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Chu Yi consulted one by one.

Although the strength of the white bone skeleton king is not strong in the realm of the fairy king, but his Yuanying cultivation method is not comparable to many fairy kings.

After all, the other party has been studying this method all their lives.

The bone skeleton king sighed: "Everyone says that the flesh is a ship, and Yuanying is a ferry passenger on it. A Yuanying without a flesh cannot survive at all."

"But this seat doesn't work."

"I abandoned my flesh and blood, my internal organs, only Yuanying, and I still practice till now, no worse than others, Yuanying is invincible, it is fundamental, the end of all cultivation methods is Yuanying, everything The end of eternal life is the eternal survival of Yuan Ying."

Chu Yi nodded, but had his own thoughts in mind.

It is so difficult for Yuanying to survive forever. Without the physical body as a carrier, it is difficult to reach the realm of the Immortal Lord. Like the moon-covering tactic in his hand, this step cannot be achieved.

He does not advocate Yuanying, nor does he advocate flesh, only the combination of the two is the most perfect form.

Natural creations are not random creations.

And if this bone skeleton king, if he is really determined, then abandon this skeleton skeleton.

He was extremely firm in Yuanying's cultivation method, but he still had flaws in his heart, because he did not dare to abandon this skeleton.

Once abandoned, his life will be shortened rapidly.

Chu Yi also found several treasure medicines for the two of them. The treasure medicine is not very valuable for the existence of the fairy king level, but it is better than nothing.

"This is the entry-level cultivation method of Yuanying, which can make your Yuanying bloom aura. The so-called aura is a layer of armor, which is composed of Yuanying's absorption of aura and enhances the defense of Yuanying."

"I teach you now, you try it."

A group of three walked, and the dark giant looked around, while the bone skeleton king was quite interested in Chu Yi's Yuan Ying.


Chu Yi was overjoyed. He operated the aura of light on Yuanying, but in a breathing room, Yuanying in his body raised layers of brilliance.

"Well? So fast!" The Skeleton Skull King was slightly surprised. "There are three layers of Aura of Light. You can make three layers of Aura of Armor appear on the surface of Yuanying. Such achievements are truly remarkable."

Bone Skeleton King was interested and said, "You try the ten-arm method again."

Yuan Ying, who was under the skull of King Bone Skull, came out of his eyes.

His Yuanying is burning a purple flame, which is the spirit energy. Yuanying is also in the shape of a skull, but the inside is filled with various mysterious substances and is not transparent.

He cast a ten-arm method, and suddenly behind the Yuanying, ten arms grew, and on each arm, there was a terrifying power of the soul, condensed through the void, like a shooting star.

"It is somewhat similar to Tenma Vientiane, except that Tenma Vientiane acts on Divine Thoughts, making Divine Thoughts separate, but this is acting on Yuanying, and Divine Thought has become a means of Yuanying."

It is indeed a rare opportunity for Chu Yi to practice meditation. To know that in the real universe, there are very few fairy kings who simply practice the law of Yuanying.

The sky and earth are collapsing, and the magma rushes to a height of 10,000 meters from time to time, and countless flame meteorites fall down, shaking the mountain.

"Yes, the heart is very strong, Yuanying is also very strong, skeleton, don't you have the thought of accepting the disciple?" The dark giant saw Chu Yi practicing, it was the voice.


"Just kidding, do you think I will accept the disciples?"

"What’s more, this is just an invaded world. All the creatures here are those bred by the Universiade. If the Mo family knows, I am afraid that this world will be destroyed directly just in case, I would not For the sake of an apprentice, against the entire Mo family."

"I just want to see to what extent his Yuanying is strong, maybe it's worth my swallowing, hehe..." Bone Skull King said.

Chu Yi concentrates on cultivation. This continent is very large. They have been walking for a long time. In addition, Chu Yi has to practice again, so the progress is not fast.


Suddenly, Chu Yi's Yuanying grew an arm behind him, and then, a few more grew in succession, all the way to ten.

