My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1490: Poison poison

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

The turn of the dark giant opened his eyes, which were the eyes around his neck, bursting out two terrifying rays, like rays.

The light stopped the surrounding magma and seemed to see Chu Yi through.

"Peak Supreme...You are approaching us deliberately."

The dark giant's voice was indifferent and ruthless, and his body was very tall, as if overlooking the ants, looking at Chu Yi.

Although Bone Skull King was a little surprised, there was not much reaction.

"It's just a supreme, really thought it would be able to set off a storm in our place?"

"I understand, you are approaching us deliberately, and you want to encroach on my method." The laugh of the bone skeleton king is like the demons in hell, using human bones to pick teeth.

The two of them have a huge atmosphere, covering a tens of thousands of square meters, which will freeze this place.

Chu Yi felt that the Sihe Immortal King was indeed stronger than the Sanhe Immortal King, and the injuries of the two people were not as serious as those of the previous two.

Once fighting, even if Chu Yi could kill them, he would be injured himself.

And the process must not be easy.


On his body, layers of golden and black fire spread, surrounding himself, shielding each other's Xianwei.

"I have to say that you are smart and perform well, and deceived me, but I didn't intend to let you go."

King Bone Skeleton said, "But, I'm very strange, you don't seem to be ready to escape, why is that, do you have the ability to kill both of us?"

"This continent is collapsing, there is no formation, nor the lore left by the Universiade."

"I naturally have my way, don't I?" Chu Yi smiled easily. "Don't you want to try to contact your other companions, maybe there will be an unexpected discovery."


The dark giant frowned, and he contacted through the secret method, but found that all the signals were silent.

"what happened?"

"They can't all go wrong."

Chu Yi nodded: "It's impossible for everything to happen. If the gray man went to Sun Star, you can't get in touch. The **** corpse and the skin bag went to a place called Kunxu Cave. You can't get in touch for the time being. ."

"However, these two people are dead."


Chu Yi reached out and the two heads fell to the ground. The blood of the fairy king had not dried up, and it ran into the magma, annihilating the endless flame.

The ground smoked and snorted.

"Mother Lou and the octagonal shadow actor, how come?" The dark giant's pupil shrank violently.

"I killed it."

Chu Yi was very calm, as if slaughtering two fairy kings, had no effect on him.

"Who the **** are you?!" The Skeletal Skeleton King's intent to kill the sky, the other party will not be an ordinary Supreme.

"I'm sorry, if you don't come to this secret realm, you may be able to survive, but you must come over."

"You don't recognize me, but you should recognize this sign."

On Chu Yi's forehead, a bright inscription suddenly circulated and twisted continuously. At the end, it reflected the sky and formed a terrible mark.

"This mark..."

"The title of Supreme...You are Supreme of Yan Luo!"


The rock layer at the foot of the dark giant collapsed. Without any hesitation, his eyes glowed, and a distorted dark light was shot to kill Chu Yi.

In an instant, these two fairy kings thought of a lot, they were frightened, and even hairy, Yan Luo Supreme's identity made them creepy.

This is likely to be a descendant of a pinnacle fairy lord. It is extremely tricky. Although he was awarded the title of Supreme, no one knows how strong his body is.

Such a dangerous man is absolutely a disaster for them.

The wind was violent, the surface layer was cracked, and the solidified magma seemed to be alive in a moment, mixed in this terrible beam, and attacked Chu Yi.

Tens of thousands of miles around, like being cut apart, the ground on both sides of Chu Yi is like a depression where he is.


Chu Yi receded instantly, with sword wings growing behind him, and each feather was formed by the condensation of the sword's awn. His body changed into a streamlined creature, breaking through the void, and the moment appeared in the two. behind.


A sword was cut out, and the sword's awn was originally only one inch, but it could skyrocket in a ten thousandth of a second.

"A supreme, even to deal with the two immortal kings waiting for me, Mother Lou, they were seriously injured, which made you succeed, but you seem to overestimate yourself, thinking that we will not be your opponent?"

The dark giant turned around and did not leave.

Bone Skull King's body was blocked in front of the dark giant, and directly collided with this terrible sword light.

Chu Yi frowned, his heart was startled, and he quickly backed away. In the blink of an eye after he left, a terrible light in the hands of the dark giant appeared directly where he stood before.


The burning black light almost penetrated the continent.

Chu Yi stopped for a moment and kept his distance.

But I saw the bones of the white bone skeleton king. After being hit by Chu Yi, they broke off one after another, and in the end, they burst open.

There was only one Yuan Ying floating in the air.

"Boy, you annoyed me and stole my method. I really thought I could escape. I want to capture your Yuanying, soak it in a potion, remove impurities, and finally swallow you alive."

The bones of King Bone Skeleton glowed, and the broken bones reunited one by one.

"It's not a bone!" Chu Yi was shocked. The other party's body was a fairy weapon. The bone skeleton king abandoned the carrier of flesh and took the weapon as a carrier.

"It's really amazing, my sword, you can easily block it, if I try my best, in the case of one-on-one, maybe you can kill one of you."

On the head of the dark giant, black vines meander up and form a crown.

"It's us who feels terrible."

"The whole big dream world is being swelled by you. You don't even care about the head of the Mo family. Who would have thought that your true identity is so, and its strength is terrible, comparable to the existence of the top 50 of the Star Wars. "

"Heir of the Universiade... If you are given a few more years, I am afraid that you will be able to enter the top ten of the Star Wars. When the time comes, slaughter us like killing ants."

"Unfortunately, you have no chance."

"The two of us are here, no matter what, we can all die with you."

"You are wrong, I really thought I would come so rashly?" Chu Yi grinned, "Don't you think it's abnormal, why do you just see Xianxiancao, why do I take you to find elixir?"


"Impossible, those are all fairy grass!" The two's faces changed.

"It's true that those are not poisons, but you should know that they are three-point poisons. All the grass you encountered was deliberately placed by people."

"I have prepared in advance based on your injuries and the way you have practiced."

"If you eat the next plant, it will be fine. Two or three plants will be fine. However, when you eat them in the order I configured in advance, they will work in your body and produce toxins."

"Impossible!" The dark giant moved slightly, only to find his body staggered.

Bone Skeleton King feels that his Yuan Ying is a little sleepy.

"Relax, this poisoning method has been lost for a long time, there are very few toxic masters outside, but don't forget, this is the Universiade, everything is possible."

"Also, these poisons will not kill you immortal kings, not even hurt you, but only temporarily restrict your movement."

"If you are not injured, I am not easy to handle, but unfortunately, you are injured, and just shot me, the poison, the effect is very good."


Chu Yi no longer talks nonsense, he raises his sword, and the terrible swordmans sweep like a tornado.

At the same time, on the other two sides, the attacks of pig bajie and sword worm also came at the same time.

"Let you come to my Universiade House, it's really dead, don't you know that Lord Ye is here!"


There was a big explosion here, and the terrible light waves completely sank the continent.

At the smoke, Chu Yi staggered, his arm bleeding.

The two immortal kings, even if they are poisoned, are extremely terrible in their flesh.

"Go, go to Kunxu Cave!"

He didn't even have time to pant and walked quickly, in order to make the enemy have no reaction time.

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