My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1486: What is your surname

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Mother Lou's scarlet long tongue licked her bleeding palm, and the wound there gradually healed.

"Good talent, good swordsmanship, and putting them in the big universe are all top-notch, but unfortunately, you are still dying."

She stretched out a hand, her palms were blood-red, and her dry, crumpled skin suddenly became crystal clear, like a ruby.

Chu Yi moved forward step by step, his body and blood became stronger and stronger, and his sword was like a dragon, waving for nine days.

His eyes were firm and shining, and every step of the way shook the world, like an emperor who wanted to take the throne.

From contacting the big universe, until now, Chu Yi has made rapid progress, especially those methods and spell-casting skills, which will no longer be limited, and truly integrate with the big universe, just like those of the heavenly arrogance.

"It's too rampant, do you really think that you are the asterisks supreme, able to kill immortals?"

"Cough... die..."


Mother-in-law came out with one hand, and the whole sky was dimmed. Without seeing the sun and the moon, the world was blood red, and the white clouds became red clouds, twisted into monsters.

At the same time, Chu Yi also shot, this is a fist technique, spurred the sun shadow holy body, the endless flame formed a complex boxing style.

"Mysterious Fist!"

One punch, mysterious extinction!

One punch, the world is open!

With one punch, the landscape is broken!

This is the ancient boxing technique in the heritage of the Universiade. It is very mysterious. Because of the swordsmanship, Chu Yi also needs to learn other ways. The one way to go is the way to the final swordsmanship.

The ancient and overbearing fist deduces the way of extinction, and expounds the truth from death to life.

This punch was first a bit, and then suddenly exploded, like a volcanic eruption, and magma was rolling.


With Chu Yi as the center, a burning breath appeared in this **** world.

This is a terrifying showdown, as if two stars are colliding with each other, blood is like ripples, and layers of layers recede, the fiery breath fills the world.

The void is constantly collapsing, the energy is violent, and the two bodies are shocked, they both step back a few steps.

"Can match!"

In Yanhuang Realm, many supremes are watching, even if Chu Yi said, he can be comparable to the fairy king, but everyone has never seen it with his own eyes.

Today, it is really relieved.

"Mr. Chu, anyway, can be regarded as the title of supreme. Those titles of supreme, the weakest can all escape under the low-level fairy king. With the ability of Chu, the one-on-one singles may be successful."

Everyone was amazed, which gave them a glimmer of hope. If they were really dead, only one high-level fairy king would be left, which would be much easier than now.

"What's the matter!" Mother-in-law looked at her palm and looked at Chu Yi. "You are not a low-end method. This boxing method, even if it is my Jade Heaven Gate, can only come up with such boxing methods."

Halfway through, Mother Lou suddenly laughed, "Boy, you have inherited the Universiade House, otherwise, you would not have such strength."

"Yes, it must be so!"

"Hand over the heritage, or you will die!"

Chu Yi shook his head and sighed: "Did you not see your situation clearly now? The heritage of the Universiade is indeed in my hands, but do you have the ability to get it?"

He seemed to be aware of it and smiled: "Don't think of secretly transmitting information, this area has been blocked. Even if you are a fairy king, the seals in this side of the world are not weaker than the outside world. "

"What if it's blocked, you will die!"

"The inheritance of the Universiade Palace is not about being able to become a strong man."

"This side of the world is too small, the Universiade Palace is broken again, there is no luck for a long time, and no evil spirits can be born."

Mother-in-law was excited, her blood on her forehead was spreading, making her entire skin flushed.

At the next moment, her back was rattling, and **** heads flew out of it.

The eighteen human heads and facial features are complete, but the skin is full of blood, and they look extremely cautious.

It's just that these eighteen heads are combined into a formation, and that formation becomes more and more huge, like a hell.

Eighteen human heads were grim and their eyes burst out, falling into formation, and instantly turned into thirty-six monsters all over their eyes.

