My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1520: For justice

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Ye Baixian's eyes were extremely cold, and he said with a loud voice: "Everyone sees this. This Yan Luo Supreme is only the strength of the Peak Supreme. The presence of the Supreme Master is all about. Defeat a high-level fairy king, or a fairy king who broke through from the asterisk supreme."

The asterisk supreme kills the high-level fairy king, everyone is not surprised, but if the high-order fairy king is a breakthrough from the asterisk supreme, then it is impossible.

"Mo Ditian, Lei Huang and others are impossible, and Master Chenhuo could not do it."

"However this is done!"

"The key is not the sword reincarnation of the Universiade just now, but the Yuanying cultivation method."

"Without that Yuanying cultivation method, his sword could not touch Su Ying's body at all."

Chu Yi clenched his hands and looked directly at each other. He could feel that in this hall, there were already many breaths of the fairy lord, all eager.

"This senior, are you planning to **** it?" Chu Yi said coldly.

"Amitabha, little friend, you are wrong."

"Yuanying's cultivation method is the most legendary method." Master Wudao who heard Yunguan said, "Sword reincarnation, even if we get it, we can't practice it."

Master Dao has a harmonious atmosphere, like beings in Purdue sentient beings: "But this trick to hide the moon is different. Although the threshold is terrible, but all the present are all immortal masters, who can naturally cultivate."

"And, we are not just for ourselves."

"We will simplify this invincible method, so that all the monks in the entire universe can practice, then it will greatly improve the level of our entire universe."

Master Wu Dao always had a smile on his face, looked down at Chu Yi, and his eyes were warm: "The war is coming, there are still many imaginary creatures out there who are watching us. If we can improve the fighting power of the entire universe, then it is also a credit One piece."

"And, it doesn't need your complete method, it's just incomplete."

"A incomplete and invincible law, to change the tranquility of the universe, Yan Luo supreme, the destiny of this universe, whether it is life or death, maybe it depends on your next decision."

After Master Dao finished speaking, a lot of voices echoed in the hall.

"Senior Supreme Yan Luo, we have come here to waste a lot of time, but if you are for the entire universe, I still hope you can make the right decision."

"Yan Luo Supreme...Being a man can't be too selfish, in the face of Da Yi, give up your own careful thinking."

Earlier, the words of Lord Yebai were too radical, and some of them couldn't wipe it out, so it's hard to say.

But now, Master Dao has given them a supreme angle. They suddenly feel noble, and everything seems to be taken for granted.


The Lord of Earth only felt very angry. This group of people, just like those of the past, quietly ate the flesh and blood of others, and pretended to be polite.

"Have you all lived on dogs?"

"Earth Master, you can't talk nonsense, we are all for justice." Lord Ye Bai laughed.

"So, do you think so?" Di Ye's eyes swept across the celestial masters.

Some nodded and some were indifferent, neither approving nor opposing, and only a few celestial masters felt inappropriate.

But most people still want to benefit from it.

"Tianlin Immortal Lord, what do you say?" Lord Ye looked at the elders of the senate.

"This matter is of great importance. I can only follow the usual decision and rely on everyone to discuss it, Master Diyuan, sorry." Master Tianlin sighed.


"Laozi can see clearly, Chu Xiao, let's go." Di Ye grabbed Chu Yi's shoulder.


"Emperor Diyuan, do you think you can go?"

"Stay still, solve the matter, let's talk about it, we don't want his life, the incomplete law, and when he gets the complete law, he will not care about the incomplete law."

A group of immortals said.

"Everyone, it's too much." The phoenix's Nifengxian is red flames all over his body.

"In those days, how did you treat the Universiade? Now, do you have to embarrass a younger generation."

"Neon Phoenix Immortal, what you said is light, but he sent a layer directly to you Phoenix family, you naturally do not care."

"Since I can give it to you, why not give it to us, is it possible that our gang of fairy lords is not as good as a little girl of the Phoenix family?" Lord Yebai is also tough.

"Yes, the Phoenix family, you have a good relationship with him, you can get the invincible method, but what about us?"

"Now, it is not your own business, but the whole universe."

"Evil creatures are watching, everyone must work hard for this."

"Good talk!" Suddenly, Chu Yi said loudly, his hands clapping, with a smile on his face.

He knew that these people didn't ask for their opinions at all. He was a supreme monk, and he didn't even speak here.

Ye Baixian had a complexion.

"Seniors, what you said is so good, I am moved by the juniors."

"Da Yi?"

"Yes, for the sake of righteousness, I am willing to contribute to this broken law."

"For the sake of righteousness, my Universiade was completely destroyed."

"For the sake of righteousness, you can live here and threaten the only descendant of the swordsman."

"So, everyone, I am willing to surrender all the heritage, even if all the inheritance of the Universiade is given to you, but should you also express it."

Chu Yi smiled and said, "It's not that you and the virtual world are fighting each other, even the mansion is broken. It's just that you let all the core heritage, open the invincible law, and divide the resources evenly. This is not difficult."

"My Universiade, everything is gone, you just need to come up with methods and resources, and everyone is still there."

"Innocent Immortal Lord, listening to the cloud to persecute all beings, seeing money as dung, it is better to set an example for you."

Immortal Master Wu Dao was taken aback, and said after a moment: "I listen to Yunguan's method, whether it is an invincible method, or some core heritage, and it is extremely difficult to cultivate. I am not listening to Yunguan disciples and cannot cultivate, so this seat is also weak and weak. ."

"Oh? It's so hard, then why don't you give me a course to learn."

"Xiaoyou, since you want to learn, then take it. This is a high-level method of listening to Yunguan called Xinwu Buddha. If you don’t have a deep Buddha nature, you can’t get started. I gave it to you, just level one."

He had to use this method to block Chu Yi's mouth.


However, before Master Wudao's words were finished, he saw Chu Yi around him, and countless Buddha light escaped, and then he did not enter him.

"You can become a Buddha without a heart."

"Senior Dao, I have cultivated to the first level. Do I want to give me the rest, or let me take a look at your core heritage?"

"I have a dull nature and can practice, not to mention the vast universe and how many evil geniuses there are."

Innocent Immortal Lord looked stiff and stayed there for a long time without talking.

"Master Ye Bai, the Fa of Bailong Cave, I also like it. Do you want me to try again?"

Ye Baixian did not reply.

"Dead Rob, Lord, your family, but there are invincible methods..."

"Leader Lei, the Lei family can't be stingy."

He looked around and saw a fairy lord all silent.

"Seniors, I am willing to take it out as a junior, why do you not?"

"By the way, my undefeated astrological formula of Universiade is at the Mo family. Now, as a successor of the Universiade, I officially announced that the undefeated astrological formula can be made public to the entire universe. Do it."


"Dare not?"

Chu Yi chuckled, "Well, I don't force you all, all are seniors, who work hard, for the safety of the entire universe, they are exhausted, but my seniors in Universiade are comfortable, and now they don't care about anything. ."

"However, you guys, I just want to look at the secret formula, yes."

"At least you have to come up with the core heritage of your respective forces in exchange."

"I give it to you, you also have to take out the method and give it to me, so that it is fair."

Chu Yi's words fell, and the whole hall was quiet.

It is simply impossible for them to come up with their core methods.

All high-level methods are related to the inheritance of a force, they will not allow exposure.

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