My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1483: Heaven ends

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

"Mantis is a car!"

The octagonal shadow is very impatient.

These energies really only hurt these low-level fairy kings, but the existence of high-level fairy kings on their side also means that the other party can't hurt them at all.

They just don't want to waste a powerful virtual creature with only their brains, which is the best research object.

Destiny's brain is growing bigger and bigger, like a huge grid unfolding.

"The ants are only ants after all, no matter how struggling, they are just splashing in the water."

"Your vision is not good. If you get to the real universe, you will know that these attacks cannot kill us." The blue and white fairy king grinned.

Ting Tian gave birth to his arms, and the newborn's arm was extremely white. He took out the plaster and applied it to his neck. The wound there healed, and there were no more scars.

He smiled indifferently, as usual, some clouds were light and windy, and some were unpredictable.

"I know that I am not as good as you. My talent, strength, and skills are not as good as you."

"But after all, I am still the Lord of Heaven, always doing something that I can do."

"Although you are strong, in my opinion, you are too mentally handicapped, and you will follow me here."

"I really thought that I only kept this hand?"

There was a meal at the bottom of the court, and in an instant, most of the sea water on the stars rolled up, covered with sky, and something came from inside.

"This is... a palace?" Mother-in-law Lou stared.

Broken palaces and thick pillars rose from the bottom of the sea.

"This is the Universiade House!" Chu Yi and the Sword Worm had a meal. At first, they deliberately deceived Ting Tian and asked him to move these useless buildings away. They were exhausted and half dead.

"What is he doing?"

"Fate of Destiny, plus Universiade!"

Chu Yi was complicated.

Ting Tian carried his hands on his back, strolled in a leisurely court, and was personable.

There is a generous and calm.

"Dayun Mansion, this is the treasure you are looking for, but it was broken. At the time of World War I, I heard that Chenhuo Xianzhu tried his best, leaving no room left. There is no trace of mind."

The buildings are mottled. Although Tingtian tried to put them together, they were still incomplete and scattered.

Everyone was shocked.

The gray-clothed man sighed and said: "The mansion of a pinnacle fairy lord, I didn't expect it to be broken like this. I'm afraid the battle situation was very fierce.

"It's very fierce. I wanted to find some heritage on this, but unfortunately it was basically broken, and even the information was not left."

"However, in the process of patching up, I still found some secrets. The entire Universiade, these buildings can be combined into countless arrays. Although they are incomplete, I still made one, plus repair. Make up, it is barely enough."

The broken building glowed, and there were gilt golden lines on it, which walked like dragons and snakes.

"Boy, stop it!" This time, they really changed color. The second elder was powerful, but it was never possible to keep everyone.

"At this stage, I can't stop it. I said, I'm going to hell, and someone will accompany me." Ting Tian smiled lightly, his eyes clear and gentle, just like telling a common thing.

Destiny's brain has expanded to its limit, and suddenly, it suddenly contracted and exploded heavily.

Of course, this wave is not a real explosion, but is using the energy of destiny to urge the formation above the Universiade. This is the killer!

"You can try the real hole cards."

Tingtian talked and laughed, and changed the cowardly before.

Several mother-in-laws of Lou knew that they had been deceived. This person was not a good person or a cowardly person at all. The other party was step by step, letting them put their guard down and deceiving them here.

The formation of the formation is overwhelming, covering almost half of the stars.

"Come in!"

The grey man shouted, and he turned over and took out a small tower.

This is the war fairy of the real universe.

At the level of the fairy king, the energy in the body has mutated into fairy spirit energy, and the used ones are naturally fairy artifacts.

"Fang Jing Tower!"

The small tower in crystal state skyrocketed, and at the end, wrapped the crowd.


And at this moment, the array formation fluctuated violently, and the terrible energy went toward the square crystal tower, and it was to be refined.

Thunder and thunder, hundreds of millions of troops roared, and the void exploded, but even the terrible void storm could not erase the formation.

A little crack appeared above the little tower.

The gray-faced man's face slightly changed: "The square crystal tower can't bear it for long, but this formation is an explosive formation, and it can't maintain a few waves."