Chu Yi was shocked that the Immortal King had more of his own path, not the one set by the heavens. They had surpassed the avenue and had been able to create a path.

Chu Yi didn't dare to carelessly, he took out the Xuanhuang sword and looked forward.

The flames boiled like blood.

Many eyeball monsters fell together, their bodies were soft and biased towards octopuses.

Chu Yi was killed with a sword, the sword was light and the long sword touched, and there was a slight bend.


The tip of the sword was pointed on an eyeball of the opponent's body, but there was no destructive force, but the force was shocked back.

Chu Yi's feet turned, his body retreated, and he fell a few steps. He was unharmed, but the surrounding space burst.

There was slight pain in his internal organs, but there was no time because the opponent attacked again.

"My means, can you crack it? There are many geniuses and evildoers in the world, but the one who can really kill the immortals, an era, there are just so many people."

"Do you really think you are those evildoers?"

Mother-in-law, with her hands on her back, is very relaxed.


The long sword roared, Chu Yi no longer attacked, but resisted with a sword.

In that eye, a ray of light burst out, terrible energy squeezed the sky, and a large expanse of void burst.

Immortal spirit surging, this is the means of the fairy king, every time is destroying the world.

"Is the fairy king a means." Chu Yi is experiencing, not eager to attack, he wants to feel his own strength, to what extent can he reach.

"The general Asterisk Supreme is able to hunt low-level fairy kings, but it is still a bit difficult. Once those fairy kings are more powerful, they will be easily run away."

"The top 50 of the Star Wars list should be much simpler to deal with the fairy kings of Sansihe."

"The top 30 on the Star Wars list, I am afraid that I can deal with the fairy king who crosses the Six Dao Xianhe."

"The top ten, one by one, can kill the high-level fairy king, and its own strength is comparable to the peak fairy king."

"Just don't know, this old woman, what strength is among the low-level fairy kings."


Suddenly, the eighteen heads exploded again, and the ears on both sides fell off, also falling into formation.

Thirty-six ears swelled rapidly, and legs and feet grew out of the way. They looked weird and attacked Chu Yi.

Sound waves burst, disturbing the mind.

The eye monster releases light, and the ear monster releases sound waves.

Heaven and earth are like being annihilated, the speed of healing of the void is too late, and large storms cannot enter this aura.

Chu Yi backed away again and again, until the end, he was besieged by many ears and eyes, and spit out a bit of blood, which only slightly relieved.


Chu Yi said suddenly, his face calm.

"What is it?" Lou's mother-in-law is curious. She has no patience with Tingtian and other waste fairy kings, but she is better at talking to Chu Yi and other demon supreme.

"I know your strength." Chu Yi smiled and looked in the direction of the sword worm and pig bajie.

A worm and a pig understood, and stopped.

The octagonal shadow figure appeared beside Mother-in-law, he was quite suffocated, because his opponent did not attack frontally, just pestering him.

"It's really amazing, all three of you have the power to be titled supreme." The octagonal shadows were amazed.

Chu Yi smiled: "I let them stop, just feel one-to-one is too boring, you go together."


The octagonal shadowman snorted heavily and smiled angrily: "Just praise you two sentences, you really take it seriously."

"The title of Supreme, there are also strong and weak points. Those top titles are very powerful, but in my opinion, it has just reached the level of the title of Supreme."

"Is it?" Chu Yi's eyes were strange, "Don't even dare to talk to me like that, what kind of thing are you!"

"Mo Family!"

"How do you know the Mo family!?"

Mother-in-law Lou and Octagon Supreme were horrified at the same time, what the other party said was too shocking.

"What the **** are you, you must have appeared."

"Big dream world!"

"He must have gone out through the big dream world."

Suddenly, Mother-in-law Lou froze in place, thinking something in her mind.

She seems to have heard the news. Recently, the big dream world has been full of excitement. There is a sword sword supreme, which has set off an endless storm, even the Master Mo Family is not angry.

"Tell me, what is your last name!"

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