My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1543: Fifty years

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

"I have long wanted to compete with the swordmen of this universe."

Thousands of kings of insects exploded in a crisp sound, like millions of bombs exploding.

The sword-bearers of their universe are already dead, so they can only rely on themselves to become an emperor.

When Chu Yi turned around, it was a punch. On the side of the sun, there was a shock, and it combined with Chu Yi's fist. It was earth-shaking and hit the head of the insect king.

Hearing a "bang" loud noise, the worm king's huge body exploded, and black venom came to his face.

A part of it splashed on nearby stars, and a complete star suddenly dissolved and vaporized in an instant.

Chu Yi was shocked and quickly urged the cloudy sun star to guard himself.

"Yan Luoxian King, it's useless, today you have to stay anyway."

"You guys have figured out his means, let's just grab it." The figure of the bone-bearing fairy was unreal, and the voice came from all directions.

"I am indeed not your opponent, but it is impossible for you to stay with me."

Chu Yi grinned, and suddenly his body shrank rapidly, turning into Yuanying.

Yuan Ying stepped on the sword species, and with a swish, it broke through the shackles of the space and disappeared in front of the three people.

Immortal Lord Bone Bone, he thought to pursue the past quickly, but there was no trace.

"It’s my Mo family’s trick to hide the moon. I lost it that year, and then I got back a part through the Universe Administration. I only started to practice in the past few years, but I only practiced to the third level, and he has already cultivated to the fourth level. Now."

The fourth layer is incapability.

In other words, Chu Yi did not come from his deity at all, but his Yuanying, turned into flesh, and was already able to rely on Yuanying to fight.

Even Yuanying escaped faster, making it unpredictable.

"It's a pity..." The long body of the Thousand Tribune Insects moved out from the void inch by inch.

"No wonder he dares to come alone. It turns out that there are such life-saving means, buried bone fairy, your Mo family's hidden moon formula, put in his hands, it is too dangerous."

"It's okay!" Lord Bianxian waved his sleeve robe. "This method, escape is indeed very powerful, but in the war, he can't escape, he can only face."

"The strength of this universe, the level of weapons, my Mo family, already have a clear grasp, you don't have to be too afraid."

"Go back for now."

The three disappeared together.


"Boy, what the **** are you doing?" Chu Feifan asked in a hurry when he saw Chu Yiyuan Ying's return.

"Wait later, let's go to the veteran meeting first." Chu Yi was too late to explain, he flew into the void again, following the coordinates given by the old man, and going deeper.

The hall was majestic, and a beam of black light propped up the whole hall. Endless runes fell and suppressed the three Mo Yutian in front of the hall.

Mo Yutian looked relaxed, although he was a prisoner, he still looked around.

"Soon, you will have to let me leave in person. This feeling is really good." Mo Yutian laughed.

"Mo Yutian, don't be too arrogant. Believe it or not, I will blow your head directly." Ju Ling fairy king shouted.

This time, not only the celestial lords, but even the chiefs of more than a hundred shrines, gathered here, and looked at the three with anger, reaching their limit.

They never imagined that they and others would be destroyed in the hands of the Mo family. They would rather die in the hands of the imaginary creatures in the future.

"Everyone, I'm back." Chu Yi stepped into the hall.

"how is it?"

"What happened to your negotiations."

All the fairy lords and fairy kings are all waiting to see.

They did not even know the conditions under which Chu Yi negotiated.

Chu Yi came to Mo Yutian and said, "Master Mo, I gave you three conditions..."

"First, I want to change the Blue Thunder Lord back."

"Second, no war can be launched against us within ten years."

"Third, join me in fighting against the virtual creatures..."

The first two conditions are okay, but the third condition, including Di Ye and others, are all stunned.

"Mr. Chu, are you negotiating, your third condition, no matter how you think, they cannot accept it."


"The Mo family will not be so dull."

Everyone was puzzled.

Chu Yi shrugged: "So, it's a talk."

"Talk about collapse?"

"Yan Luo Xianwang, you can't be so irresponsible, this is a big deal, not a child's play, we give it to you, trust you." The patriarch of the Frostwolf family scolded.

"No!" Mo Ditian instantly understood and asked, "Chu Yan, you are not negotiating. You never thought of negotiating. This third condition is impossible for anyone to accept."

Chu Yi exclaimed: "Mo Ditian, you are still smart."

"Everyone, I don’t really negotiate. All negotiations are fake. I have never thought of negotiating with them or letting people go. So, Mo Yutian, Mo Ditian, Mo Invincible , You still die of that heart."

"Mr. Chu Yan, where did you act and put us?" a fairy king asked.

"Quiet, let him go on." Heavenly Immortal Lord stood up and suppressed the audience. There were nearly forty Immortal Lords here, more than a hundred Kings Peak Immortal King, finally quieted down.

Heavenly Immortal Lord's seniority is too high, from the beginning of the Universe Authority, he has appeared, until today.

"The reason why I don't want to negotiate is because I can't talk."

"This is not a simple enemy, but a life and death involving two universes."

Chu Yi said, "However, I went there again and saw the three pinnacle lords."

He briefly said these situations.

"The other party is not a monolithic one. This is our opportunity. Of course we are not a monolithic one, but at this time we are weak, so we will be more united than them."

"The second point, regarding the condition I put forward, is very important. I first proposed it for a hundred years, and they immediately refused it, and after 80 years, it also immediately refused."

"For the next fifty years, they refused because of a moment."

"In the end, it gave me a decade."

Mo Yutian looked funny at Chu Yi and said, "What conclusion do you want to draw?"

"The conclusion is very simple." Chu Yi looked directly at each other. "Your universe will surely perish within a hundred years, or the virtual world creatures will come to our universe within a hundred years."

"More precisely, in 80 years, these two things are likely to happen at the same time."

Mo Yutian held back, no expression on his face.

"In the end, they gave me a period of ten years, which means that ten years solved our side of the universe, then there is still time to restore some strength, to transform this universe into your hometown, and then fight against the virtual World creatures."

"Ten years, your time is more than enough."

"Fifty years, your time will be very urgent."

"This also means that as long as we drag it for fifty years, then the enemy will be guilty. For about eighty years, the enemy, their universe will be annihilated, and the enemy will be unsubstantiated. We only need to fight the virtual world with all our strength. Souls."

Mo Yutian was speechless, he only felt that the person in front of him was too evil.

He put forward a lot of conditions, basically to confuse the audience and make their ancestors think that the other party is really negotiating.

Who knows, Chu Yan is to spy on the enemy.

"After fifty years, the Mo family and they have to join us to fight against the imaginary creatures. If it is dragged to eighty years, we will win."

There was a fairy murmured, his face bright, and soon dimmed again.

"Fifty years, how do we hold each other for fifty years, according to the situation of attacking the three major forces, they know that they have at least six peak fairy lords."


Chu Yi smiled slightly: "Then you have to ask the heavenly celestial lord, I think there must be a way for seniors."

Tianlin Immortal Lord looked at Chu Yi and said with a smile: "I am an old man who is about to die, King Yan Luoxian, don't expect too much from me."


Lord Tianlin stood up.

"I really had an intersection with Immortal Emperor at the time. He founded the Universe Authority and the hall in one hand, in order to prevent us from disaster in times of embarrassment."

"This hall is a magic weapon?"

Everyone was horrified. They never thought about it. This was created by the fairy emperor.

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