Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

Chu Feifan's complex face looks at the descendants after this endless years.

"It's crazy."

"It's not crazy." Chu Yi knew his choice very well. "They chose a star to break the imprisonment of life. They refined a star."

"Strictly speaking, the entire universe is a star. They refine the stars and use it as a pedal to achieve the immortal emperor and refine the entire universe. I directly refine the entire universe. Strictly speaking, there is no alternative. ."

Chu Yi has his own opinion, he will not impulse to do things.

"Mr. Chu, are you okay, those fairy masters..." Swordworm worried.

"It's okay, it's good, but there was a little accident, you don't have to worry." Chu Yi did not intend to say it.

"The vast universe, we are free, and here is truly connected to the outside world. Next, there are many things to do."

"Except for the sun star and lunar star, the rest of the planets need to be replaced. It is still trouble for you to fetch the real stars in order to resist various natural disasters in the universe."

"There is still a curse problem. I have told an immortal master that it will take a few more years to research it out. At that time, it will be sent together, and it will not exceed thirty years."

"I'm going to retreat next, and hit the fairy king, maybe not so much."

After Chu Yi finished, he left.

The hairy tail of the white fox waggled and said, "I think the son has changed a little. What happened absolutely just now."

"Roar." Zhu Bajie nodded solemnly with his arms folded.

"At least his heart is not disturbed, this is no problem." Swordworm is not too worried.

He knew that there was a swordman in the other party's mind, and there shouldn't be too many problems.


Chu Yi escaped into the void, and no one knew where he had gone.

In the distance, it is a blue planet, and the earth is very imaginative. Most of the monks above are humans, but the strongest, but also the Yuanying.

Chu Yi found a mountain forest and fell down.

The flowers and grass are fragrant, and there is a lake deep in the mountain forest. He stands quietly on the edge of the lake.

Chu Fanfan's thoughts flew out of his Taoist palace and turned into human figures.

Chu Yi laughed and said: "Seniors still don't trust me so much, just a **** read it."

Chu Feifan sneered: "If you fail to refine the source, even if you refine the Sun Star, but I still don't like you. Then, once I feel that you are not suitable to be a swordsman, I will take your Yuan baby, Replace you as the last swordsman."

Chu Yi rolled his eyes.

"Senior, although you want my body, there are some principles, but some people don't have any principles. With the help of my body to avoid danger, they are silent now."

"What?" Chu Feifan frowned, "Boy, who are you talking to?"

He has always been in Chu Yi's Taoist palace, and he is even more clear about the situation in Chu Yi's body, and he cannot be invaded by others.

Chu Yi lowered his head and smiled: "Famine."


"Impossible, the wasteland is dead. The two fairy lords of the Mo family cannot escape the wasteland. They are extremely cautious, and even the fairy lords of the Universe Authority have confirmed it."

However, Chu Feifan quickly stagnate, because his Yuan Ying in Sword Soul has already sensed the existence of another force in Chu Yi's Taoist House.

"Boy, how did you find out?" A silk thread was drilled from the pillar at the doorway around Daofu, and then formed a group of black-line ball creatures.

Chu Feifan was shocked.

Barren, still alive!

"It's very simple. I cultivated humanity, humanity, the perception of myself, my every muscle, every cell, even every memory, my mind."

"When I get into humanity, I can perceive myself in detail, and I will immediately discover any changes in my body."

Chu Yi exclaimed, looking at the shortage.

"You are smart, no wonder you can live so long, although I don't know how you made a fake body, but even so, you still can't escape the Mo's search."

"You also know that they will search this corner of the area, even the soul will not let go."

"The only hope for you to escape is on me."

"Mo Yutian was careless, and the elders of Mo Family were careless. They probed everyone, but only, forgot to probe me."

"Because I am in the center of this vortex, their focus has always been on me, but on my part, it has become the safest place."


In a barren meal, a black thread wriggled around a black hole in the center. Inside the black hole, there were two blood-colored eyeballs, and he looked at Chu Yi in such a way.

Chu Feifan was startled: "Boy, since you know his infiltration, why don't you say it, as long as you say it, then there will be a fairy lord to deal with it for you."

"Because of that, the Mo family's secrets are probably gone."

The strange monster laughed, "Although I have not recovered to the strength of the Immortal Lord, but I just blew it up, I still can do it, and then after my death, you will also be burnt because of the Mo family."

"There are also my people in the void. It is impossible for you to get this information. I am alive and more valuable than I died, so this kid did not say."

"I wonder now whether this guy is your swordsman and is as smart as a ghost."

Huang Xiao said, "Boy, I just saw how the celestial masters treated you. You are nothing in their eyes. Now you are not qualified to negotiate with them."

"It's better, come with me."

The wildness tempted, "We will not completely destroy this universe, we only need part of the energy, and the rest will be under your control."

Chu Yi's eyes widened, "You really feel relieved, am I an outsider to join?"

"It's all for the benefit." Huang suddenly paused. "Boy, you're saying my words."

Chu Yi touched his head and shook his head: "How come, I just want to hear, how do you want me to join, what benefits will it give me."

"After all, you believe me, but those imaginary creatures will not believe me."

"You don't have to worry about it, you just need to know that we won't hurt you, as long as you agree, we even have a way for you to refine this universe." Leng Leng said coldly.

"It turns out that although your companions know the coordinates of the universe, they should not be able to come in so easily. Perhaps the coordinates have shifted, and the entire universe is moving."

"They have to calculate the offset coordinates based on the original coordinates, so it will waste a lot of time."

"And you, there should be a way to notify them directly, or let me notify, otherwise, you will not let me join you."

"Because of my existence, there is no trace of benefit for you, and there are many concerns."

"You really set my words!" Huang Angri said, "Yun Luo Supreme, although you are powerful, but do not want to trap me, I borrowed your body to escape the crisis, and I can leave now."

The scarce silk thread violently broke Chu Yi's inner world and fled quickly.

But at the same time, Chu Yi's Yuan Ying shines, the humane clock manifests, and Yuan Ying holds the sword species and falls down directly.

Kendo notes turned into an enchantment, trapping the wasteland, and at the same time, above the sword species, Asura's power spread.


With a dull noise, Huang's body hit the enchantment, crackling and emitting a burning smell.

"Leave, think too much!"

Chu Yi smiled and said, "Uncultivated, unless you have the strength comparable to Immortal Lord, otherwise, you can't escape my Daofu."

"My strength is getting stronger, and you will be trapped here forever until I can wipe you out."

"Boy, you are awesome." Huang Ning said seriously, his body crawling on the ground, but it seemed to be smiling lowly.

"But I won't tell you about the Mo family. This is my final hole card. Unless you can let me go, I will tell you."

"Just, I advise you, our imaginary creatures are terrible, but Mo family, maybe more terrible than us."

"What do you mean?" Chu Yi frowned slightly.

"Bailongdong, it seems that thirty years later, you will be preparing for an ascension conference. If you are going to attend, I advise you, it is better to bring more life-saving things." Huang Hehe laughed.

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