My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1487: One man and two swords

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Mother Lou's voice is a little sharp.

She has not entered the big dream world recently, but she has been paying attention to this matter.

The Yutianmen belonged to the Mo family, so they knew very well what the Mo family's children suffered in the Dream World.

The title of supreme, the asterisk of supreme, all suffered, and the invincible sword was also defeated.

In the end, even the head of the Mo family appeared, but it turned out to be very unpleasant.

King Chu Yan, Yan Luo supreme!

This person is now like a thorn in Mo's throat, with one or two pains from time to time, but the other party is in the dream world and is difficult to deal with.

Mother-in-law Lou's eyes were fixed on Chu Yi.

What a coincidence!

Na Chu Yan is a genius of swordsmanship, and so is this man.

The true body of King Chu Yan can't be deduced by countless powers, and this person is also in the secret realm, which is naturally difficult to be deduced.

What's more, they are just as arrogant.

Although she has not seen the King of Chu Yan, Mother-in-law Lou also heard a little bit, especially at this moment, saw the sword insect and pig bajie around Chu Yi.

She seems to have heard it, and there is King Chu Yan.

The octagonal shadows also realized this problem. They are immortal kings. They have thousands of thoughts, and they can think of it in an instant. At this moment, their breathing becomes rapid.

"who are you?!"

A low roar sounded, and the two had incredible faces.

"Who am I? Are you not clear in your heart?" Chu Yi smiled, he didn't plan to hide at all, because in this secret territory, just ask a strong man, you will know your reputation.

Mother Lou took a deep breath, and then opened her eyes violently, her voice sounded like a squeeze out, saying: "You are the Supreme Master Yan Luo!"

"Unfortunately, you guessed it." Chu Yi shook his sword.

Sword sounds rolling, Xuanmiao is singing like heaven and earth.

Mother-in-law Lou and the octagonal filmer were stunned. They never thought that they would see the deity of Supreme Master Yan Luo here.

The terrible supreme, just named the supreme supreme, still holds some invincible methods in his hand, even hiding in the secret realm of the Universiade.


"You are a descendant of Universiade, your surname is Chu!"


Mother-in-law Lou was surprised, she thought of this terrible thing.

The Universiade at that time was the first place of Kendo. Today, Yan Luo Supreme, how strong Kendo is, can crush the Mo Family's Asterisk Supreme.

This is a terrible discovery. A descendant of the Universiade is growing up silently, and if this secret realm is not open, he can grow up safely.


Mother-in-law Lou was decisive and she couldn't hesitate to go down. This is a huge thing. If you can kill the descendants of the Universiade, she will help the Mo family.

"Xianjia Shenfu, how many forces want to find you, I didn't expect you to show up on my own, it is really God who helped me."

Mother-in-law urged her eyes and ears, and the terrible energy took shape again.


In the body of the octagonal shadow, a purple sphere was exploded. The sphere rotated and quickly enlarged. Various terrifying runes were intertwined in it. At the end, it was already comparable to most of the stars.

"kill me?"

Chu Yi laughed, "You are not afraid, do I have the strength of the asterisk supreme?"

"Besides, both of you are injured. At this time, you shot me. You look at me too much."

"Asterisk Supreme?"

"If you have that kind of strength, you have already achieved an asterisk, not a title."

"We are killing you, more than enough."


A terrible breath, the world was madly disturbed, and the two joined forces to urge supreme supernatural powers.


In Chu Yi's body, the sword species glowed, and countless swords lingered.

He was excited in his heart. Once the fairy king was in front of him like a mountain **** and demon, and he could not be crossed.

However, through the fight just now, he knew his strength, he was invincible, he had many terrible inheritances, and he also integrated the basic swordsmanship. .

"Sword Atlas!"

"Kaiyun Jiangang!"


He glowed all over the body, and the sword's awn was brighter and dazzling than the sun.

At the time in the Dream World, he played this trick, but at the beginning did not integrate the basic kendo.

But now, in the face of the two real fairy kings, Chu Yi no longer dares to hide.