This time, both the Skeleton King and the Dark Giant were full of surprises.

The dark giant frowned: "Skeleton, I remember your method, it's not bad. Is it so easy to practice successfully?"

"Ten-arm method, I have tried it. It takes at least a year for a monk to practice, and at least half a year for a genius."

"Yuanying is a little stronger, and it takes a month. I spent half a day practicing it. His talent for Yuanying is the same as mine."

"However, Yuanying's talents must be divided into many levels. Yuanying's quality, performance, strength, toughness..."

Bone Skeleton King Shennian turned into two eyes, looking straight to Chu Yi.

"Boy, if you try this method again, you can improve Yuanying's resilience."

"Three Thousand Falling Heroes!"

Three days later, Chu Yi's Yuan Ying was pink, and from Yuan Ying's body, blossoming petals like cherry blossoms fell for thousands of miles.

"Two seniors, my qualifications are dull, so you laughed. Senior Skeleton should only be able to learn in half a day, but I made you delay so long." Chu Yi blinked, his face was annoyed.

The dark giant's eyes twitched.

The bone skeleton king Shennian shocked.

"The Three Thousand Falling Heroes is the method that I created. This method, even the Supreme Monk, may not be able to be cultivated and can be accomplished, and all are the talents of Yuanying."

"I've seen a genius who used it for three days to get started, but this kid only took three days to practice and become a master!"

Honest and honest?

At least in the eyes of Bone Skull King, Chu Yi is indeed such a monk. After all, there is no Yuanying cultivation method in this world, and Chu Yi does not compare. Naturally, he will not feel how powerful his Yuanying is.

But Bone Skull King can see at a glance.

"Boy, look again, this is my core heritage. It contains all my understanding of Yuanying, and it is a secret that I don't pass on. I will give it to you now, and you will practice directly."

"Thank you, Senior!" Chu Yi thanked again.

Among the bones of King Bone Skeleton, a mark fell on Chu Yi's eyebrows.

"Skeleton, are you crazy? Take out all the magic illusions. You become a fairy king, and then slowly perfect this method. Even in the way of Yuanying cultivation, your method is considered to be top-notch." The dark giant was shocked.

The bone skeleton said: "Because of this, I want him to practice."

"Three days!"

"He completed the skill of that difficulty in three days, and most importantly, he was in the realm of Yuanying. Yuanying just condensed and had such a terrible intensity. I’m sure he was on Yuanying. Talent has surpassed me and is placed at the top of the universe."

"I will use my strongest method to test his talent for Yuanying."

The bone skeleton king is very excited.

"And, do you think he can run away?"

"Once the temptation is over, I will detain her Yuanying for me to devour."

"As a result, I may break through the shackles and become a high-level fairy king."

"He is too young and doesn't know much about it. The fastest way to practice Yuanying is to devour other powerful Yuanying."

"It's a shame to be too naive."

The Bone Skeleton King grinned. He looked at Chu Yi, but he also looked at himself.

"Boy, why haven't you practiced yet, haven't you found a clue?"

Chu Yi stood indifferently, it seemed that his temperament was different from the one just now.

"No need to practice."

"Why?" The dark giant said in a deep voice.

"Because there is no more time, I can finish the Fa just now, but I can complete it in three days. But the predecessor gave me the Fa just now. I need at least a few months."

"A few months?" The bone skeleton king sneered. "You are really arrogant. Without a century, you don't want to get started."

"Boy, I order you to practice from now on!"

Chu Yi shook his head: "I said, there is no time."


"You are about to die, there really is no time." Chu Yi said suddenly.

Bone Skull King's face changed: "Boy, do you know what you're talking about?"

He grabbed Chu Yi with one hand.

But the latter saw a slight jump, the figure disappeared, and when they appeared again, they were already a hundred feet away.

"You are not Yuanying, you are the Supreme Realm!" said the dark giant suddenly.

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