My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1519: Illusion is useless

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

The invincible method is only available in the top four forces. The rest of the forces may be secretly kept in secret, but together they will never exceed three.

Like ordinary fairy lords, they have been coveted for a long time, especially Yuanying cultivation method.

The difference between a monk with an invincible method and a monk without it is too big, which is why, the major forces of the Mo family will be the top forces.

"Snake, don't go too far. If you want to be invincible, go to your master Mo's house."

"There is the Sipa's dead robe fairy, if you want to see it, you can directly take out the invincible method of your Si family and exchange it." Di Ye snorted.

He knew that this invincible method would definitely cause the princesses to watch, but he didn't expect that some people were so brazen.

"Hey, I can't say that. The invincible method of our company is complete, but his, but it is incomplete. We don't need to look at the complete method, we just look at the incomplete one, and we need to pay such a big price?"

The dead robe celebrity laughed, and the rest of the invincible methods were in the hands of the celebrity master. Only this door was in the hands of a supreme.

These immortals lived for endless years, and they did not get the invincible method. Now when they see a Supreme holding two doors in hand, they are naturally very jealous.

Chu Yi suddenly remembered that Mo Yutian glanced at himself with sarcasm before leaving, and that was what he meant.

He held the invincible method in his hands, too high-profile, and there was no protection from the fairy master behind him.

The Sanyuan Holy Mountain plus the Phoenix family is indeed powerful, but even so, there are some injustices. If the Universiade is here, the natural situation is different.

"Den Yuanxian, you don't have to be nervous, we really just want to see the incomplete and invincible method, but it is not complete." Another said.

"Yeah, in the endless years, many of our celestial lords are trapped in this step. They want to break through to the peak celestial lord, but it is too difficult and too difficult. They can only rely on the invincible method. Isn’t it the prime prince, you don’t intend to enlighten Some?"

"Yes, we saved his life. So many immortals came, just for a supreme, just to look at the invincible invincible law."



Among them, there are naturally a group of Mo family members who are fanning the flames.

The rumbling voice echoed in the hall, and terrible coercion came down, and it seemed that the supreme surrender was in front of him.

Diyuanxianzhu and others were angry, but unfortunately they were only a few, most of the Supremes wanted to see this invincible method.

"Everyone!" Suddenly, Lord Yebai stood up and smiled, "Although Supreme Master Yan Luo, I didn't care about the arrival of me, but we are predecessors anyway, and we lived in endless years. "

"Well, one of my juniors has just broken through to the realm of the fairy king, and compared it with Supreme Master Yan Luo."

He couldn't help breaking up, waved his hand directly, and a white figure came out.

"Su Ying, this competition is in front of many great powers, don't lose our face in Bailong Cave."

"Yes, Ancestor!" Su Yingtengyun came directly to Chu Yi.

"Su Ying, the 30th little guy on the Star Wars!" Lord Di sneered, sneering again and again, "Snake, don't you mean? You have the ability to let those guys who haven't broken through on the Star Wars." ."

Chu Yi also looked at the past at the same time, he always had a anger in his heart, these high presence, apparently did not consider his opinions.

They didn't care at all. If there weren't a few people here, I'm afraid they would shoot it directly.

This Su Ying has broken through to the fairy king, and is an eighth-order fairy king. With his ranking on the Star Wars list, after breaking through the fairy king, it is enough to seriously hurt some ordinary peak fairy kings.

"Grandpa, you don't have to intervene, let me come." Chu Yi said.

The earth master gave a slight pause, and the Lord Nifengxian above wanted to stop it, but he also sat down at this time.

"Be careful yourself."

"If it doesn't work, it will give way to the incomplete law." Earth Master warned.

Su Ying looked at Chu Yi. He was the first genius of the Su family and was much more terrifying than Su Rui.

If he didn't dare to shoot Chu Yi before the breakthrough, the successor of the other's Universiade alone would be enough to make him fearful.

But once a breakthrough, even if the current Supreme Realm Lei Huang appears, he is confident to defeat Lei Huang.

"Little Supreme, in the face of a lot of power, even a broken law is not willing to come up."

"Boy, Universiade, it's not the same as Universiade before. You better know how to score."

He broke from the asterisk supreme to the high-level fairy king, and he has not put these supremes in his eyes.

Chu Yi took out the Xuanhuang sword, and he jumped.

"It's you? A broken sword, this skill level is really bad."

"I hold the fairy artifact created by the master, one blow is enough to split your sword."

Su Ying's head turned into a white dragon's head. He opened his mouth and spit out a flying shuttle.

The shuttle is also extremely white, without any flaws, and the mysterious lines circulate inside the shuttle, and there is a huge explosion energy faintly.

On the surface, it is extremely smooth.


The flying shuttle started instantly, like a swimming fish, passing the space and making a subtle sound, but the sound could not keep up with its speed.

And around the shuttle, a terrible breath circulated, forming a field, and Chu Yi should be strangled.

This palace has also expanded, and many immortals are calm, and there will be no problems with them.

Obviously it was just a shuttle, but there were countless arcs of light.

In the middle of the air, there is a white dragon phantom possessed on it.


Chu Yi did not hesitate, his eyes were firm, and his sword was crushed down.

The sword species in the body buzzed, and above the sword species, the Emperor Bell swayed, and one rune after another was engraved on Chu Yi's sword species.

His sword fell, and in an instant, like an endless black hole, those murderous Ling Ran's arc rays flew towards the sword body.

The imprint of the Emperor Bell appeared on the sword body, dissolving all the enemy's killing moves.

To be precise, it is more like Zhaoan.

The sword body is very beautiful, upright, and has a breath of progress.

The opponent's fairy weapon was directly destroyed by Chu Yi's long sword and landed on the ground.


Su Ying was angry.

He has become a white dragon, and he has no exaggerated figure, but his breath has greatly increased.

This race is also powerful in close combat.

In Chu Yi's hands, the dense sword light drifted past like fallen leaves.

Humane, can let him abandon all distractions in battle, only for victory.

The coercion of those immortals would have an impact on Su Ying, but no effect on Chu Yi.

Su Ying flew quickly, almost reaching the limit.

Chu Yi jumped sharply, avoiding the opponent's dragon claws, and the void was taken away by him directly.

"It's fast!"

Chu Yi's face changed slightly, the longer it was, the more disadvantageous he was.

"The Supreme Master Yan Luo, after all, is the Supreme, even if Mo Ditian from the Supreme level comes, he is not Su Ying's opponent."

Many immortals nodded.

The Supreme on the Star Wars list, once they break through, are extremely terrifying existences, and it is possible for the high-level lord to kill the peak lord.

"Phantom Dragon Technique!" Su Su suddenly had a good body, and then, from him, countless white dragons split into a huge roulette.


Chu Yi was invincible. Asura's power exploded in his body. A sword was faint, like a deep black flame burning, directly penetrating a white dragon.

The huge white dragon roulette was just formed and was instantly destroyed.

Many immortals have a fierce meal.

"How can it be?"

"My magic dragon technique is a top-level magic technique, and you will fall into my world."

He looked at Chu Yi's eyes, and he just felt a mess in his mind. Then, he saw his ancestor turned into a white dragon and bit his own body.


Su Ying screamed.

"wake up!"

Ye Baixian shouted and brought Su Ying back.

"He cultivated the invincible method. If I guessed well, Yan Luo Supreme, you should practice to the second level."

"The second layer is that there is no desire, no desire, no demand, not only can resist all illusions, but even rebound the opponent's illusions."

Speaking of which, the breath of many Immortals is more heavy.

They just listened to Chu Yi's remarks just now, but now they have really seen the means of this invincible method.

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