My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1497: Don't provoke the swordman

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

"A sloppy decision, after all, has to pay a price. If you are a swordsman who grows up normally, I am afraid that you are not your opponent. Unfortunately, when you look at your state, you know that you have suffered a change."

All the people present were in their own time. The characters of the amazing world, with their sharp eyesight, could chat the opponent's hole cards clearly after a few chats.

However, the thousand-eyed fairy king was also very cautious, with a trace of fear, the silver-grey liquid around her body slowly flowing, and she never left her body.

Obviously, the corpse is more dangerous than Chu Yi.

The corpse looked at the wings behind the other party. Those feathers were counted down, and there were exactly a thousand feathers that were hunting.

"Thousand eyes, there are indeed a thousand eyes, and each feather represents one eye. Once used, the same eye cannot be used again in a short time."

The corpse raised the sword.

The thousand-eyed fairy king smiled slightly, and two feathers fell on his hand, turning into a golden war halberd, one eye on each side of the war halberd.

"Come on!"

"The two predecessors, don't suppress your own nature, and die as soon as possible."

Chu Yi applauded and cheered aside.

He is recovering his strength. These two people, everyone is dangerous. Whoever survives is a disaster for him.

Of course, the corpse survived and at most killed him, but it would not destroy the world.

In this way, it is definitely the thousand-eye fairy king that is more dangerous.

"My Universiade, how could you be such a swordsman, no matter whether you are character, character, or sword, you are not suitable to be a swordsman." The **** corpse shook his head and sighed in his heart.

What is a swordman.

There is a sword in his hand.

Instead of hiding behind and acting as an audience.

He ignored it, and looked at the thousand-eyed fairy king. At the next moment, a sword symbol flew out of his body, and the sword house circulated, and turned into a transparent long sword, concealed in the void, disappeared and disappeared. Shen Nian couldn't detect it.

Chu Yi observes carefully, and only feels that the other party's methods are exquisite.

"He practiced, not the samsara method of mind, looking at this method, it seems that the virtual sword technique."

On the other side, the war halberd of the Thousand-Eyed King slammed down, centered on the war halberd, and a golden crack began to spread like a spider web, forcing out the transparent long sword in the void.

The **** corpse raised his hand and grabbed it, and countless long swords fell in his palm. He had a palm in his hand and accommodated thousands of flying swords.

But at the same time, the thousand-eyed fairy king had attacked by the way, and an eyeball on the wing fell into the void. The surrounding space was completely imprisoned and entangled by countless transparent silk threads.

He is to prevent the other party from escaping, but also to lock Chu Yi in this side of the void.

Thousand-eyed fairy king's pace is very subtle. Every step falls, the weight is different, and the power division on the sole of the foot is also uneven, but very regular. It seems to be able to break in all directions and respond well at any time.

Chu Yi directly opened the longan eclipse and was observing.

Although he has extraordinary talents, he is trapped in this side of the world. He has no real masters in the world and no one teaches his top fighting skills. Therefore, he will lose money.

But at this time, both of them are comparable to the fighting power of the high-level fairy king, and apparently, they have lived long enough, and they have reached the peak of their skills and methods.

Chu Yi needs to observe and grow.

Like those Lei Huang and others, they had been counseled by the fairy king since he was a child, but he did not, and therefore, he could only try to make up for the shortcomings.

The thousand-eye fairy king Mingming is still in front, but the next second appears on the side of the **** corpse.

His halberd pressed down, and there was no vast momentum, but instead it was like an ordinary attack.

He converged all power to the extreme, just like the basic swordsmanship of Chu Yi's fusion.

The more powerful the move, the more likely it is to remain silent.

The corpse only felt that the wind was blowing, his clothes were hunting, and the white bandage on his face was blown into a flurry.

The eyes on the wooden sword suddenly opened, and he blocked the other party's attack with a sword, and the void around him shattered.

The corpse landed on a nearby star full of rocks.

