Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Chu Yi paused and felt that this person was not that bad.

Eighty-eight eyeballs are larger than the stars. Thousand-eyed fairy king is among them. Although their bodies are tattered, some are embarrassed, and they can breathe into the vast sea of ​​stars.

He stomped his feet fiercely, and the eyes of the eighty-eight eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes, and a sharp light burst from his pupils.

The body of the corpse is like a sword. He is advancing and resisting.

The wooden sword collided with the light, making a sound of metal friction.

His sword gas turned in his hand, and suddenly a star resembled sand and stone. He was picked up and flew out into a eyeball.


With a crunch, the eye blinked and even smashed a star completely.

But the spirit of the **** corpse continued, he walked like a court, although it seemed that the muscles were sticking, which affected his movements, but every step of the way, there were countless sword spirits flying away.

The corpse of the corpse lingers on the river, the soul of the sword is magnificent, and the endless sound of the sword spreads out like a holy king.

"Useless, each of the eighty-eight **** eyes has a different method. They are continuously arranged and will generate more methods and attack methods."

The thousand-eyed fairy king did not stand on the spot, his eyes were part of his body, his eyes were attacking, and his body could also attack at the same time.

He rushed out and greeted the **** corpse, the battle halberd was like a thunder, with a powerful killing intention, twisting the void, and huge **** eyes covered him.

His battle halberds turned into water mist and clouds, and his whole person became extremely misty.

This is illusion, and it is done by a sharp eye.

The wooden sword of the corpse spins, bringing up a terrible vortex of kendo, which twists everything even more.

The eyes on the wooden sword glowed scorchingly, as if seeing through the falsehood and ignoring each other's illusions.

The sword gas vortex slowly twisted and rushed towards the other party.


Thousand-eyed fairy king felt the crisis, he directly blocked himself with an eyeball, a sword gas, like silk thread, emerged from the other side of the vortex and penetrated the eyeball.

"Really powerful sword spirit, if not my intuition is strong, I am afraid that you will have been killed by the sword gas in your sword spirit."

Thousand-eyed fairy king's battle halberd fell down and cut the sword gas vortex to half.

His deity was endless, and he appeared from behind the **** corpse, quietly, as if there were two thousand-eyed fairy kings fighting.

This is the body method, which is used to the extreme.

The corpse turned back to be a sword. His flesh became more and more rigid, which made the sword look extremely unsightly, but he was using the mind to control it, but made the sword a bit faster.

The sword of the corpse has always been sharp.


It was another fierce collision.

At the same time, several beams of light exploded from the giant eyes of the void and bombarded the back of the **** corpse.

It was only at the same moment that several stars turned into stone swords and resisted the blow.

"Go back to heaven!"

Thousand-eyed fairy king discarded the battle halberd, his palms came out together, and the endless blades were intertwined, and on the micro level, it had rotated to the extreme.

Chu Yi was frightened, and even his longan eclipse couldn't tell how many times the opponent's attack rotated within a second.

"These masters have reached the extreme in a certain way. Even if I can easily kill them in the future, I can't take it lightly."

There is no one who can achieve the title of Supreme Supreme, the Supreme Star, and then break through to the Immortal King.

The corpse didn't avoid, he didn't even mean to dodge, his flesh stiffly resisted the blow, and a large piece of blood splashed.

The thousand-eyed fairy king was shocked, but the next second, he was equally horrified, because the other party's eyes were like a demon, the wooden sword broke the void, and penetrated his abdomen.

"Both defeats hurt!"

Chu Yi was overjoyed, he liked to see such a result the most, but soon, he was disappointed.

Behind the thousand-eyed fairy king, nearly fifty eyeballs shattered, and the brilliance fell into the body, driving away the sword gas, and the wound healed at a rate visible to the naked eye.

Although his face was pale, it was obviously much better than the state of the **** corpse.

"Humble body, your physical body is no longer good, you will not be my opponent, as long as you hold on for a while, you will die."

The ribs of the corpse were almost pierced, and a large flesh fluttered.

