My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1482: Can't be too heroic

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

At that time, few people knew about it. In order to please the Mo family, the Yutianmen went to investigate the Mo family's preferences and found this terrible thing in it.

The Dayun Mansion was destroyed together with the imaginary creatures.

The imaginary creatures once left a lot in the universe, which made all ethnic groups uneasy. Although it disappeared, the haze still made many powerful people feel terrified.

Therefore, the first reaction of the gray-clothed people is whether there are still living imaginary creatures here.

"Yes..." Tingtian calmly said.

The nine immortal kings were unconsciously tense, and at this moment, they had the idea of ​​running away.

They have not experienced that era, but some deeds that year left are still desperate.

"Huh..." Grey Man exhaled heavily and said, "Since you are all alive, then presumably, the surviving imaginary creatures are also very weak, otherwise, this world will no longer exist."

"Lead the way."

"Second Elder, are we going to go?" asked Mother Lou.

"This is the world of the Universiade. It is absolutely impossible for us to eat at Yutianmen, but we can also take some things before we sue the Mo family, but the premise is to first eliminate the imaginary creatures, otherwise I will not be worried.

"Ten years later, we went out and immediately reported this matter. With the relationship of the Mo family, maybe in the future, we may all be on the list of immortal families. No matter how bad it is, there is no need to be at the bottom of the Shenfu."

"But none of us have any experience dealing with imaginary creatures." The Turtle Shells were somewhat reluctant.

The gray man gave him a light look: "If you want to ensure your safety, you have to go."

Tingtian led the way ahead, walking in the void.

Chu Yi and others were stunned.

"What are you doing in this court?"

"He revealed the Universiade House and the imaginary creatures, but he continued to lie. Where would he take them at this time?"

The Dragon Master and others were very confused.

Suddenly, Chu Yi's eyes lit up and said, "This is... the way to heaven!"

Because I didn’t dare to get close, the whole picture was very vague, and I didn’t see this channel until now.

"He has gone to heaven?" Huang was also confused. He was originally worried that Tingtian knew his position and wanted to take this group of people to destroy himself, but it seemed that the other party had his own plans.

The heavens are vast, the vast stars are circulating, and the ocean divides the land into strips.

This star used to be a divine dojo, inhabited by many creatures, but now, it is still dead, and occasionally some black figures can be seen undulating in the sea, polluting the sea.

"That is?"

The blue-and-white fairy spit out a seed at the end of a hair. The seed fell into the ocean, took root and sprouted, and a sunflower-like flower grew. After that, countless seeds on the flower fell off again and spread towards the entire huge planet.

In front of the nine kings, the pictures there were also transmitted.

"These are the virtual creatures?"

Everyone looked over and saw the creatures in the picture. The skin was gray and rocky like a rock, but they had six limbs, crawling on the ground, and the muscles contracted violently.

There is also a kind of imaginary creature with a blue body and no limbs. It looks like a bar-shaped shuttle on the sea floor, constantly shuttled, engulfing some fish in the ocean.

Every picture flashed, and everyone held their breath.

"It's just these two kinds of imaginary creatures. It is rumored that this kind of creature has many changes and it is easy to produce changes, but there are not many kinds here."

The blue and white fairy king seemed relieved and said, "And according to the detection, their strength is not strong, the most top, afraid that only the first entry into the fairy king level, there is no threat to us."

The gray man nodded and said, "This is reasonable. How powerful is the Universiade House. Lord Chenhuo is the strongest person in the universe. If he fights with the imaginary creatures, even if it is the imaginary creatures, Die."

"These little shrimps are left, and it will not be the climate."

"Blue and white fairy, let's do it."

"Yes, the two elders." The blue and white fairy goddess moved, and the seeds scattered all over the star suddenly burst open, just like piranhas, tearing and devouring these imaginary creatures.

At the same time, these nine fairy kings also descended on this star.


The bottom of the sea is boiling, a terrible vortex is formed, and a black shadow is flying towards the void.

Moreover, among the mountains, the mountain broke and the tens of thousands of meters of peaks fell.

"Is the two imaginary creatures comparable to the lower-order fairy king?"

Bone Skeleton King roared with a smile, "I want to escape, it's too late, how terrible your virtual world creature was, but now there are only some shrimps that are not as good as pigs and dogs."

As he said, two bone spears flew out of his hands, one thorn toward the sea and the other thorn toward the mountain.

Immediately afterwards, two horrible screams sounded, and there were mortal creatures who died and landed on the ground.

"Okay, the imaginary creatures here are very weak and can be dealt with quickly, and we are relieved." Lou said with a smile.

The turtle-shell man looked at Tingtian and said, "Since this is the case, we can explore this world. Even if the Universiade is broken, even if Chen Huoxian's main body disappears, what will be left behind?"

"I ask you, what remains are there."

"How many races, how many strong people are there in this world, and where are those fierce alien species?"

"Are you ready to sell this world as a slave?" Ting Tian said.


The turtle-shell man held a cane in his hand and poked towards Tingtian's abdomen, and a blood hole appeared on Tingtian's body.

"What do you want to do in this seat? It's not your turn to point your finger." Turtle Shell laughed. "If you are here, what is your identity?"

Ting Tian smiled, there was still blood on his neck, and the blood in the blood hole on his body could not stop.

"My name is Tiantian, and I am here to create a force called Tianting."

"Heaven? Haha, an incomparably low-level fairy king, in our universe, are all objects hunted by those titled Supreme Star, Supreme Star, even dare to create Heaven Court, really think it is the master of heaven?"

"Don't talk nonsense with him, say what you know." Mother-in-law Lou lost patience.

Ting Tian suddenly looked up, smiling strangely, with blood in his mouth: "Why should I tell you?"


"What are you talking about?!" Granny Lou couldn't help raising her voice.

"Any ants, dare to resist."

"I don't want to resist..." Tingtian was like a puppet without arms, his eyes looked at the sky.

"I have always felt that being a man cannot be a hero. I hate the education of the Yan and Huang people, especially the existence like the Yellow Emperor and the Yan Emperor."

"No matter how powerful you are, you will not die before me in the end."

"Heroes or something, it's so annoying, especially for a lifetime hero."

"When a person wants to be a hero, he is actually destined to end the tragedy."

"Boy, what are you talking about?" Mother-in-law Lou screamed, and the seawater burst below.

"I mean, I want to die, so stay with me."

He opened his mouth violently, his throat swelled, and a **** brain spit out.

That brain is the brain of destiny.

"This breath...Void Realm!"

"Is this kid crazy, or be fooled by the creatures of the virtual world, and actually be with the creatures of the virtual world." A group of fairy kings was shocked.

"Ting Tian, ​​what are you doing?!" Destiny's brain was terrified.

He and Tingtian had been in contact for a long time, and naturally knew each other's personality.

That look made destiny desperate.

Ting Tian was full of blood: "Fate, you and I have known each other for a long time, you really think that I am at your disposal, have you done any research on you, no, you are wrong, I have been conducting research on you, especially It’s more convenient for me to study you after you lose the other flesh."

"There is a huge power hidden in your brain, I will detonate it."

Tingtian took Shennian as his arm and moved towards Destiny's brain a little, and an inscription was immediately imprinted on it.

At the next moment, Destiny's brain calmed down, and the dense furrows above it were full of light.

"What a powerful energy!"


"Once detonated, your own life can't be saved." Mother-in-law Lou and others changed color.

"And, just relying on this energy, it hurts me so much, but still can't kill me, you ants!" Blue and White Fairy King angered.

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