Every sword light is extremely condensed, just like tempering the sun into the sword light.

Jianguang pierced the sky, blinded the monsters with eyes, submerged into the purple sphere, and exploded from the other side.

Mother-in-law Lou and the octagonal shadow were shocked, all in a daze, let the sword mang, destroy their law.

Although they are immortal kings, and they are extremely powerful, after all, there are some extreme evils who can kill the immortal king.

"...The legendary basic swordsmanship, how much did he blend in?" Mother-in-law Lou pale.

"This strength is at least in the top 50 of the Star Wars. In the big dream world, this guy simply hides his strength!" The octagonal shadow was horrified.

As soon as they saw this trick, they were immediately ashamed and their scalp numb.

They were originally high above, but at this moment, they have lost their original arrogance and are ashamed.

The asterisk supreme, too little too little, the endless universe is only a hundred, and the asterisk supreme ranked, may not be able to kill the fairy king across the three fairy rivers.

Generally speaking, the fairy king will never be afraid of the supreme, after all, there are too few such existences, which are almost not encountered.

But Chu Yi, in their eyes, has surpassed most of the asterisk supreme.

An asterisk supreme in the top 50 is the natural enemy in the eyes of their low-level fairy king.

Chu Yi closed his sword, so all the sword lights of the sky converged, as if nothing had happened.

The two were so terrified that the inner world would collapse.

"Supreme Yan Luo, don't come over, if you kill us, then sooner or later you will be revealed."

"The second elder is a high-level fairy king, and the **** corpse is also the six river fairy king. You are not their opponent." Lou mother threatened.

A heavy fairy and a heavy sky, the strength of the Four River Fairy King is much stronger than them.

Their eyesight is extraordinary, and they can instantly see that the strength of Chu Yi's swordsmanship just now can kill the Four River Fairy King and can fight against the Five River Fairy King.

But then, it won't work.

Especially the high-level fairy king, that is another level. The fairy river boiling in the body, watering the small world and the Daofu, is extremely terrible.

"But if you don't kill you, you will kill me."


Chu Yi didn't give them time, fearing that they would have secret methods and be able to communicate and inform others, so he would be even more dangerous.

He produced his sword, and he went up and down in the sword sea after another round.

There are a total of nine types of sword catalogues. Now Chu Yi has learned the four types. The sword worm has said that once the nine types are completed, you can start learning Asura.

Jian Gang is majestic and full of heaven and earth. There is a huge sword domain echoing around Mother-in-law and the Octagonal Shadow.

"Damn, we are all deceived by the **** fairy king, he is not the strongest in this secret realm at all!" Granny Lou cursed, looking at the sword sea, her heart was shaking and she was desperate.

"It's a revenge for Tingtian." Chu Yi murmured.

"Yan Luo Supreme, there is something to say, we can make an oath."

Mother Lou loudly shouted, all her 18 heads exploded and turned into a monster.

But it's useless. Chu Yi's sword sea is too terrible to drown it completely.

A round of sword days swallowed Mother Lou, and the next moment, she was penetrated by Yuan Ying.

The octagonal shadowman had a good escape method, and he quickly escaped into the shadow of the void, and turned into thousands of avatars.

"come out!"

Chu Yi's sword domain diffused into the entire star domain in an instant, and even penetrated into hundreds of layers of voids layer by layer.

"Do not!"

The octagonal shadow is dark in front of his eyes, full of fear, and his shadow is divided. In every corner of the void of this star field, as long as there is one escape, he can escape.

However, Chu Yi's means exceeded his imagination, and the void could not trap the opponent's kendo.

Endless Jiangang chaos, kill it.

Chu Yi stood proudly, looking at the bodies of the two fairy kings floating in front of him, he had no accidents.

But, Yanhuang Realm, everyone was dumbfounded, until this moment, still a little unbelievable.

"Supreme, Tu Xian!"

"Ting Tian spent countless means and took his own life, which killed two low-level fairy kings."

"Kids person, two swords, two fairy kings fell."

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