Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

"The patriarch, did you just let that kid go, although we can be sure that he doesn't know our secrets, but the swordman will stay there forever and staying there is always a danger."

Elder Mo Jia said slowly, his voice full of murderous intent.

"Great elder, come here in Japan."

Mo Yutian chuckled: "That guy, I really thought that if I invited the Space Administration, I would be able to get out. The elder elder hasn't paid attention to the Space Administration for a long time. I don't know if these guys are the real trouble."

"He thought that the Universe Authority could suppress our Mo family, but he didn't know that he was causing trouble for himself."

"Yuanying cultivation method, these guys, all of them are stuck in the bottleneck, have tried countless methods, the only thing that has not been tried and feasible is the Yuanying cultivation method."

"During the years of the emperor's calendar, those asterisks have just rushed to the realm of immortal kings, with unlimited potential. With this special era, their cultivation will become faster and faster."

"But these elder celestial masters, one by one, have already come to an end, they are also worried, they are also afraid..."

"They are the most face-saving. One day they will be defeated by a junior. I'm afraid it will be more uncomfortable than killing them."

"I believe now, it is already quite lively there."

"Moreover, without further ado, our Mo family's plan is about to begin. Now all forces are more or less afraid of my Mo family, and even doubtful. This situation is very unfavorable to us."

Mo Yutian's ingenuity is deep, "However, the news of the virtual world creatures really came at the right time. In this way, their attention will be shifted to that, and against the virtual world spirits, we also need our Mo family, They will not treat us."

"Taking advantage of this opportunity, we Mo family, start planning."


"Impossible..." In the large hall, a group of immortals shook their heads.

"We are involved too much behind us, it is impossible to hand it over, and it is impossible for you to show it, but you, there is only one person." Lord Ye Bai wanted to see with cold eyes, his huge breath, directly rolling towards Chu Yi .

"Snake, do you think I don't exist?" Di Ye's shoulder pad patted.


The two collided in mid-air, and the endless ripples directly plunged into the depths of the void.

"Emperor Diyuan, do you think we need to discuss with a supreme?"

"It was previously discussed that it was to give him a face, but now, if he doesn't want that face, then don't blame us."

"You want to snatch?" Di Ye's expression changed.

"It's not a robbery, but a vote."



Soon, all the celestial lords spoke out, they were very indifferent, they were so high, they didn't need to pay attention to a supreme mood at all.

"More than half." The Supreme of the Dead Robe looked at Chu Yi. "You can hand it in."

"What if I don't pay?" Chu Yi pouted.

"Don't pay?"

An eyeball of the dead robe fairy flew out of his forehead, and the eyeball looked at Chu Yi, exuding strange waves.

"If you don't pay, we will just take it out."

"Go!" Lord Nifeng Immortal angered, the flame behind her burned into a sea, and a huge phoenix rose into the sky.

The flaming phoenix rolled over the endless sea of ​​fire, burning the mysterious wave of eyeballs.

"Who dare I think?" The lord of the celestial lord smashed somewhere, and suddenly a black shadow was smashed out of the void by him. It was Lord Yebai.


Innocent Immortal Lord came on foot, and the endless golden lotus was scattered.

"Old bald man, you are too much." Di Ye Changxiao, a pole carried through the blossoming lotus, overturned all attacks, straight to the other's first level.

"Emperor Diyuan, you can't stop it." Lord Lei Lei's eyes had two shots of thunder, which helped Lord Yebai get away.

The giant spirit is forced to deal with the attack of Lord Feng Lei first.

Inside the hall, violently raging.

Someone was silent and did not shoot, but many fairy lords were already eager to try.

"Boy, let me ask you again, whether to pay or not to pay." Lord Yebai came to Chu Yi. The person in front of him was too weak. He could kill the other party with only a light breath.

"Pause you paralyzed!" Chu Yi slammed directly.

"court death!"

Ye Baixianzhu low anger, pointed out with a finger.

Chu Yi's body was covered with cold hair. He opened the Sunshade Eucharist and opened various defenses. As a result, the attack easily penetrated it, leaving a blood hole in his chest.

"Little Chu!"

Earth Master was shocked and quickly turned around, but the old bald donkey had already arrived, and his hands were pushed sideways, just like a big Buddha making a move.

"Pay or not?" Ye Baixianzhu said indifferently.

Chu Yi coughed up blood. Although there was only one blood hole in his body, his internal organs had already shattered.

His face was pale and his eyes were cold: "Snake, if you give me another hundred years, I will definitely blow you up, believe it or not."

"Hundred years, even if I give you tens of thousands of years, you are still not my opponent. Really think you can successfully become a fairy lord?"

Ye Baixian sneered and looked contemptuous. He pointed out again, and Chu Yi's left arm exploded immediately.

"If you have the ability, you will kill me, but unfortunately you dare not." Chu Yi grasped the wound, a pair of **** eyes, staring at the other party fiercely.


His right arm also exploded, extremely tragic, blood was flying, and it was difficult to recover on his own.

"If you say one more word, this seat will kill you!"

"Don't you dare to kill me, you waste." Chu Yi exasperated, he is not a completely calm person, so many immortals, so treat himself, he is not an opponent, but he also has anger in his heart.

"Look for death!" Lord Yebai was furious.

"Stop it!" Master Tianlin shouted loudly, "Master Yebai, you have no problem in taking the Fa. If you hurt his life, then you will be affected by your entire Bailong Cave, don't forget, he is still my universe management The people in the game, and the heirs of the top forces, according to the rules, before he becomes the fairy king, you can not kill him."

The Universe Authority has hard rules. Some of these rules look funny, but they must not be violated. Otherwise, the Authority will not be necessary.

"Good luck." Ye Baixianzhu sneered. He stretched out his palms, as if illusory, directly into the Taoist House of Chu Yi, took out the first six layers of the moon-covering tactics.

"I hope that you will get the next three floors as soon as possible and come to you later."

These immortals are also very jealous of the other core inheritance of the Universiade, but they also know that things cannot be done too much. After all, there are a few immortals who are guarding Chu Yi.

And the rest of the inheritance, everyone needs different, it is difficult to form a unified opinion.

Ye Baixian also knows this, so she just took the moon cover.

For a moment, the fighting here stopped immediately.

"Mr. Chu, are you okay?" Di Ye preached. "Actually, I have expected such a thing to happen. These guys are similar to those in the past. Our side is weak and difficult to fight against them. You are a little bit this time. Lose a little, and wait for them to become a fairy lord, and then find them to slowly settle the accounts."

"Grandpa, I understand that I just don't want to be reconciled, but I still know my situation." Although Chu Yi's appearance was extremely angry, his heart was extremely calm.

Everything he does has his own ideas.

He wants to show anger and say something irrational.

Compared with crazy beasts, everyone will only be more afraid of sinister vipers.

In the eyes of all fairy lords at this moment, this Chu Yi is just a mad beast.

"Sovereign Yan Luo, don’t blame us for being ruthless. All of us are for your own good. You are invincible, but you have no great power to protect you. Sooner or later, you will become the target of ambush by others. If this method is promulgated, it will also protect you. "

Ye Baixianzhu said with a false smile.

"By the way, we will give you the best compensation. This time, it is also to seal your asterisk, which star do you want."

"The more powerful the stars, the more powerful you will be when you refine it."

"Every star is connected with the origin of the universe, and a powerful star has a deeper connection with the origin of the universe."

In his view, this is like giving alms.

"I don't accept it." Chu Yi shook his head. "If it's okay, let's leave first."

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