"After going out, you all follow me."


The white light broke through the tower, and the first wave swallowed everyone.

The tortoise shell was painful and retracted into the tortoise shell, but this brutal, unreasonable collision made it still uncomfortable.

"Affordable, it really is weaker than a wave." Mother-in-law Lou had a black light body around her, and the ghost screamed.

The four Sanhe Immortal Kings were all injured, but did not hinder their actions.

"Boy, you're done. When we get through, it's your death."

"The Universiade, after all, is broken. If it is complete, we might be killed by you."

One fairy king showed supernatural powers, and they all had extremely terrible protective weapons, even if they were broken, there was the next one on top.

"I am the king of this world, so I naturally have to set some examples. Although I am weak, I would rather die than kill you." Tingtian roared.

However, he had goose bumps in his heart.

"Yan Luo Zhizun used to be so generous, he didn't even feel sick, can he continue to say, is this the feeling of being a hero?"

"No, it's really bad. Sure enough, I'm still comfortable being a hypocrite." Ting Tian smiled at the bottom of his heart.

"Destiny's brain, coupled with the broken formation, still can't kill them. It is protected by high-level fairy kings. At best, those fairy kings are injured."

Fluctuation, getting weaker and weaker.

Upon seeing this, Chu Yi sank a heart.

"You are very bold! But after all it is the ants!" The turtle shell's turtle shell was burnt red, he was so angry that he would kill him.

"Too mentally handicapped." Ting Tian chuckles, "I am a fairy king anyway. I have seen the remains of the Universiade. I really think I have no assessment of your strength."

"Also, I said it was the hole card, do you really think I was the hole card just now?"

Ting Tian smiled, and the next moment, a terrible inscription appeared on this huge star.

Mountains, seas, and roads have all become inscriptions. This star is shrinking, and an extremely terrifying gravitational force will drag everyone into it and destroy it with this star.

"This energy!"

At this moment, the gray man has changed his voice.

"Peak fairy king, this is the dojo of a peak fairy king!"


"Once I am involved, even I will die!"

Grey-clothed people protect everyone, and the rest of the fairy kings are also terrified.

The entire star shrank to half in an instant, and that powerful airflow, even the void, was inhaled.

More terrifying than a black hole, more terrifying than a star field explosion.

"No, save me, save me!"

The gray man could not protect everyone at all, even he was desperately running away.

His protective cover was broken, the blue and white fairy king, and the turtle shell were directly involved.

"No no no!"

"Shen De Dao Dao..." Ting Tian did not resist, and let that terrible gravity draw itself into the stars.

No one can escape. Here, even the fairy king is going to die. This is the last method left by the **** and demon ancestor.

Tingtian knows, but has not launched until this moment.

"Although I am not as strong as you, I can kill you." He looked at the two fairy kings who had fallen with him not far away.

The two men were frightened and screamed with terrible gravity, so that their bodies began to disintegrate.

The whole star was completely sunken. The explosion was not vigorous, but it was extremely quiet, and no sound came out.

Ting Tian smiled, and he looked out, his eyes blooming, as if he saw something.

"Unfortunately, only two were killed."

"Yan Emperor, Yellow Emperor, Great Elder..."

"It's a headache. I hope you won't see you after you die, otherwise you will be laughed at."

"I've been a bad guy all my life, and occasionally being a hero seems to be okay."

He opened his mouth and seemed to be facing the outside, trying to say something.

The Yanhuang Realm is silent.

Chu Yi stared blankly at the picture, where it was extremely distorted and already dark.

The entire star has shrunk to a point that is extremely small, and can no longer be found.

The heaven is gone, and the heaven is gone.

An era ended.

All around quietly, everyone is silent.

The picture in Chu Yi's mind is only fixed in the last sentence of Ting Tian.

He didn't say it. Even if he said it, Chu Yi couldn't hear it, but Chu Yi could understand the lip.

It was a request, and it seemed to be a bit timid and hesitant.

"Can... bury me... in the family land..."

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