"This is Lei..." The **** corpse looked at Lei Si on the wooden sword, and was a little surprised. "Your status in Lei's family is so high. Lei's master Wan Lei gave you one of them. It seems that Lei Huang values ​​you very much."

The thousand-eye fairy king is extremely fast, and the whole body is covered with dense golden lace.

His halberd smashed the body of the **** corpse severely, the **** corpse was smashed and flew out, the chest cavity was sunken, the body continued to recede, and the vast mountains exploded and collapsed.

The rocks flew into the air, and the dust rose, and he turned over to hold the wooden sword, and then pressed hard towards the ground.

A gully of tens of thousands of miles was left on the ground, and the huge star was almost cut in half.

"At that time, there were countless titles of supreme supremacy. Why was I the only one standing at the top? It was because I followed the right people."

The thousand-eye fairy king smiled and said, "Lei Huang is a man destined to achieve the throne. Once he breaks through and enters the fairy lord, I can use his luck to achieve the peak fairy king."

"This is a shortcut."

"That's really sad, we swordsmen always stare only at the throne."

The corpse stood up swayingly. He grabbed his sunken chest, his nails were sunk in, and then pulled it outwards again to restore it to its original state.

"This body is too aging, it's time to change your body." He glanced at Chu Yi in the distance.

Chu Yi's heart jumped, and only felt that this person was extremely magical, and had a bad hunch.

"However, before this..."

"Kill you first!"

"kill me?"

Behind the thousand-eyed fairy king, ten eyeballs glowed, forming a golden thunder. The thunder fell on his own body, a set of armor.

The Thunder Beast lurked on the armor and growled.

He no longer hesitated, the battle halberd fell, and all the golden thunders fell together.

However, at the next moment, a wooden sword pierced Wan Jun Thunder, and immediately, he touched his halberd.

The halberd bent, the thousand-eyed fairy king was horrified, he groaned, his body receded madly, all the thunder armor on his body was broken, and his hands were bloody.

"This is..." Chu Yi's pupils shrank sharply, but instead looked behind the **** corpse.

I saw that the rock star burst completely at this moment, and all kinds of sword qi flew in the stars.

"He turned the entire star into his long sword. The thousand-eye fairy king is not fighting against the wooden sword of the corpse, but a star behind him."

"It's a use of swords in the mountains."

Thousand-eyed fairy king is about to fight back, but sees a cold swordmans, has come.

He had to face it immediately.


This time, it was his turn to fly out and hit a flaming star. In an instant, that star was completely boiling.

"It's terrifying to anger the swordman!"

The **** corpse walked on foot. He spread his palms. The countless long swords that had been collected in the palm of his hand penetrated the flame star into powder.

Bang Bang Bang!

A series of dull sounds sounded.

Chu Yi opened his eyes wide, eclipsed the dragon's eyes to the extreme, and looked at the thousand-eyed fairy king.

The eyeballs behind the opponent, broken one by one, the original smooth wings, now bloody.

Chu Yi took a closer look, and only then discovered that this was the magic method of the **** corpse, and it was a sword in the mountain, but this time, there were no 100,000 heavy mountains, but he turned all the stars near this star field into His sword mountain.

"Is the swordman... so powerful?" Chu Yi was stunned, because he could see that the opponent's flesh was really languishing and was about to be wiped out.


Suddenly, the sky shook and the stars were completely still at this moment.

I saw a huge gap in the void, and one eye appeared slowly in the gap.

Thousand-eyed fairy king stood in place, **** and gasping.

The golden eyes appeared on his right.


Another void split, and in front of him, a huge black eye protruded from the void.

Immediately afterwards, weird eyes continued to emerge.

Chu Yi counted a total of 88 eyes.

They are like ghosts in the night, floating in the void.

"Boy, be careful, this is the secret technique of the thousand-eyed fairy king." The corpse suddenly said, "In my state, I can't resist, I will wait for death, if you still have strength, you will be there At the last minute, help me."

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