My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1524: Close to the source

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Chu Yi was silent.

According to what Huang said, it can be easily inferred that this time the matter is related to the Mo family, perhaps it was arranged by the Mo family.

"Boy, why, let me go, I will tell you the news, otherwise, hey, the consequences are not something you can afford."

Huang continued to bewitched, "Of course, if you join us, we will be more happy. A swordman can help me a lot."

The humane clock directly landed, engulfing the wasteland and disappearing.

On the other side, Chu Feifan paused and said, "Why don't you seduce the wilderness to speak out? He was among your elementary babies, who used a secret technique before to get out, but now, his strength is weakened a lot, You can also suppress him completely, there is a way to let him speak."

"No, it's a waste. It's too cunning. I can't see whether he is telling the truth or falsehood."

"Unless he makes an extremely terrible vow, it will take a lot of trouble, and even he will not take it."

"As for the others, it's not time yet."

"I don’t believe that no matter how the Mo family has a conspiracy, it will be as powerful as the virtual world spirits are to our universe. At most, the Mo family wants to dominate this universe, but the virtual world creatures are different. Swallow the universe wandering in the void."

"I still have thirty years to wait. Obviously, the shortage can also wait. Instead, it depends on who is more patient."

Chu Feifan scratched his head, but he didn't understand it anyway.

"Then what do you do next?"

"Try to contact with the source first, if not, then the sun star can only be regarded as the natal star, and then break through to the realm of the fairy king."

Chu Feifan nodded and said, "The essence of refining, then the more your basic swordsmanship, the more you will integrate, the better. You have now merged nine styles..."

He hadn't spoken yet, but when he saw Chu Yi's figure, he suddenly escaped into the void.

The lake is rippling, and a large area of ​​lake water is entangled in the void, like a whale swimming.

Around Chu Yi's body, a water polo was formed, and the endless thunder threw it directly through the void, and the dense lightning almost turned into a liquid.

Chu Yi has completely escaped into the void, but can still be seen in the material space, where the electric awn is shining to the limit.

"This kid... even at this time, touched the basic sword move and wanted to integrate the tenth move."

Chu Feifan couldn't help but open his mouth wide.

There are a total of fourteen types of basic sword moves. Each fusion is a huge leap, as if to grow from congenital Taoism, from immortal to supreme, from supreme to immortal king.

The integration into the tenth form is a huge threshold.

Although the number of swordsmen in Universiade was not large, it was not too small, otherwise how to support this vein.

But many evildoers have stopped at this step and have been unable to enter.

"The tenth form, I'm afraid it has something to do with the change of his mind."

"In that hall, this kid sees the true face of the mighty, more or less, will be hit by some."

"However, he recovered from the blow. Instead of thinking about relying on these powers in the future, he is stronger than he is enough to carry all this."

Chu Feifan is very clear that the faces of those powerful people are enough to make many people chill.

They are all supreme forces, with long traditions and deep-rooted roots. Unless a huge disaster strikes now, they will still be fighting for their interests at the moment before.

"However, part of the reason why this kid can break through quickly is to cover the moon."

"The Moon Covering tactics increase the strength of his Yuanying, which makes him able to withstand the advent of the humane clock, and the sword reincarnation mind continues to improve, so the deeper the understanding of the sword."

"I wanted to **** his body before because it was because his mentality was unstable and not in line with my swordsman. But now it seems that perhaps this kind of character is suitable for survival in this complex universe."

"I don't know, can I see a complete sword reincarnation in my lifetime."

Chu Feifan sighed. He looked at his body, which had become thinner and thinner. This is because he practiced the moon-covering tactic.

In his state, it is impossible to live too long.

His face was slightly sad, but soon, he converged, looking seriously at Chu Yi who came out of the void.


"It's easy." Chu Yi smiled, showing two rows of bright teeth.

Chu Feifan twitched his face: "Don't be too smug. We are the swordsmen. Many of us have come to this step, but the more difficult it is to go back, the unsettled heart will be repulsed by our own swordsmanship."

"If you want to merge the eleventh style, you must break through to the fairy king, and if you merge the thirteenth style, you must break through to the immortal master, otherwise, you cannot support Kendo yourself."

"Your kendo, there are still many deficiencies..."

"Senior." Chu Yi looked at each other with a smile.


"How many styles have you combined?"


Chu Feifan shut his mouth obediently and hid in his sword spirit.


It was early in the morning when a star rose from the star's east.

The sun on this star is a little distant, and it doesn't look big, but because the star is strong, it doesn't feel cold.

Chu Yi sat cross-legged and set up a heavy array around him.

Chu Feifan is very dignified. This time, the entire Yuanying appeared outside Chu Yi's body, protecting him.

"it has started……"

Chu Yi sinks into his sword species.

Sword species are formed by condensing his basic swordsmanship and related to the origin.

No one can find the source in the universe. Basically, the celestial masters contact the source through the natal stars.

It's a pity that the source is too powerful, and the celestial masters can only feel a trace, but can't find it back.

But Chu Yi's kendo is different, and the basic kendo has a deep connection with the source from the day of its birth.

Chu Yi only felt that his eyes were getting darker and darker. There was no time, no space, and no concept of light.

He felt able to see everything, but could not see anything. The soul seemed to be free from the flesh, as if indulged in water.

Numerous buzzing sounds echoed in his ears, and he tried to hear clearly, but the amount of information was too great.

Those voices passed through his body, through his thinking, as if he had seen a life of spirits, as if experiencing a different life.

In different lives, he transformed into different creatures and encountered everything.

Suddenly, Chu Yi's body glowed, and the sharp sword awn cut everything, like a meteor piercing the night sky.

Chu Yi saw a little light, and then, like a drowning person, was pulled up.

His face was pale, and he lay on the ground all at once, sweating and gasping all over his body.

"How long has it passed?"

"In an instant!" Chu Feifan was relieved to see him all right.

"I seem to have gone through endless years and saw the life of many creatures."

"I understand that the source is the true destination of all living creatures after death. The energy after the death of the living creatures will return to the source with the memory of a lifetime, so as to ensure the balance of the entire universe."

"Is it possible to refine?"


"It's too hard!" Chu Yi bit his teeth.

"If you want to refine the whole source, it is equivalent to carrying the memory of all the dead creatures in the entire universe, not to mention all, just a single creature on a star, enough to collapse the Supreme Yuanying."

"Even if I'm a refiner, I also need extremely powerful Yuanying."

"I now understand why only the Immortal Emperor can do it, it is completely detached, and there is too much distance from us."

"I now have only one way. With my strength, it is impossible to rely only on basic swordsmanship.

"Then a very small part of refining, as long as a little bit of refining, I will be able to enter the realm of the fairy king with peace of mind, and when the strength soars a thousand times, more natural refining will happen."

"But this small part is the most troublesome. It's too difficult at the beginning. I must be able to carry the memory and energy of tens of billions of creatures before it can be refined."

"However, at least a little hope was found."

Chu Yi knew that Universiade couldn’t have failed to know this method, but it could be achieved with a probability of almost zero, because a bad one would burst Yuanying.

Fortunately, Chu Yi also has an invincible Yuanying cultivation method.

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