My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1479: Disaster strikes

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On the side of the altar, Chu Yi waited patiently. Around the altar, Xie Wushuang, Ji Dao Xian, and Ting Tian were ready to go.

Huang Xiaodao said: "You can rest assured that the most powerful one came over this time, that is, across the four Dao Xianhe River. Within the Four Dao Xianhe River, this formation is enough to kill them instantly."


Suddenly, at this moment, the altar surging wildly, one after another, terrifying thunder, rushed directly out of the channel, all kinds of thunder and flame inscriptions intertwined, blood blasting into the sky, the terrifying breath tearing hundreds of layers of void.

"What's going on? So powerful?" Chu Yi's face changed drastically.

Above the sky, wind and clouds converged, and dense **** clouds piled up in this side of the world, and there was no view of the sky, and a large piece of thunder fell like a waterfall.

Around, many stars explode. If the location of Shangcang Dojo is special, I am afraid it will be destroyed.


With a muffled sound, Chu Yi saw with his own eyes that at least hundreds of planets exploded at the same time. Fortunately, there were no creatures on the nearby stars, otherwise, hundreds of billions of creatures would be killed and injured instantly.

"No!" The sword worm screamed silently. "It wasn't the ordinary fairy king. I sensed nine breaths, among which there are high-level fairy kings!"


"Run away!"

"This formation is vulnerable to high-level fairy kings!"

Shenmo City flew up and took everyone away quickly.

All the monks were blindfolded, how could this happen.


"High-level fairy king!" Ji Daoxian took the dark council crowd and fled in a black warship.

Ting Tian's face changed suddenly, he could not have thought of it, there would be such a change, it was too late to think, once he was affected by these thunders, he would be buried here.

"What happened? Hasn't it been deduced before? How could a high-level fairy king enter?"

In order to ensure safety, they also personally performed before Yu Zhenzhen entered.

"Everyone, it's easy to leave." Xie Wushuang left slowly, and at the same time, on his palm, a smile appeared on the face.

"Famine, it's you!"

"It's you who's secretly ghosting!"

Chu Yi was horrified and furious. Around the altar, he was all surrounded by **** thunder and flames, and could not see the inside at all.

"Yan Luo Supreme, don't make a fuss. People around you have reminded you that cooperating with me is to seek a hide with the tiger. Do you really think I will cooperate with you? It's just a way to slow down."

Chu Yi cursed, his eyelids jumped wildly: "Famine, then you will die yourself, they will immediately notice that this world is not right, just find one or two supreme, you can detect your existence, I am dead, this world If it is destroyed, you will be killed by them."

"Ji..." Liao laughed a lot, and many silk threads danced, looking extremely happy. "The people of Universiade Palace are still so dumb. I think you are a smart person."

"I'm afraid you don't know that the growth of biomass and dead matter is my main energy. I took it before you noticed it. Now the strength has recovered to a level almost comparable to that of the Five River Fairy King. There is no way to take me."

"The previous formation was not a formation to kill the fairy king at all, but an formation that made the channel unstable. I deliberately let them in, so that they could kill you and hide by my means. It’s simple."

"Ten years, as long as you give me ten years to wait for the next altar to open, I will be able to restore to the strength of the high-level fairy king, and then, kill it directly."

"Who can help me?"

"I am a wasteland, a creature for the imaginary world, a creature in a universe, and I dare to talk to me about cooperation."

"I made an oath that I can't kill you here, but I can also kill you with the help of Yutianmen."

"Yan Luo Supreme, you are too tender."

Lonely laughed, accompanied by the thunder of the sky, he was very arrogant.

All the supremes were terrified, and the fairy king was desperate.

On Chu Yi’s side, all the fairy kings add up to two, but if Chu Yi barely counts one, then there are only three.

In the eyes of a high-ranking fairy king, the three low-ranking fairy kings are nothing.

"We're fucked!"

"To be sold into slaves, or to be killed..." Qionglong Supreme, Qing Di, Lord of Nine Nether, Great Mi Buddha, etc., all pale.

They are used to being high, how could they want to become slaves, I am afraid that in the end, it is a self-determined ending.

"Go to your uncle!"

"Hard, I despise you!" The fat man scolded, his face very ugly.

"My wife hasn't found it yet!"

Suddenly, Chu Yi patted the fat man on the shoulder and said, "Fat man, don't scold people. Famine has to cooperate with us."

Xie Wushuang shook his head silently, and Huang even sneered: "Boy, have you not figured out the situation yet? I want to see you die and cooperate the most in the universe. Anyway, you think too much. Anyway, the current situation has exceeded the oath. "

"Oh? Is this really the case?" Chu Yi suddenly chuckled. "I think you better use your strength now."

"Maybe, it hasn't reached the Five River Fairy King."

"You really thought that I didn't know that the death substance was your energy, and you really thought that you just took it away?"

Chu Yigao smiled and said: "You know, I have no skill, but I like to study some things in bottles and pots. I am afraid that your elderly person will be seriously injured and it is not easy to recover. I will add some tonic to your dead substance. "

"It's really a tonic, and it can also promote the blending of your two energies. It's just that the medicine is three-point poisoning, which may affect your cultivation."

The fright was furious, he used power, and the energy gradually climbed up. He quickly broke through the shackles of the supreme, but at this level, his body and energy conflicted, and the powerful dead material and long biomass, instead, restrained his cultivation. For growth.

"I'm going to your uncle!" Famine shouted for the first time, forgetting his status.

"Yun Luo Supreme, I will kill you!"

"Calm, old friend, you pit me, I pit you, this is even." Chu Yi laughed, "If you kill me now, then you will definitely die, with your current strength , Can’t escape the pursuit of a high-level fairy king."

"The absolute strength is crushing, you are seriously injured, and you can't fight for a long time, and you can't even get away from Xie Wushuang's body. It is too simple for the high-level fairy king to find you."

"The matter is here, we have no choice but to cooperate."

"Either live or die together." Chu Yi calmed down.

At this stage, things have no choice, after all, this is caused by both parties.

"You first get rid of the drugs in my body, so that we will fight together, the pressure will be much less." A pair of empty eyes, staring at each other.

"Do you think I will be fooled again, I will not believe you again, so-called cooperation, only cooperation between the two sides of the strength is called cooperation, otherwise, sooner or later, one side will annex the other."

"Or, you will solve the curse on us, so that in a short period of time, there will be many peaks and supreme supremes to become fairy kings, and our pressure will be greatly reduced."

The two looked directly at each other, and did not give in at all, because both sides were the enemy of life and death.


A terrible explosion resounded through most of the universe, and many stars were shaking, almost falling.

The breath in that passage is getting stronger and stronger. Later, I could see the figure indistinctly.


Chu Yi splits the void with a sword, and Shenmocheng enters the void and escapes.

"Everyone, wait until you think about it, and then discuss cooperation. Time is not waiting for others. Even if the world on this side is large enough, for the fairy king, as long as a month, it is enough to travel around and find me."

"Damn boy!" Huang also left this space, not knowing where to escape into the void.

"No, the mystery must also be hidden in the void." Ji Dao Xian and others quickly left.

Although the void here is only hundreds of layers, it is also a void, anyway, and it takes time for high-level fairy kings to find them.

"The storm will rise." Tingtian's eyes flashed forward, and the terrible energy was what he pursued all his life.

"The vast universe, power is the highest." He whispered, not knowing what he was thinking.

Then, in silence, he did not leave, but approached towards the center of Thunder.

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