes wrong, we can cope with it."

"Just those forces around..."

Jade Emperor Xian Meng waved his sleeve robe: "The old men will hold back, but it is just a group of beasts that come here after smelling the smell, just give them a color."

"The Immortal Master's Secret Realm can only be my Jade Heaven Gate. I have to check, what is the Immortal Master's tomb."

The gray man nodded when he heard the words, and then led the remaining six elder king-level strongmen into the passage.

The nine fairy kings stood side by side, full of momentum, and mighty, like a magma eruption, terrifying energy, rushing into the secret realm.

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