My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1544: it's all my fault

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Chu Yi smiled.

Heavenly Immortal Lord, able to sit in the Universe Administration, how could there be no means, and even his identity will not be so ordinary, but everyone is accustomed to it.

When Chu Yi first came, he felt weird. Heavenly Immortal Master, not even Peak Immortal Master, became the leader of the Presbyterian Church. You know, there is another hidden Peak Emperor in the universe, even There are still a few people who are more powerful than Celestial Master.

The strength is not top, and there is no power behind it, then it means that there are special means.

"Little slippery head..." Lord Tianlin looked at Chu Yi and scolded.

His eyes are crimson, looking at the hall.

"I hadn't seen him when the fairy emperor died. This was the immortal emperor's stay a long time ago."

"Get up!"


The whole hall is supported by a black beam. Now the black beam suddenly disappears, and the hall is like a huge cover.

Above the heads of the people, stars flickered, and the original universe management would be branded. At this moment, they began to twist and twist, and they were completely sunken, with various patterns engraved in them.

The hall took off and was vast, and everyone felt only that an endless sense of oppression had struck, as if the real sky had collapsed.

Everyone just felt dazzled and their consciousness began to be chaotic.

"What structure is this, why have I never seen..."

Earth Master horrifiedly said, "Even if it is the Immortal Emperor, the magic weapon he created should be our own universe, but these inscriptions, this art-like technique, I have no impression at all."

The Immortal Emperor is powerful, but what he created must be based. Many of the Immortal Lords present can see some of these mysteries, but this magic tool makes them puzzled.

"Is it..."

Chu Yi's pupil shrank.

There is no such kind of magic weapon in his own universe. Looking at the faces of several people in Mo Yutian, it is definitely not from the Mo family universe.

Chu Yi thought of the brand-new universe subconsciously. Perhaps at that time, the Emperor Emperor had been there and learned the forging technique of that universe.

"I don't know. The immortal emperor gave me this magic weapon and said nothing."

Tianlin Immortal Lord smiled and said, "There is no name for this magic weapon. Later, I named him Xianfan Temple."

"Xianfan Temple?"

"Yes, here, the person who uses the magic weapon is an immortal, and the trapped person is an ordinary, and the strength will be extremely terrible."

"The Immortal Realm will be suppressed and only 80% of its strength will be suppressed. The Peak Immortal King may be suppressed to the strength of ordinary Immortal Kings."

"And this hall has a terrible range of influence, which can cover half of the star field."

"Of course, the larger the range, the worse his effect."

"Ha ha ha, what kind of magic weapon I thought it was just such a poor magic weapon, do you really think of him as a treasure?" Suddenly, Mo Yutian laughed and looked like crazy.

"The strongest of our universe, even if all trapped by this magic weapon, can easily crush you."

Everyone looked serious and did not refute, in fact, it is.

This immortal palace seems powerful, but it has not reached the level of shock. If it is only a small-scale war, it is okay, but this time, it is a war between two universes.

"That depressed place." Only Chu Yi looked at that place. "Senior Tianlin, that place seems to be missing something."

Everyone was shocked, and then they looked at the past and thought a little.

Tianlin Immortal Master said, "It is true. I asked the Immortal Emperor at that time, but he didn't tell me. Until later, I saw Taiyin Sun Star, and then I realized that the blank place needs what is Taiyin Sun Star, also known as Emperor Eye!"

"Once installed, this hall is estimated to be able to suppress the fairy master to only half of its strength, and the peak fairy king is even more miserable, afraid that it is only the strength of the first entered fairy king."

"This..." Mo Yutian was stupid, Mo Ditian took a deep breath, his eyes full of worry.

If this is the case, then their army, in the first meeting, is likely to be killed by a large part.

"Taiyin Sun Star? It turns out that this way, this Xianfan Temple is extremely terrifying. The first shot, it can definitely kill each other."

"Yan Luo Fairy King, you have refined Taiyin Sun Star, and your strength is strong, and Yuanying has also practiced the invincible method. It is more appropriate for you to control this Xianfan Temple." Master Tianlin laughed.

This is a big killer, but if there is no lunar sun star, the effect will be less than half. Fortunately, the lunar sun star is born again.

"That..." Chu Yi touched the back of the head and felt it was necessary to explain.

"I didn't refine Taiyin Sun Star. This star was split into Taiyin Star and Sun Star, and then evolved two forging methods. I just learned one of them, so I can use the power of Tai Yin Sun Star. In fact, This star is in the hands of my friend."


Inside the hall, there was silence, and a group of fairy lords and fairy kings all looked at Chu Yi inconceivably.

Is this man crazy?

Without refining the natal stars, wouldn't it cut off his way to becoming an celestial lord? No wonder he hadn't achieved celestial lord before the vision appeared.

"Hahaha, this is really a joke, King Yan Luo, you have broken your own way, it's so funny, your swordsman in this universe is too stupid." Mo Yutian from the shock of Xianfan Temple Recalling God, mockingly said.

Chu Yi just glanced at him lightly and said with a smile: "You don't have to worry about it. The reason why I didn't refine the lunar sun star is because I have a better choice."

"What other options are there for us, the universe, some of the most powerful celestial bodies, that is, the degree of the lunar sun star, you kid... I'm so mad..." Dadi jumped up from the conference table, Anxiously corrupted.

"Grandpa, please be calm."

"I...I really want to kill you now, do you feel restless?"

"I just refined a little bit of origin."

"The source is not good, and there is no overcast sun star powerful..."


"Origin!" Di Ye said, his face changed greatly.

"Yeah, I was already imprinted on the origin in the realm of supremacy, and then began to refine the origin in the realm of the fairy king. Unfortunately, there is only a little, and because the power of the origin is too strong, I can't be a fairy lord. ,Hey……"

Everyone was sluggish, Mo Yutian and three people were petrified in place.

Refining a little bit of origin, this is simply a fantasy, and even the peak fairy can not do this step.

But the thought of King Chu Yan's strength seems to be understood by everyone.

If it weren't for refining the source, what kind of fairy king could challenge the crushing of the fairy lord.

This is too abnormal.

Moreover, this "hey", how to hear how harsh.

Chu Yi sighed again, and was annoyed: "Seniors, I'm so embarrassed, because I'm useless, so I just learned a little."

"I don't even enter the Immortal Lord now. I can't compare to the geniuses on the Star Wars list. I must strive hard."

"Unfortunately, the source is too powerful, I really only refine it a little bit."

"The war is coming, and I am still so weak that I cannot share the worries of the seniors. This is my fault."

After Chu Yi raised his head, he saw a group of people staring at themselves dullly.

He couldn't help but be more annoyed: "Everyone, it's my fault, it's all my fault."

Di Ye opened his mouth, and then he was furious: "Come here, drag this guy out, I don't want to see such an arrogant person again."

"I'm heartbroken..." Lord Julian held his chest. "No, my heart is in the abdomen."

"I want to squeeze this kid's head, he deliberately shows off." Master Ni Fengxian gritted his teeth.

It's so ridiculous!

"Our destiny refining the natal stars is to get a little contact with the source, but he is better, directly refining the source..."

"The most important thing is... to return to his mother's success, go to his uncle."

"Asshole boy!" an old lady cursed, but her eyes were full of smiles.

Chu Yi was relieved.

Heavenly Immortal Lord looked at him with relief.

The reason why Chu Yi chose to expose at this time is to improve morale.

The atmosphere in the conference room was relaxed a lot. Although everyone was scolding, their eyes were already full of hope.

As long as there is hope, they will have the motivation to fight.

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