My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1480: Nine Kings

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

The **** storm accompanied by the thunder, expanded more and more exaggerated, spreading in all directions at the speed of light, and in an instant, all the surrounding star fields were destroyed.

There are many planets that have life, and all die in a storm.

This side star field, except for the location of Shangcang Daochang, has disappeared.

The blood floating in the void, the momentum here is too vast, like an explosion in a field, so that the entire universe has seen this fluctuation.

Even on the earth, the Supreme People can see clearly with the eyes of God.

"Is this the high-level fairy king!" Chu Yi swallowed his saliva. He also met many high-level fairy kings in the dream world, but he was beaten up by him all the time, making him treat the high-level fairy king and even the fairy lord. There was a little less fear in my heart.

But now he really realized the supreme power of this strong man.

The Chu family mansion and the Chu Yi family stood in the courtyard. Although the light from the day was not very clear, they could feel the power.

"Yi'er, what's going on?" Tang Wanru worried.

Nowadays, everyone in the Chu family is a monk, even if they have no talents, with the resources in Chu Yi's hands, they can also enable them to cultivate to the realm of Immortal Venerable.

Even going to the real universe, no matter how bad the qualifications are, reaching the Supreme Realm is no problem.

It is a pity that although the Chu family is the main line of the Chenhuo fire fairy, according to the sword insect, most of this line is a talented monk, and there are few geniuses, but as long as a genius is born, it must be a level of evil spirits.

Chu Yi’s two children are, Chu Yi himself is even more, but unfortunately the probability of the birth of the swordman is even less. So far, only the Chu family in the entire Chu family is gifted in this regard.

"It's a very troublesome thing, grandparents, parents, you follow Ye Yu, and you will all enter the Yanhuang Realm, there is a devil city, you will stay in it."

"Leave the rest to me."

Those immortal kings of Jade Heaven Gate cannot destroy all the world's creatures. They also need to be sold as slaves, but the Chu family is too dangerous. After all, it is related to the Universiade.

Chu Yi arranged them properly, and then returned to the Yanhuang tribe in Yanhuang Realm.

Yan Tongdao and others are all here, and the aftermath of the distance is still spreading for a long time.

"Release the investigating bug." Chu Yi asked.

Yan Tongdao nodded: "I have arranged tens of thousands of investigating insects. They will be lurking in the void and are not easy to be found, but they can see through several layers of the void and project the scene there."

Soon, in front of everyone, a huge screen appeared, and the screen was a blurry scene of that area.

The scene is unclear, disturbed by the fairy's own breath, and often distorted.

"Mr. Chu, what are we going to do?" Tianying Supreme asked, clenching his fists.

"Only go." Chu Yi firmly said, "Everyone has entered the big dream world. I believe that I should know that the Supreme can kill the fairy king."

"My real strength has reached the level of the asterisk supreme, one-on-one, killing a low-level fairy king is not a problem."

"But the other party has nine fairy kings, more than four rivers, which is very stressful for me, and the high-level fairy king, I am not an opponent at all."

Chu Yi has the self-knowledge to kill the high-level fairy king, I am afraid that only the top ten asterisks are supreme.

He believes that if you give yourself decades, you can definitely reach that step, but obviously, the other party will not give yourself time.

"A high-end fairy king, a six river fairy king, a five river fairy king, the rest are two four river fairy kings, and four three river fairy kings."

Swordworm sighed, "All are not new to the fairy king, and this is also the fairy king of the Shenfu, which is much more powerful than most of the loose repairs."

"How to deal with this?" Lao Xuanniao murmured, dumbfounded.

"Now our only advantage is that no one knows except ourselves. We have got all the inheritance of the Universiade, and no one knows that we have entered the Dream World."

"If the situation is better, we will join forces with Tingtian, Xuanji, and Huang."

"At least half of the opponent's fairy king can be killed."

"The fairy king below the Five Rivers is actually not too dangerous to us." Chu Yi said, "but the key is that the high-level fairy king, as long as he is still alive, then we still have to die."

"Go step by step."

"Prepare the Star Cannon first..."


"The abominable swordsman, even dared to count me." Furious and angry, he waited for endless years, and he would leave safely with his eyes open. Unexpectedly, he was dragged into such a dangerous situation by the other party.

"Master, for today's plan, it seems that they can only join forces."


"Useless, you have only crossed two Xianhe Rivers now, and the Ji Dao Xian River has only crossed two paths. This is already the most powerful fighting force here. If you join forces, you will be defeated by a Sanhe Xianwang."

"This world is over... I have to figure out how to escape, or, waiting for the gang of fairy kings to kill the swordsman, we will attack again."

Famine was a little irritable. He was too weak now. How powerful was Chen Chenxian, who killed two of his companions and wounded himself badly.

Later, Huang and the Yellow Emperor battled again, and originally recovered most of their injuries, which deteriorated sharply.

Today, he is not tough, unless he waits until the two energies in the body recombine, plus the healing of the body, he can return to the realm of immortality.

Unfortunately, like Chu Yi, all this takes time.

Even if it is given to him for decades.

The mystery is hidden, the earth is dormant, and the wasteland and Xie Wushuang wander in the void.

Many strong men are worried.


"This world, we have come!"

The eyes under the gray man's robe showed a smile, "We just made such a big noise just now that the powerful people in this world should be aware of it."

"Cough, the secret level of the Immortal Lord level, and there are powerful foreign species, I really want to collect." This is a silver-haired mother-in-law, one pupil is black, one pupil is white, there is a basket behind him, grinning, There were no teeth in the mouth, and the gums collided up and down, looking a little weird.

"Mother Lou, don't worry. We can stay here for ten years. I just deduced it a few months ago. We can walk around here." A middle-aged human monk said, but behind him , Even carrying a green turtle shell.

"The stars here are really fragile. It seems that the celestial lord himself evolved, not naturally formed."

A dark giant stepped on the ground. His whole body was made of black metal, with wings growing under his armpits and two ears like elephant ears. It was so huge that it almost fell to the ground.

"However, this area is solid, but it is probably an important place."

"Don't worry, in the secret realm of a dead fairy, the other party will never insult his body. I am afraid there are many obstacles. We need to figure it out slowly." The bone skeleton said.

"It's better to grab a strong man here and ask."

"Everyone, if necessary, I can help you." Suddenly, a voice rang from a distance, but for a moment, Tingtian's figure appeared in front of everyone.

"Fairy King?"

Mother-in-law reached out with a move, and Tingtian's body was caught by the air.

But the latter did not resist.

"Interestingly, did you get the news and surrender to us in advance? We are happy to advise people like you. If the news is true, we can let you go."

These immortal kings do not care about the court, the opponent's strength is too weak, the method is extremely low-end, they can see at a glance.


On the earth, Chu Yi and others saw this scene and their faces changed greatly.

"Damn, this guy, the dog can't change to eat shit. I knew I should have chopped him off before we left!" Swordworm scolded.

"If he tells the news, then these gangs of kings will quickly understand all the conditions in our world, our cards and means are all known, and we cannot attack them at all."

"They may be more cautious when they know that there are creatures from the virtual world."

There is not much time left for Chu Yi and others, but Tingtian can get this hand, then he and others are in danger, even without a chance of winning.

"His ancestor..." Yan Yan's clan, there are juniors of the court, the mood is extremely complicated at this time.

"Shut up, he is not our ancestor." A man who had three points similar to Ting Tian shouted.

"This guy! It's so despicable, even surrender!" The other parties, seeing this scene, were all very jealous.

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