Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

"Yan Luo fairy king, what do you want to say, this is what we decided at the time, no matter how you provoked, can not affect the relationship between us." The eyes of the buried bone fairy froze.

"I am not provoking him, I am just stating the facts."

Chu Yi shook his head and said, "You have done nothing wrong after all. Your family has been a fairy emperor. The universe on that side was also the universe of your Mo family, so when you discovered the passage to our universe, you don’t It’s okay for the family to withdraw first."

Chu Yi added a fire indifferently.

Mo family had an immortal emperor, but now they don't have it. Even if the two insect kings and demon kings on the opposite side are so firm in their minds, there are some things that only need a little dial to plant a seed in their hearts.

This time over, if Chu Yi saw only a bone buried fairy, he would be very worried. However, at this time, the demon king and the insect king appeared, and Chu Yi was quite relieved.

This shows that the other side is not the leader of the Mo family, but there are three forces. In the equal division, the Mo family cannot decide completely.

There can be no contradiction between these three forces. Even if the contradiction for survival is temporarily hidden, it will be fatal at the critical moment.

Chu Yi sighed: "The Mo family has a great cause, not only a lot of fairy lords, but also many descendants of the fairy king level. I am really happy for you. When you occupy this universe, the Mo family may have relied on it for so many years. A new immortal emperor will soon appear."

"Congratulations, congratulations."

Chu Yi showed his sincerity in his face, "I hope that the Mo family will not forget the heroes of these two families."

"Two, this is where I admire you. I would rather sacrifice myself and let the Mo family take the position."

"Yan Luoxian King, you don't have to provoke alienation, this trick, we still know." Nine demon queen charming smile.

"In front of survival, there is only justice." Wang Qiang insect sneered, his face showing disdain.

"It turns out that the two people are so kind and honest. I really admire them and treat people as sincerely as I do. That's the kid. I've been busy with business." Chu Yi made a fuss and didn't seem to say what he just said.

Buried Immortal Lord changed the subject, he had not been in contact with Chu Yi, but these few words are enough to prove the cunning of the other party.

"Yan Luoxian Wang, seated and asked you, how can I let my Mo family heads out?"

Chu Yi smiled and said, "It's very simple, there are three people alive in total, so let's put one person on one condition."

"tell me the story."

"First, the Lei Family's Blue Thunder Sister, he is the pinnacle Sister, I exchange it with you with Mo Yutian, this is very reasonable."

Buried Immortal Lord nodded and said, "Although we have lost some money, it is reasonable."

Chu Yi looked at the Queen of Nine Demon and the King of Thousand Insects, and found that they did not seem to have any opinions. Obviously, they did not lack the peak fairy.

"Second, you must not attack us within a hundred years."


Before the Bone Immortal Lord had spoken, the Queen of Nine Demon refused directly.

"Don't even think about it for a hundred years. No one knows. You are experiencing the emperor's calendar. One hundred years is enough for your generation to grow up completely. When the time comes, we want to overcome it and the price will be greater."

"What about eighty years?"


"Fifty years?"

"Senior Lord Yan Luo, it is impossible, we are not so cheated, ten years, at most ten years!" Qian Qiang insect king firmly said.

"Okay, ten years is ten years." Chu Yi hesitated for a while and agreed in embarrassment.

"In ten years, they can also be born a group of immortals... Thousand Tribulation Insect King." Queen Nine Demon said.

"Buried bone immortal lord, anyway, is a descendant of the immortal emperor. If they did not discover this side of the universe, I am afraid we have no hope of survival."

Qian Qiang insect king said, "The three Mo family are very important to the Mo family. We always have to give Mo family a little face. It is not good for us if we fail."

The Nine Demon Queen was silent.

"What about the third condition?" the Bone Bone Lord asked lightly.

"The third condition is even simpler. I still hope you can fight side by side with us and kill the imaginary creatures." Chu Yi laughed.

"Fighting side by side?" Master Bone Bone's voice was low, like an old-style blower, "Senior King Yan Luo, we have promised you two conditions before, and we have given you sincerity. Do you pervert us like this?"

"This condition seems simple, and there is no problem. The virtual world creatures are indeed the common enemy of our two universes."

"But don't forget one thing, whether it's us or the imaginary creatures, the threat to your universe is the same."

"Void creatures will kill you and devour the universe."

"And we, enslave or kill you, occupy your universe."

"For you, there is no difference between us and the imaginary creatures."

"Your conditions are clear, and you want us to fight with the imaginary creatures, and finally you sit down and collect the power of the fisherman."

Chu Yi pondered, frowning: "So, do you not agree?"

"Don't agree." The three opposite lords answered together.

"Then there is no way. Since you don't agree, all the first two conditions will be invalidated."

Chu Yi said directly, "Either you all agree to the three conditions, or all will be invalid."

The three demon queens, the bone-bearing lord, and the thousand robbery insects communicate in secret.

"The conditions are too harsh, Lord Bianxue, we can't really agree."

"I understand..." Master Bianxian said, "Three, I know you have opinions on my Mo family, but my Mo family is not just sitting and enjoying it. You were sacrificed before, this time, let My Mo family sacrificed."

"You want to give up the three tribes of your Mo family?"

"Give up!" The bone-bearing Immortal Lord said coldly, "In order to survive, for the sake of future generations, their sacrifice is worthwhile, and this time giving up will not affect our strength, but only the three Immortals."

"it is good!"

"I am really impressed by this burial master."

"Take up this side of the universe first, and then fight against the imaginary creatures. Now this group of imaginary creatures is not as powerful as it was then."

"It's just this King Yan Luo, I look so annoying." Qian Qiang insect king glanced at Chu Yi secretly.

Buried Immortal Lord said: "He is a swordman. Although he has not yet entered the Immortal Lord, his identity is a bit dangerous, and the other party can send him to negotiate to show that his status is quite high."

"Since he dares to come alone, we will capture him and threaten the monks of this universe, if they can be surrendered."

The three quickly decided.

Chu Yi arched his hand: "Since we can't talk, then we can only see you on the battlefield, three, there will be a period in the future."

"There will be a date?"

"Yan Luoxian King, since you are here, stay here."

Immortal Lord Buried suddenly shot, the million-foot-long Wanfa River was raging from one star to another, appearing behind Chu Yi.

Chu Yi only felt like he was carrying ten thousand mountains.

He snorted and the shadow of the lunar sun star burned, carrying a huge quicksand river.

"I am buried in the bones, our two sides can't negotiate, this is the rule, you even broke the rule." Chu Yi said angrily.

"Yan Luoxian King, you are too young. In front of life and death, you still believe in these childish rules. My sister teaches you a truth. Sometimes, I can't even believe the oath."

"However, you have refined Taiyin Sun Star, which seems to be the Emperor's Eye."

The Queen of Nine Demon smiled shyly, her claws suddenly soared, and various runes were intertwined, slapping down towards Chu Yi's front.

"You are in the realm of the fairy king, and you have the strength of a fairy lord. Even my Wanfa River can resist it. It seems that you must eradicate you today."

Chu Yi screamed loudly and spit out. The huge sword gas burst like lightning, hitting the claws of Queen Nine Demon Queen together.

"Good fellow, this kendo is so terrifying, and stronger, it can leave wounds on me."

"However, the stronger you are, the greater my interest is. A fairy king can be so powerful, what did you do?"

"You..." Chu Yi was about to speak, and suddenly the creeps appeared, and the King of Tribulation Insect had appeared behind him.

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