The thousand-eyed fairy king did not give the enemy a chance to breathe. Eighty-eight giant **** eyes glowed again, and the endless disaster was difficult to land.

At the same time, his deity held the battle halberd and attacked again.

"One sword opens red dust!"

Suddenly the corpse wiped the wooden sword on his wound, a large piece of blood fell on it, and then a sword was swung out.

In an instant, the world is full of learning, sword light is fused in blood light.

"What? He still has such great strength?" The Thousand-Eyes King was surprised in his heart. The blood beam resisted the Quartet, causing his body to retreat at a rapid speed.

But soon, he collapsed and attacked again.

"If it doesn't work once, I will do it twice. If it doesn't work twice, I will do it a hundred times."

"I'm at my peak and you are getting worse. You are not my opponent."

"Old stuff!"

The **** corpse screamed, the more he was damaged, the faster the weathering was. This was his original body, but the endless years passed, and it was almost consumed.

After all, his condition is not as good as it was then.

The wooden sword is like a blood sword, and the eyes above are shockingly red.

"You can hit the road." The thousand-eyed fairy king saw a similar situation and grinned.

"Boy, listen, I'll explode in a moment, and give him the last blow, then you take the opportunity to attack the gray eyeballs in the void with your sword catalog."

"That's his deity, this idiot, really thought I didn't see it, fighting here with him as an avatar, I just want to take him lightly."

Chu Yi was awe-inspiring, with some sympathy, some generality, and some admiration.

A swordman who fell from the peak of the fairy king to the supreme, and then came to this step.

"Senior, I have offended a lot before." Chu Yi was sad, and the corpse died. I am afraid that in this world, the swordsman of the Universiade is really only himself.

The flesh of the corpse was rotten. He carried a wooden sword, and he sprinted toward the thousand-eyed fairy king.

"Sadly, the death of a generation of sword-bearers, from today, this line can be regarded as the end, the once glorious, no longer has anything to do with your Universiade."

The thousand-eyed fairy king smiled, not shining, he knew that the other party was going to explode, but what about it, this was just the strongest avatar he had refined, and his deity was just an eyeball, but no one knew.

The deity is fragile, but the avatar is strong, he has been walking the world with avatar.

In this world, only Lei Huang knows his weaknesses, and maybe the fairy master who has seen him knows, but there is no fairy master here.

The blood was gleaming, and a **** flower slowly unfolded, covering the thousand-eye fairy king.

The blood-colored flowers grew larger and larger, and at the end, they squeezed most of the sky.


At this moment, Chu Yi attacked an eyeball in the sky with a sword.

"Sword Catalogue Eighth Style-One Sword Flying Fairy!"


Those gray eyes were horrified. All his attention was on the **** corpse, and he forgot about another Chu Yi.

And Chu Yi directly attacked his body.

The Thousand-Eyes Supreme body recedes frantically, and urges other eyeballs to come to protect it.

But Chu Yi's sword was too fast, a sword flying to the fairy, and broke away.

Kaka Kaka!

The tip of the sword pierced the opponent's pupil.


"Dead, I want you to die!"

The Thousand-Eyed King is mad, and in the blood, the terrifying energy falls like a rainstorm.

Chu Yi bears the brunt. He only felt his arms were shattered, and the small world in his body was directly penetrated by some bloodshot eyes.

"You die first!"

He urged the Supreme Sea of ​​Hearts and kept burning, which was consuming life, and the sword burst!

"Do not!"

"I don't want to die!"

"I'm dead, don't you want to live."

Thousand-eyed Supreme is terrible and horrible. His body is too fragile, only to the extent that he first entered the fairy king, there is no special split to support it, and it is impossible to rely on the body alone.

But now, he urged magical power, and for a time dozens of huge eyeballs dissolved together, and in this void, a violent explosion opened.

Silent and silent, the energy of terror spreads like a magma in all directions.

A part of it spread around the sun star and was swallowed by it.

In the other part, it was near the lunar star, but it was not close, but it was frozen by the terrible cold wave.

In the universe, the scenery is magnificent.

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